
SCP: "The Rise of The Administrator"

Léonard Dumont, a 16-year-old French teenager and geek of the SCP Foundation's myths, one day receives a notification on his computer from the SCP Foundation Management System. His duty is to build the SCP Foundation has The Administrator of the Foundation. This story is a mix of several canons of the Foundation. Mix everything with our own real world to add a weight of realism to all this. This is my very first story, I hope you will enjoy it and I am open to all criticism and comments.

phamtom3000 · 科幻
73 Chs

Chapter 49: Battle of the Black Forest - Part 7

Chapter 49: Battle of the Black Forest - Part 7

The Administrator, strode confidently to Lina's side, his presence commanding and unwavering. He extended his hand toward her, a subtle yet powerful invitation. "Shall we dance?" he asked, his voice calm yet carrying an undercurrent of steely resolve. 

Lina felt her cheeks flush, caught off guard by the unexpected question. The intense battles of the past hours had hardened her, but this moment—a simple gesture—momentarily broke through her defenses. 

The Leader, fused with his monstrous form, snarled in fury as he realized what was happening. "Enough of this insolence!" he roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield. His rage was palpable, a dark energy radiating from his twisted form.

Lina, shaking off her initial surprise, gripped Léonard's hand firmly. There was no time for hesitation. The battlefield was theirs now, and they had an enemy to face. The two of them, despite the odds, would stand together against the looming horror before them.

With a fierce cry, the Leader charged, his monstrous appendages whipping through the air as he launched himself toward them. But Lina and Léonard were ready. Together, they moved in unison, their combined powers creating a swirling vortex of energy that clashed against the dark magic of the Leader.

Lina felt the adrenaline surge through her veins as she followed Léonard's lead. His presence beside her was a stabilizing force, grounding her in the chaos of the fight. She could feel the power of SCP-066-DE coursing through the Administrator, the ancient spells within the book being unleashed with precision and deadly intent.

The battlefield around them was a blur of movement and energy. Sparks flew as spells collided, and the ground trembled under the weight of the intense magical combat. The Leader's rage fueled his attacks, each strike more powerful than the last, but Lina and Léonard moved as one, countering his every move.

The dance was fierce, deadly, and relentless. Every step was a calculated move, every spell cast with perfect timing. Lina unleashed her Sarkic abilities, her tentacles lashing out to deflect the Leader's attacks while Léonard wielded the book's spells with masterful precision. The two of them formed a formidable duo, their strengths complementing each other in a deadly symphony of combat.

The Leader, despite his overwhelming power, began to falter under the relentless onslaught. He roared in frustration, his form distorting and writhing as he struggled to maintain control. But Lina and Léonard pressed on, their resolve unshakable.

As the battle raged on, the sky darkened with the gathering storm of magic. The air crackled with energy, and the ground beneath them was scorched and torn from the intensity of the fight. Despite the odds, Lina felt a surge of hope. They were pushing the Leader back, step by step, and though the battle was far from over, they were holding their ground.

But the Leader was not done yet. With a furious cry, he summoned a massive surge of dark energy, preparing for a final, devastating attack. The ground shook as he channeled all his power into one last, desperate move.

Lina and Léonard braced themselves, knowing that this would be the defining moment. The energy around them reached a fever pitch, and for a split second, time seemed to stand still. Then, with a deafening roar, the Leader unleashed his full power, sending a massive wave of destructive energy toward them.

But Lina and Léonard were ready. In a synchronized move, they unleashed their own combined power, a blinding wave of light and energy that met the Leader's attack head-on. The collision of forces created a shockwave that rippled across the battlefield, the sheer force of it threatening to tear everything apart.

As the dust settled from the massive clash, a terrifying roar pierced the silence. The Leader emerged from the smoke, his body grotesquely immense, pulsing with a newfound and horrific power. His tentacles, now even more monstrous, whipped across the battlefield, consuming the corpses left behind by the retreating Foundation forces. With each body absorbed, the Leader grew stronger, his dark energy swelling to an overwhelming level. 

