
Chp14: Ambush.

While maintaining our guards, we kept walking inside the forest, as every step we took, the path got darker and darker.

"Okay everyone keep your eyes wide open we don't want anything to sneak up on us understood." Said the Commander.

"Yes sir!" shouted everyone in sync.

We continued walking for what felt like five hours when one of the soldiers shouted.

"Sir! look I found something!" he said as he stood in front of a tree.

We all gathered up to see that the front of the tree was burned and dissolved as if someone had sprayed high quantity of sulfur onto it.

"Looks like we are getting close, everyone look around to see what you can find that might help us locate which direction it may have went in.

As the commander ordered we began searching the area, I was looking around the bushes when I got an idea. I looked around just to make sure no one was watching and then began concentrating, ever since I had 'evolved', all of my previous skills had transformed from peak human to anomalous version, because of this they were much more potent and powerful.

After a brief moment of concentration, I expelled a small, weak amount of anomalous energy into my surrounding, luckily it was too faint to be noticed by my comrades.

The AE was expanding when it suddenly came stop, I was instantly alerted of the creatures location.

"Sir, I hear something this way." I lied.

"But I didn't hear anything." Said one of the soldiers.

"Trust me....I have great senses." I said as I stood up.

We slowly walked forward, we reached two small trees which were cutting our path so we had them down, just as the second tree fell down, everyone gasped at what in front of them.

It was a large dirt place with no trees, however what shocked us what was in the dirt place.

There lying on the ground was to bloodied corpse what appears of a grotesque cross between a chicken and human.

The thing was placed carefully on a large demonic symbol on the ground made of blood.

"Uhhh, sir please tell me this is not what we think it is." said one of the soldiers.

The commander walked closely to the 'thing' and inspected it.

"Sorry soldiers this thing is covered in bullet holes." The commander said.

Suddenly I heard a faint click behind me and then the ear shattering sound of a machine gun.

"IT'S A TRA-" One of the guys screamed but he met by the fury of the gunfire, his torn corpse falls down to the floor with a sickening thud.

Then the sound of gunfire could be heard everywhere.

And soon their was Chaos.