

Skylers on a blink of war within their own city against their arch nemesis Mountainers they have come in need of attaining their most ulterior superficial weapon the scepter of lineage, The only instrument which can be held and activated on the hands of emperors descendants of the throne, true rulers. Problem arises to find that scepter which as myth of ages have it, of it being lost years back after unfriendly encounter with People on earth. Irina Kishov rising of age elemental appointed with the task of finding their city’s lost treasure, with a minimum ultimatum and vague details of its information’s, will she be able to push the odds to her favour and saving the city from fighting a gruesome war??

ANOLD_C · 奇幻言情
19 Chs

CHAPTER ONE: Skyler City

Part 1:

The hall was large and round, its ceiling highly raised by Chinese dragon grafted gray marble pillars. Its well furnished floors covered in Brown tiles, in front of the hall there was a throne set at high ground with few set of stairs. its arms were covered in gold and the back was covered in red cushion. The windows in the hall had long thick curtain Red in color, it was a throne room. From one and only corrridor on the side leading into the hall, echo of steps could be heard coming into the hall accompanied with ongoing conversation.

"lord the enemies have already broken the bolder lines troops." Voice was heard.

Then appeared a man in his early old age's maybe sixties, he had a round face and mushy beard covering around his mouth leaving his thin pink lips on display, his eyes sparkled with life despite of his age. He had on red cloak with gold crown decorated in crystal gems on his bald head.

Closely behind followed another man nearly of the same age, his face was long and thin with a goatee, his light brown eyes had a sparkle hinting a mint of ferocity and his deep brown hair reaching shoulder length. He walked liking of a soldier in his waist carried a sword on its sheath.

"Send in more troops in the bolder line to allow movement of citizens present around those areas into the city." Lord Vincent spoke his voice deep and set which was different from his jolly face and calm colored stormy eyes.

"By sending in more troops that leaves our city unprotected and easily penetrable from the-"

"Haven't you heard me general? Our citizens at the boulder…my citizens are the ones facing terror right now from those barbarians. So I would like to ensure their safety first before the commencing of your tactical moves." Lord vince sharply cut off general's pleas before he finished.

"Apologies my lord for speaking out of turn." General apologized humbly then slowly went on, "if only we could fetch the country's instrument, I am sure this disturbance would be done within hours."

Lord Vincent abruptly stopped as if he had been slapped at the back, then turned to watch his general with curious and inquisitive eyes, general bowed his head a little.

"You mean the scepter one lost thousands of years ago?" He questioned in mild tone.

"Yes my lord." General replied in quiet voice staring his lord direct in the eyes, Lord Vincent broke into a loud laughter.

"You must be crazy or this attacks have already worn you down. To search for the scepter, can it get any presumptuous?" he spoke shaking his head unbelieving the idea suggested by his general.

"My lord the scepter existed long before any of us, and even now it still does exists. But since the gates have been closed and some being destroyed during the pre-world war there down on earth, that is the only reason of why we could not retrieve it ages ago." general told to him.

"And how would we retrieve it then, if our gates have been destroyed?" He inquired.

"Some of the gates to transport our people back from earth are still present though dormant, but for the teleportation down there we would need to use the time tower." General then stopped, then went on slowly, "for it's the only perfect machine that can find fracture through time and space and making it possible to create a key hole to throw a person down on earth."

This information was only known to military regents and not handed to parliaments of leaders, believing it wasn't important to retrieve the scepter. For affairs of the states went on swiftly without any causalities in the linage of their monarchy, after he gave the information general remained silent observing his lord as he processed it.

One of the quality which made general to hold lord Vincent in high regard was his ability of maintaining a poker face, you could give him unknown even disastrous piece of information and he would receive it calmly as if he was aware of it all along, they disagreed in many occasions but both of them did care of the matters about their state deeply, from their own different perspective of things.

"Even so, it would take months to years finding it and I don't think it's a good idea sending a squad down to earth in such a time of crisis like this." Lord Vincent showed doubts on general's plan, then he turned and continued with his pace.

"What if we don't have to send a whole squad, what if we only need one elemental.'' General corrected.

"You mean hunter?" he questioned scratching his beards, the golden ring in index finger glinting in the lights of the room. "Mmh, it's not a bad idea you have already someone in particular?" By then lord Vincent had reached his throne.

"Yes my lord only one in particular. '' General stopped at the bottom of stairs ascending to the throne watching his lord climbing the stairs. After he had settled on his throne lord Vincent looked down to his general.

"Say his name then." Lord Vincent spoke looking at his general intensively.

"It is not he my Lord it is she and her name is Irina kishov." General replied with bit of fondness.