
Scarred Soul

Pamela Inkoom has always dreamt of moving from the hell of a family she was in, hoping that she could be saved one day by her Prince Charming. So when an arranged suitor from abroad came knocking she grabbed it in hopes that she was finally saved but little did she know the kind of treatments that awaited her. If only she could've seen the future, she would've stayed where she belonged.

Beaulyne_Dawnlove · 现代言情
16 Chs

Chapter 8

Three years later.

It had been three years since Gideon left and I haven't heard from him. I wondered why he couldn't just call me or at least just once letting me know he was okay. I worried so much. I couldn't go to his house to ask, cause I didn't know his family members. Even though dad worked with Mr Ability, I'd never met the man, I just heard his name.

For the past year dad was barely home. He never really came home, he's always giving one excuse or the other. My stepmom was concerned but she couldn't really complain. It's dad we are talking about here, she was scared just as much as she was livid.

My phone was taken away from me because 'someone' accused me of using it inappropriately so all hopes of Gideon ever contacting me was lost and thrown out the window.


I remember it like it was just yesterday.

I had just arrived from school late. We had extra lessons to revise all we had learned cause our BECE exams was close.

[Basic education certificate examination]

It was an exams of junior high school for an entrance to high school, which was extra 3 years. Which I was pretty much excited for. Cause I got to choose my school. And I was hoping to choose the furtherest from home.

Knowing how my dad was, I let one of my teachers call him to inform him about me arriving home late due to the revision. He had done it and dad said okay.

When I got home that day I felt instantly that something was not right. With every step I took home my skin crawled and I had this sick feeling deep within me.

I saw my dad pacing angrily while my stepmom sat on the couch looking very relaxed. I went to greet them but what greeted me back was a hard slap on the face. I fell to the floor and looked up. I refused to let the tears fall.

"So you had your boyfriend call me to tell me you'll arrive home late so you could spend time with him right?" He spat with venom.

"What are you talking about dad, I just came straight from school" I asked him cause at this point I was tired of all the bullshit.

"You still have mouth to talk. Your mum told me a woman showed up here toda saying that you are sleeping with her husband" he hissed and my eyes widened.

"Which woman is that. I did no such thing! Please dad listen to me and let us call the woman back and ask her if it's really me" I said back to them and my stepmom didn't look pleased. She was glaring at me.

Before dad could say anything else she jumped in and said. "That doesn't matter! What matters is that I've seen you with the man myself and so I believe her"

What?! My eyes widened with shock.

"I did not do anything and I swear it dad believe me it's a lie"

"How dare you call your mum a liar!" A punch landed on my face! He hit me like he was hitting another man. With his foot to my abdomen kicking and stumping painfully. I cried out loudly. My abdomen was hurting really badly.

I had to do something. Something to stop him from hitting me like that. He stood me up and landed another punch to my eye. "How dare you call your parents liars, you're so disrespectful and shameless"

Slap! "A prostitute is what you are" hit! "Sleeping with old men for money, don't I feed you enough?" Punch!

"You are disgusting and a bad-luck child!" Kick in the abdomen!

I was shouting and crying out but he didn't stop. Everything hurt so much. My body was shaking with blood everywhere.

"I take care of you and this is how you repay me! To become a prostitute like your whore of a mother! You wanted to travel with her so you could join her line of business" kick! Punch! Slap!

With every kick he made sure to aim my stomach and it hurt. It really hurt like hell. I felt like dying.

"N-no p-pleas~ da~" at this point I was loosing consciousness. My sight was getting darker by every hit.

I was about to collapse and when he saw that, he thought I was pretending but I wasn't. "Yes! I want you to die! I'll burry you! Having a dead child is better than having a prostitute as a child to drive my name to the mad!" He spat as he kept hitting me.

I was about to fall to the floor but he held me by my uniform's collar.

"Hey someone bring me a cane! Yaw bring me cane!" He yelled to my step brother.

Yaw dashed out and later came back with a huge stick. The sight of that cane made me regain my consciousness all over again as my eyes widened.

It looked like death didn't want me, neither did collapsing! What I knew that moment was that if I stayed I'll just go through more pain. So I yanked myself from his reach and dashed out on jelly legs.

"Ah I thought you were dying o, I wanted to make it easier!" I heard him shout after me.

"You'll live to regret this Emmanuel! You'll rue this day! Listening to your witch of a wife and doing this to your own blood and for that God will judge you!" I bit back. I was tired of everything. Everything hurt so bad.

"Oh my god you're cursing your own father! Shut up before you say something you'll regret!" My stepmom yelled but I ignored her. At that time I saw dad go inside with such anger.

I saw my dad coming after me with a dagger. My eyes widened. It was a real dagger, not a knife.

"One more word from you and I'll murder you in cold blood.. you won't live to tell the story. What kind of child curses their own father!" He yelled but I was still livid to give a hoot!

"I don't care! You can kill me. I'm tired of all this bullshît. Only a fool listens to an outsider to murder their own child!" I hissed at him and before I could register anything, I saw something flying towards me.

It was the dagger!

I ducked and the dagger came flying through where I stood before and my eyes widened in pure horror. I stood horrified because that dagger was aimed right to my stomach. If I hadn't moved I'd be stabbed by now.

Now I knew he really wanted to kill me. My own father wanted to kill me. I blinked rapidly at him and he had no ounce of regret or any type of emotion on his face for that matter.

He came running towards me and my legs took off on their own. I was scared to death. My brains and legs where working together but the rest of me was terrified to death.

I couldn't believe my own father did that. He almost killed me. All this while I thought he was just trying to discipline me but that day made me realize I was wrong on a whole different level.

I couldn't cry anymore. I just kept running and running without knowing where to go. I heard people calling me and some yelling for my dad to stop. I couldn't stop even when I heard no footsteps behind me.

It was dark and I kept running.

I finally slowed down and I came to a stop at my uncle Kossi's place. I didn't know how I got there. My body was shaking violently. My foot bled. My body swollen.

I felt something wet sliding between my thighs down my legs and when I checked it, it was blood. It wasn't time for my period but I was bleeding. I couldn't cry I just felt numb.

I banged on my uncles door. He came out eventually after forever.

Immediately he saw me all traces of sleepiness vanished from his eyes. He looked horrifiedly at me and how shaky I was.

"Jesus Christ! Pamela, What in the name of god happened to you! Don't tell me Emmanuel did this!" He yelled the last part angrily.

"I'm going to arrest that man! He did this!" He added snarling like an animal.

My legs gave up on me but before I could fall my uncle caught me.

That was the last thing I remembered....


Please all these chapters ain't edited so please forgive mistakes and grammatical errors.