Lina and Léonard, once formidable, now found themselves utterly outmatched by the Leader's newfound power. His strength was beyond anything they had anticipated, and the tide of battle had turned sharply against them. The battlefield, which had moments ago been a place of hope, was now a scene of utter despair as the Leader's twisted form loomed over them, casting a shadow of impending doom.

Lina, her heart pounding in her chest, glanced at Léonard. For the first time, she saw a flicker of concern in his eyes, though it was quickly masked by his usual stoic expression. The sheer intensity of the Leader's power was suffocating, and for a moment, it seemed as though the darkness would consume them both.

The Leader's voice boomed across the battlefield, dripping with venom and malice. "You cannot hope to stand against me now! I am power incarnate! I am the end of all things!" His tentacles lashed out, striking with such speed and force that Lina and Léonard were forced to retreat, barely avoiding being crushed or torn apart.

Lina's mind raced as she struggled to find a way to counter this terrifying force. Her Sarkic abilities, once formidable, felt insignificant in the face of such overwhelming darkness. She could feel the exhaustion creeping in, her body aching from the relentless combat. Yet, she knew she couldn't give up—not when so much was at stake.

Léonard, gripping SCP-066-DE tightly, began to flip through its pages, desperately searching for a spell that could turn the tide. His mind was a whirl of calculations, strategies, and plans, but each one seemed more futile than the last as the Leader continued to grow in power, his form now towering over the battlefield like a demonic colossus.

The Leader, sensing their desperation, laughed, a deep, rumbling sound that echoed with pure evil. "You are nothing! Insects to be crushed beneath my heel!" He swung his massive arm, sending a wave of dark energy crashing towards them. Lina and Léonard barely had time to raise a shield, the force of the attack sending them skidding backward across the ruined ground.

As they regrouped, the reality of their situation began to sink in. The Leader was no longer a foe they could defeat through sheer force. His power had grown beyond anything they could have prepared for, and now, they were on the defensive, struggling just to survive.

Lina, her breath coming in ragged gasps, looked up at the Leader, her resolve hardening. She wouldn't let this monster win. She wouldn't let all they had fought for be destroyed by this creature's insatiable hunger for power. But as she prepared to launch another attack, she couldn't shake the feeling of hopelessness that gnawed at the edges of her mind.

And still, the Leader pressed on, his attacks relentless, his power unstoppable. The battlefield had become a nightmare, and Lina and Léonard were trapped in the center of it, fighting with every ounce of strength they had left, but knowing in their hearts that they were rapidly running out of time.

The Leader's voice thundered across the battlefield, resonating with a sinister intensity that sent shivers through everyone present. His form, now a towering abomination, seemed to pulse with the malevolent energy that filled the air, suffocating all hope.

"Behold the power of the flesh, the truth of Sarkicism!" he bellowed, his voice a blend of triumph and rage. "Your world, your civilization, is nothing but a fleeting illusion-a fragile construct built on the lie of order. I am the harbinger of the true order, the ancient path of ascension through consumption. The weak shall feed the strong, as it has always been, and as it shall always be!"

He extended a hand, his fingers warping into grotesque tendrils that writhed in the air, hungry for more life to absorb. "I will consume this world, every soul, every drop of blood, until nothing remains but the truth of my power. The flesh is eternal, ever-changing, ever-growing. Through it, I shall transcend this mortal plane and become something beyond your comprehension, a god of flesh and bone!"

His eyes, burning with dark energy, swept across the battlefield, taking in the fear and despair that had gripped his enemies. "You, pathetic beings of the Foundation, you who cling to your false sense of righteousness, are nothing more than cattle awaiting slaughter! You seek to protect the weak, but you only delay the inevitable. In the end, all shall be consumed, all shall be part of me!"

