
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · 奇幻言情
101 Chs

The Assignment | Part 5

Callista's eyes were twinkling as she stared at the perfectly cooked steak in front of her to behold.

"So, what are your questions Ana?" Emperor Allister asked "Oh, we were told to write an essay about myths so we went to the Capital today but it seems like not everyone has a clue." Anastasia said when Callista covered her nose again.

"What's the problem?" Denovan asked "It's that foul smell again" she complained "How rude. Are you implying that my palace is not well taken care of?" Emperor Allister asked, obviously displeased with her words.

"That's unusual. You've been smelling that since we arrived here. Are you okay?" Anastasia said trying to lessen the tension.

"I'm sorry for my insensitive words Your Majesty" Callista said as her eyes landed on the brooch that the Emperor is wearing.

"May I ask where you got that brooch?" she asked, shamlessly "That's from my mother" Anastasia answered when she noticed that her Father was displeased.

"Why are you asking such questions?" he asked so Callista smiled "Because it was pretty" she said and waved her hand in the air as if she was getting rid of the smell as she was now able to breathe properly.

Ivan cleared his throat "As we were saying. She was asking about the myth of The World's Protectors" he said while slicing the food to get rid of the tense atmosphere.

"The World's Protectors? That was well known before they vanished, right?" Emperor Allister said as the Grand Duke nodded "There was a book about it?" Anastasia asked so he nodded.

"I remember seeing it first at Brazen's" Allister said "My Father?" Ivan asked so the two men nodded.

"Even before, that Father of yours has been collecting things that he finds interesting, and that book was one of those, but I'm sure he had already forgotten about that so it is no use in asking him" Duke Alexander said with a shrug.

"What do you mean by before they vanished Grand Duke? Do you mean they have existed?" Denovan asked so the two men looked at each other.

"You can say that" Duke Alexander said with a nod "Have you seen one Father?" Anastasia asked with so much interest "Of course. We had a friend who was a protector long ago, he even became a servant of Alexander" Emperor Allister said so all of them looked at the Duke.

"Protectors are rather protective beings. They pick who they want to be loyal to and carves an insignia onto your body to show that this is their master. That man was like that, unfortunately, a lot of things happened so he had to leave the Kingdom." Duke Alexander said.

"Really? Then can you show us the insignia Uncle?" Ivan asked, eager to see as the Duke unbuttoned his collar to show a tattoo on his collar bone

"Wow. I have never seen that insignia before" Ivan said, completely amused "According to him, every protector has a different enigma that they carve to show their possession. Although they can only pick one master to serve for the rest of their lives so they had to choose carefully" he said.

"I...I recently had a tattoo on my body like that" Ignis suddenly said "Really? Since when?" Denovan asked in surprise "Can I look at it Ignis?" Duke Alexander asked so Ignis pulled his sleeve up to show the holy cross tattooed on his wrist.

"Have you recently met someone strong?" Duke Alexander asked as Ignis fixed his sleeve "How is that possible if I'm in the Academy all day?" he asked back.

"Then where did you get that?" Ivan asked as Ignis shrugged "I only noticed it while taking a bath" he said "That's weird.." Duke Alexander mumbled.

"Remember the story I used to tell you about our family situation years ago Ana?" Emperor Allister asked so Anastasia nodded with furrowed brows.

"Yes, what about it Father?" she asked in confusion "That protector fought in battle as one of your Uncle's men that led us to victory" he said.

"I understand but is it okay for you to tell us all that? Isn't it supposed to be confidential?" Anastasia said so the Emperor smiled.

"Of course not. There's nothing to be kept hidden from my daughter." he said before his eyes landed on Callista as his smile slowly disappears "Your name is Callista Alberts, right?" he asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty" she replied with a smile "I'm sorry, to be frank about this but I dislike you to be around my daughter" he said and Callista could completely understand his words.

Saying all of the Imperial Family secrets while an outsider was on the table was already unusual for her, it was telling her that if one word about this conversation comes out she was the only one going to be suspected.

The Emperor was warning her about this and that she has to know her place.

Hearing the Emperor's provocation, Callista remained smiling "Then I'll wholeheartedly accept the Emperor's dislike" she said like it was the most beautiful thing to receive that had them speechless.

After Callista said those words, the Emperor smiled and finally dismissed them as Ivan teleported them back to the Capital.

"What was that for Callista? I know you are rude but you can't act like that in front of my Father." Anastasia said with wide eyes as Callista scoff.

"You don't expect me to do that, do you?" she said and rolled her eyes "I admire that bravery of yours, Callista. No one would've dared to even talk back to the Emperor" Denovan said with a smile.

"Thank you Denovan" she said with a smile "We won't even get shocked if you get executed with that attitude of yours" Ivan said while shaking his head while Ignis silently stared.

"Whatever. I don't have the remaining hope for you" Anastasia said with a tired sigh "By the way, you boys stay here, Callista and I will buy something for a minute." she said.

"Why can't we come along Lady Ana?" Denovan asked in confusion "And why me out of everyone else?" Callista also asked with furrowed brows "Just stay put" Anastasia said and pulled Callista away.


In the end, she was only pulled towards a book shop "Why do we need to leave the boys if you are only going to buy books?" Callista asked while they walked back to where they left the men.

"Isn't it obvious? It's embarrassing to buy romance novels in front of them especially when it's about commoners and noblemen. Do you think Denovan would even let me go if I hadn't pulled you with me?" she asked and rolled her eyes.

"By the way, how did your mother die?" Callista randomly asked as Anastasia turned to her with wide eyes "Seriously, I don't know how you can ask questions like that without even blinking" she said.

"Just answer my question" Callista said, impatiently "My Mom died from childbirth. Now that you mentioned it, did you see the palace beside the Garden we teleported in? That was my Mother's palace and she was the one taking care of that rose garden before." Anastasia explained.

"No wonder..." she muttered as she did see that black aura in the Emperor's brooch "Are you sure your Mom died from childbirth?" she asked again.

"What do you mean by that?" Anastasia asked with furrowed brows "I mean, what if your Mom died not because of childbirth but because of something else. I'm sensitive to-" she stopped walking when she noticed that Anastasia became quiet.

It was unusual, she is rather talkative when she didn't like something especially when they are talking about her dead mother.

"Anastasia?" she called and turned to her back to see she was gone "Anastasia!" she called again and searched the crowd when someone suddenly covered her mouth from behind.

She was about to fight back but she suddenly felt her head ached all of a sudden as her eyes weighed more than they should as she fights for consciousness.

Then her mind suddenly went blank as her eyes finally closed.