
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · 漫画同人
62 Chs

Interlude-Sword fights and poker




In the center of an arena were to figure with spectators cheering and roaring in the crowd as swords clash.

A small figure jumps and dodges it and strikes her sword at them, the other blocks the incoming attack "Your actuality really good with those swords of yours squirt" Her opponent says as they strike their sword

"you too are a worthy adversary too" they simply replied as they jumped back, dodging the incoming blade. He strikes his sword again, she jumps and spins, dodging the incoming blade. She lands gracefully landing on her feet.

They charge at each other as their swords clashed clashed a couple more times

she blocked his attack with her duel swords and strikes him. he returns with a blow of his own, grazing the side of her cheek as she barely dodged it

Suddenly his swords strikes her as the crowd gasps then goes quiet and stares intently.

they turn there head to them, giving a small smirk as their eyes glow a bright red. She kicks his sword out of his hand and it lands a few feet away from the two. She gave a small smirk taking this Opportunity to counter "checkmate, I win" she said and placing her two swords around his neck.

He sighs and raise his hands in surrender as the crowd roars with excitement

She sheath her swords and stretched out her arm "good match, I hope we can have a rematch sometime. It was an honor to fight someone as skilled as you."

"And the same for you"

"please I got a lot to learn before I'm anything good like you" she scoffed

"I am honored to hear that" he got up and dusted himself off "anytime your looking up for a rematch, you know where to come" he chuckled with a toothy grin

she gives a slight nod "it'll be my honor" they shake hands and the crowd erupts in cheers


Its been a half a year or so, 10 years old and alone but I'm fine with that. Now I'm near a small tavern near the border of water country and fire country

"do you have tea? I'll take a cup of lavender ginger tea." I said taking a seat at the bar

"coming right up miss" the bartender said

"why did you bring us the hell here!" a loud and annoying voice shouted I turned my head slightly and glanced at the two guys walked in.

One had greyish silver slicked back hair purple eyes and a Jashin pendent around his neck with a Yugakure headband and was carrying a scythe with three blades on it.

"Hidan quite it I told you why already. Now quite it." a taller man with tons of scare on his limbs hissed. He also had the strangest of eyes green irises, no pupils and red sclerae. He also had a Takigakure headband.

the one known as Hidan scoffs at the remark

'Jashinist interesting, I heard of those guys' I thought 'Who's the other guy with him'

"here you go miss, hot lavender ginger tea"

"thanks chuck" I said taking a sip

"so brings you to these parts? Not a lot of people travel here" he asked while wiping down the counters

"just looking for someone" I simply explain, he nods "hey do you know who those two are they" I asked pointing to the two guys I was observing

"you don't know? the one with the with the scythe and the one with the scares are part of a notorious gang called the Akatsuki"

"the what?"

"the Akatsuki, I heard they're a group made up of rouges ninja" he explains

"so that means there strong" I muttered to myself "I heard some whispers around but played it off just as rumors nothing more nothing less"


"I am!" that Jashinist from earlier said "Prepare yourself because I'm gonna beat you, you b****"

"let the cards do the talking, shall we". I said with smugness in my tone, dealing the hands 'I'm on a wining streak and I tend to keep it'

"Think again b****" the grey haired head retorted "no way I'm gonna be beaten by a puny weak little girl like you" he added. I swear an anime vein popped out 'Oh he's going down'

We started to play and as we continued more people crowed around us with the passing time

"hey b****, why do you remind me so much of Itachi" the foul mouth man said which peeked my interest.

"I may or may not be. Who wants to know" I teased "What so you know about him"

"Why should I tell you, brat" he retorted

"Whatever just curious that's all" I say nonchalant without even looking up at the man

"How's a pipsqueak like you doing here ,it could get very dangerous" he said the last part with a hint of insanity

"That's on a need to know bases and you don't need to know"

he just hummed,annoyed

"Hey how bout if I win you tell me all you know on this Itachi guy, yes." I said

"and what do I get if I win"

"uh...I'll buy you a drink"

"make it two and we have a deal" I nod as he grined


"I WIN" I simply cheered "Who's the queen of gambling its me" I gloats

"Nani! How did you beat me you little brat!" The jashinist exclaimed loudly, slamming his hand (the card term) down "you cheated!"

"how-how could I cheat, hmm." I chirped innocently

Well technically I could by using my sharingan but, I' just too generous not to.

"you-you-I don't know how! but now your gonna become a sacrifice for Jashin-sama!" he yelled grabbing his triple bladed scythe and began to swing it at me, infuriated. You could see the steam boil out of him.

I did a gymnastic flip, dodging the scythe "Now, now you don't have to have a fit over it" I said with a taunting undertone. I think that just mad him more mad 'Note to self this guy is crazy' I mentally said to myself as he took another swing. I jumped and landed on top of the weapon

"hey get off!" he demanded shaking his scythe trying to shake me off.

I leaped behind him and pressed the pressure point immediately paralyzing him. "hmm. not tough now, are you." I said with a Cheshire grin

"This is humiliating , I'm ashamed to be associated with you if you can be easily defeated by a kid." his friend muttered, shaking his head in disappointment

"now your turn to hold up your end of our little deal...What do you know about Uchiha Itachi" I said the last part seriously, my eyes narrowing into a glare

he let out a sharp sigh and started to begrudgingly explain every last detail he knew on my brother.