The ground trembled as he took a step forward, his massive form causing the earth to crack beneath his feet. "And once I have consumed this world, I will move on, spreading my influence, my power, to every corner of the universe. The cosmos will be my feast, and I shall devour it all, until there is nothing left but the pure, raw essence of life, fueling my ascension!"

He raised his arms, and the sky seemed to darken, as if the very heavens were recoiling in fear of his power. "Bow before me, Administrator, and know that your resistance is futile. You are but a speck in the grand design of the flesh. Join me, or be consumed like all the rest!"

The Leader's voice dropped to a menacing whisper, yet it carried with it the weight of an unstoppable force. "This world is mine, and you, like all others, will be nothing more than fuel for my eternal flame."

Leonard's voice, dripping with derision, sliced through the tense silence of the battlefield, aimed squarely at the monstrous figure looming above. "Is this it?" he began, his tone a dangerous mix of scorn and amusement. "Is this the peak of your vaunted Sarkicism? To consume, to rot, to gorge yourself on the weak and call it strength? You twist the world into a perverse mockery of itself and dare to call it power."

The battlefield fell deathly still, every ear attuned to Leonard's words as they reverberated through the air. He paced slowly, his gaze locked on the massive form of the leader, who watched him with eyes blazing with fury. "Your power," Leonard continued, "is nothing but a parasite's—feeding on the helpless, thriving on the misery you sow. You call yourself a conqueror, but all you are is a coward, hiding behind your grotesque rituals and stolen life. True power... true strength lies not in devouring the weak but in protecting them from abominations like you."

A low, rumbling growl emanated from the leader, his rage palpable, but Leonard remained unperturbed. He paused, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to deliver the final blow. "You believe you're the apex predator, the pinnacle of evolution. But you're just another beast, too blind to see the trap you've walked into. The Foundation doesn't exist for power or control. We exist to maintain the balance, to protect what remains of this world from monsters like you."

The leader let out a furious bellow, his massive form quaking with wrath as Leonard's words struck home. But Leonard only smirked, his expression one of cold confidence as he pointed to the sky. "You're hungry, aren't you? So eager to consume, so desperate to fill that endless void within you. Well, I've got just the thing to satisfy that insatiable appetite of yours."

The battlefield held its collective breath, the tension mounting as Leonard let the moment stretch. Then, with a wicked grin, he delivered the coup de grâce and pointed his finger to the sky. "I call it... the Nuke."

Gasps of shock and horror rippled through the ranks as heads turned skyward. Far above, a bomber had breached the cloud cover, its payload already released, plummeting toward the earth with terrifying inevitability. The leader's eyes widened, the realization of Leonard's plan dawning too late.

In a fluid motion, Leonard wrapped an arm around Lina's waist, pulling her close. "Time to go," he murmured softly, his voice carrying a note of urgency. Before Lina could fully comprehend what was happening, Leonard raised his hand, raising his middle finger toward the enraged leader below. "Bon appétit," he spat, his voice dripping with mockery.

In an instant, they were gone, reappearing six kilometers away atop a ridge that overlooked the battlefield. As they landed, the world around them seemed to pause, time holding its breath. Then, the horizon exploded in a blinding flash of light. The ground trembled violently beneath their feet, and a thunderous roar rolled across the landscape, a cataclysmic crescendo of destruction that left nothing in its wake.

Lina clung to Leonard, her heart pounding in her chest as the shockwave washed over them. The air was thick with the scent of ozone and burning earth, the aftermath of the nuclear strike hanging heavy in the air. But Leonard remained calm, his eyes fixed on the rising mushroom cloud in the distance, a dark silhouette against the glowing sky.

He watched the devastation with a mixture of grim satisfaction and quiet resolve. "There," he said softly, almost to himself. "That's the strength of humanity—the power to create and to destroy, to forge a future and to erase the past. You thought you could consume the world, but in the end, the world consumed you."

The words hung in the air, a final, bitter truth as the last echoes of the explosion faded into the night.