
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · 漫画同人
62 Chs

(39) Swords and spears

⚠️Warning ⚠️

-shorter chapter

A/N: Sorry for this shorter filler-y chapter. Just something to develop Reika and Ryuji's forming friendship a bit more.

I've learned a lot in this limited time with Ryuji, Like he has a little sister not much younger than me currently at age 8, her name is Harumi, and sounds so sweet from how he describes the girl at least. His favorite is green which is one of my favorite colors as well so we share that in common. Also our backstories of loss.

I also Caught on that he can be a bit vulgar, not like sailor levels dropping F-bombs every other third word but more of in a way where he is unfiltered and headstrong or something akin to that more or less.

He says that he is good with spears from using them to spear hunt a lot in the surrounding forest, but it sounds like he is lacking the fighting aspect a bit. He also says that he is familiar with swords just not as experienced with them like spears, But he has yet to show those said skills.

He was also a good travel partner, witty and lighthearted but also kept quiet when I wasn't all that talkative at the time, it was sweet, to say the least. Tho that doesn't stop me from answering my curious questions

"...Innocence is bliss" I murmured "The innocence that comes with childhood won't last forever."

"True, so cherish it while it last"

"You know, you seem optimistic, too optimistic."

"And your demeanor comes off as nihilistic and cynical" he retorted ", especially for your young age," he adds matter-o-factually

"Well I've seen and known a lot for my age" I retort right back at him

"So, I know that you don't particularly become a rouge ninja at the age of what 16?"

"15 actually" he corrected "and contradicted to popular belief I'm not a rogue ninja, I mean yes I know a bit of ninjutsu but that doesn't exactly make me one, now does it."

"I guess it doesn't make any difference" I shrugged "So why then?"

"My sister."

"What? All you did was gawk about her."

"True" he shrugged "But I'm worried for her. see we were hanging out in the woods nearby a town and next thing you know the town is invaded by rouges and they kidnapped her." he spouted nonchalantly

"May I ask by who?" I inquired

"I don't know exactly but I remember seeing an albino man in the heart of the chaos"


"Man you'd be living under a rock, huh. He's a rouge from the leaf that likes to have a lot of playthings if you know what I mean. Don't worry, if she's not dead -well let's just say you'd wish she went out with a bang." He glanced at me with his lips pulled down "He's kinda known for being a madman and the many experiments; And if there were any survivors...Let's just say they won' be the same as before." I explained in a nutshell which didn't seem to change his mood at all.

"Daaammn kid" He drawled "What a ray of sunshine you are," he says with blatant sarcasm, throwing his arms behind his neck carefree

"Why thank you," I replied innocently

"It wasn't a compliment."

"I know." Flashing an innocent grin "So," I started nonchalantly as I swing my arms around my back, turning on the innocent charm "wanna do an exchange?" I asked

"What kind of exchange?" he replied raising his brow a bit

"There's a town coming up" I informed "You can buy a spear and I can show you how to fight with it, you already know how to hunt with said weapon, but do you know how to properly fight."

"Says the girl who barely knows how to use the weapon in general." he sassed back

' sass eh. I like you *giggles* But watch out, I can be even sassier if I wanted.' I mused, Donnu just finds it amusing you could say. "Who said I didn't know how to use the weapon, all I said was that it's not my weapon of choice." I am exactly not sure why I'm doing this, potentially helping friend or foe. He could just be using my trust...I'll destroy him if he is; He doesn't know my true power...I guess I'll just wait for the impending outcome. "What's wrong with being nice, plus," I gave him a sharp look "What experience do you have? Using it for fighting and hunting are slightly different."I pointedly state

We reached the town and found our way to a weapon shop and I picked up some replacement arrows for my more worn out ones or ones I split while training in the woods, a set of throwing knives -As I need more- But I like to vary my innovatory; I mean I have my hunting knife, yeah, but I'd much switch out some of my kuni for another type of dagger, you could say so I could throw off my opponents. I get a set of 4 needlepoint daggers I also snagged a set of stiletto darts, a few tranquilizer darts, and an accompanying blow tube. Can't be too prepared. After I was done and paid for I trotted up to my new sandy blonde travel partner who was surviving the pole-arms and had his eye on this one spear used for melee combat it kinda reminds me of a trident -or what I like to call it, a 'giant weaponize fork' used for battle- with its three points, but also that of a sai because of how the two outer blades aren't in equally in size as the middle one.

"Nice" I hummed, startling him out of whatever trance he was in. "It looks super sleek" I added examining it myself. The shaft was a golden bronze color with a leather grip tied around it, the blade part shimmered as bright as the silver moonbeams, which makes me believe that it was made with some sort of silver alloy.

"Really?... I deiced, I'll get it. I needed a new spear." he stated gleefully

"Whatever man, but you use your own money," I said nonchalantly, swinging my arms behind my neck and turning heel, proceeding towards the front of the store. A few minutes later he came with a couple of different types of spears in hand. One was that we were previously examining, I also see a javelin or two and a scabbed with some type of sword sheathed inside.

Once we were outside we went to get something to eat and then he explained the type of spear, the trident-looking one is called a corseque, and I was right when I called the other two, basic throwing spears. He unsheathed the sword and said it was a wakizashi its shorter than a katana, standing at 15 3/4 inches or 1 foot 3 3/4 inches. it had an onyx hilt wrapped in a dirt brown leather and as shiny as the blades of the corseque, the javelins were made from simple iron.

"Nice buy." I hummed with a small smirk "Wanna play after this?"

He glanced up confused "huh?"

"Wanna test out our new weapons, like spar, ya know."

Oh! uh, sure why not. I can show you what I know about spears."

I nodded "and perhaps I can teach you how to fight properly with a sword."

After we were standing on the outside of the small town "Okay this is new to me, I've never practiced with a spear before" I commented pensively

"Well it's easier than you think," he said

"Really? I wouldn't be so nonchalant about that. It just makes you sound arrogant, and I know what that sounds like." I stated

"Fine, I'll Walk the walk." he grabs some wild berries and uses their juices to paint a bullseye on a tree then walks up next to me, picking up his javelin spear and tossing it at the bullseye hitting the middle ring

"Not bad but you have room to grow, your accuracy a bit off. Tho I'd admit it would be better than anything I could do." I comment, muttering the last part "So are you going to teach or just show off? Because it seems much like the latter." I stated pointedly

So he showed me how to use the spear to hunt, mostly, and from what I observed I gave my thoughts and pointers. I learned how to use a spear but I'd prefer my bow anytime over it, that can be his weapon. I got to say he was good with a pole-arm like a said spear.