
Scarlet Code

Imagine a time without death. Perhaps it's a utopia where noone dies at all. Or perhaps it's a wasteland filled with nothing. But what if I told you you had to die for the first option to come true. Would you believe me? Let me tell you this. I am dead. Yet I couldn't be more alive.

brother_pheonix · 科幻
48 Chs

00110100 00110011

[My apologies to my faithful readers as I know it's been a long time since I've posted. Thanks for the continued support despite my lack of writing. I know things are difficult around the world and I do hope to post daily chapters if not bi-weekly in the future. Stay safe. Stay healthy. And so without further ado please enjoy this new chapter.].

The 37th floor was happy and peaceful as we entered. The air was full of laughter and mediaeval music with fairies flying about at their leisure in the breeze. Everything about the place said you could rest there without worry.

But that was not what had happened to us the past couple weeks. This place had been nothing but a hell covered by a beautiful poster. The people living here merely being reminded of the state they will be trapped in.

I looked about in bored interest at the things flitting through the sky. Trails of sparkling dust left in their wake. Icarus could be seen diving in between buildings with his postman bag strapped to his side flailing about in the wind.

I was suddenly shook from my thoughts by Henry leaning in close hooking his arm around my neck. "You are so damn lucky I can't even describe." He said his sharp toothed mouth grinning from ear to ear. "You upgraded a piece of equipment and survived nightmare mode all in a week. That is unheard of. Tell me your secret! Perhaps we will help you meet some cute women while here huh?" He said as Hoy leaned in to hear.

I gave a devilish grin. "Eat proper, train harder, avoid distractions such as women, then perhaps you'll be like me one day kids! Hahahaha!" I cackled.

They both grimaced. Their teeth bared in a hiss as they recoiled. "He has seen through our facade!" Hoy cried out.

"He has been around us too long!" Henry cried out to add to the duos comedic reaction. I couldn't help but put on an evil grin as I rubbed my coffin shaped bracelet. It's smooth material seemed to calm my still energized nerves from earlier.

"I wonder what Beth's reaction will be like?" I pondered as my grin seemed to shift into a genuine smile. I'll admit that even though she was missing some key things. She was still somewhat attractive in my eyes.

I shook my head to quickly get her out of my head before smirking and walking the rest of the way to the faction house.

My mind seemed oddly alert today compared to most. Perhaps due to the excitement of the past couple days. But I couldn't help it. My ears were perked for the slightest sound as my eyes twitched to the slightest movement in view.

The floor grew quieter as we drew close to the house. Which was odd. Normally the floor grew more lively as we had chosen a nice street just for that. What better place to hide a bunch of dark and drab death gods than in the most lively party floor of the tower?

But this didn't escape my notice.

"Hey guys..." I said as I came to a stop a few meters away from the end of our street.

"Isn't it a bit... too quiet?" I asked as I looked around. The trees were swaying their digital leaves as the grass moved in the wind. Everything said okay. But there was one thing missing. People.

Henry and Hoy looked around and seemed to notice what I meant. Henry drew his scythe as Hoy drew his own sickle and sword readying for combat.

I suddenly heard a cackle creep through the air. The likes of which I had only thought witches could make.

"Ahahaha! And I thought you would just waltz on in. Oh dear me! This is a treat!" We heard a croans voice echo through the street as the air visibly moved and grew in waves till a figure emerged.

Tall, dark, and lanky. A woman with long grey/white hair strode through the strange wave pool in the air. Her eyes a crimson red with cracked purple venomous lips bared in a smirking scowl.

Her body was not well endowed nor cliff face if I was to say. Her manner of dress though was easily noticed.

Her nightclub dress clung to her in a seductive fashion but was lost in the fact it was covered in reptilian scales. Her shoulders were left covered with a white fur scarf that I could swear growled at us. The woman stroked it almost lovingly in response.

As she fully exited what I will now call portal I noticed the real reason she gave me a dangerous vibe.

Her lower body was a mix of monster parts. A serpentine main body with limbs of zombies, humans, goblins, tigers, dragons, etc. Misproportunate and at odd angles all over her lower body. I felt something rise in my throat as I realized one thing amongst the monstrous lower body.

Her scaled body was purplish red. Just like the Cobra that had attacked me. Her scales were exactly the same.

I glared at her from where I was as my weapons materialized in my hands. The crook in my right with the flail in my left.

"Did you come for revenge?" I called out.

I knew most people weren't allowed to use Battleforms in a normal setting but this woman had been not only allowed to assume battle form but also appear in the street unlike using the elevator like usual. Which told me one thing. Trouble.

Her smirk grew into a greedy smile with fangs fully bared.

"Oh no deary. I was just visiting little old Lorelei. You see an acquaintance asked me to keep an eye on her. But seeing as my business is finished I should be off. But first..." She said holding up a finger.

/Your battle priveledges have been temporarily approved in civilian terrain. Please prepare for combat./ I heard Interface say as my eyes widened.

"I thought I'd get some entertainment before I go." A growl echoed as a clawed hand went for my face.

I couldn't dodge in time and raised my weapons to block only to find my feet leaving the floor from the immense pressure of the hags blow. The air whistled through my ears till I slammed into the building across the street. Almost 30 feet she had moved me with a simple attack.

The building was empty and crumbled on top of me from the force of me being thrown through it.

"Oh! I thought he'd dodge it. Guess I expected too much." She said with an uninterested tone. She turned to leave but soon found a chunk of building flying at the back of her head. Her hand reached up catching and crushing it to digital powder in her grasp.

"I'm not dead yet hag." A voice echoed from the collapsed building as debris moved amid the dust cloud revealing a very pissed off Anubis. 9 feet tall and with rippling muscle bound by bandages and a golden mask adorning the top of its face.

"I doubt you'll entertain me much with your performance just now. Catch you later squirt." The hag said and with a wave of her hand everything changed again.

/Temporary battle rights have been revoked. Resuming civilian form in civil zone./ Interface said as I was forced out of my battle form.

"What!? You hit him and just leave you bitch!" Hoy shouted with his blades still drawn.

The woman turned. Her vision glowering at Hoy. "Mind your manners young man. Else that mouth will be sealed and the only thing you'll be tasting is iron and electric shocks. I've had my fun anyways. Bye-bye!" She waved as she left as quickly as she came.

My eyes widened greatly as my weapons shrank to bracelets again. The house behind me was quickly self repairing and not a single person had come running to our location to see what was happening. (She was able to alter the system that quickly and easily... Could she be one of them?) I thought as Hoy and Henry ran up to check on me.

"That hag really got you! I thought for a second that you had actually died." Henry said as he looked at me while Hoy examined my body.

There were no injuries or data corruption from the looks of it and my body operated like normal. So why was I so mad? No. Not mad. Scared.

I had just been tossed around like a rag by someone with enough power to actually do so. A person with power to alter the system or exploit it so openly that she didn't care about the consequences. So this could only mean one thing.

That I had angered someone more powerful than I could handle right now. And that is what truly scared me.

Henry simply shook his head as I could tell he was trying to work out what he was thinking.

"Didn't that loon say she was visiting Lily?" He asked.

The realization dawned as we quickly turned and started running for the faction house.