
Scar : It's you

It’s a story about a 17 year old, Charles Kendrick. He lives in a dystopian world with his sister, Stella. He lost his parents in an accident and ever since it has always been Charles and Stella. A sudden death of someone turns everything upside down. He gets trapped in a cat and mouse chase. Except, it's the government and him. Fortunately, he makes it to the rebellion camp, where he thinks that life will go back to normal. Completely unaware of what’s going to happen at his “new home”. In the end, his choices pave the path for the chase. "Life is a big gamble, that we, with or without our consent are the high rollers. But, unlike the game, we don't have any power or control. It's all in the hands of the dealer."

ujjwalanushka34 · 科幻
22 Chs

The Virulents and the tunnel

*Charles's P.O.V*

We have been here for almost seven hours (I think). The keepers kept this place illuminated, but now that they're gone, it's pitch black. Guards have taken over the camp, they keep shouting orders back and forth.

My body hurts from sitting at the same spot for so long. Neither of us has moved. It feels like someone has hammered a nail into my joints and it's pushing deeper every moment. The second the guards started entering the camp, we knew who they were.

These guards, well they are known as the Virulent. They have different units and each one is specifically trained for one job. The Virulents on the camp are the B-7 unit. Lethal. That's how I would describe them.

They hunt people like cheetahs. They'll keep chasing you until you are tired to death. Slightest noise and they'll hunt you down within seconds. And that's it, no escaping. They tear your limbs apart alive and make sure you feel every second of it.

God knows when they'll leave. Look how the tables have turned. Cole, who hated me is hiding with me. It doesn't sit right though. He's never liked me, but now he is protecting me.

He reminds me of Stella. Anything happened and she would always turn into a mama bear. I hope she is okay. God knows what's going on with her. I can't contact her without the keeper. I just have to wait this out.

*Stella's P.O.V*

There is a tunnel in the attic. I don't know who'll be waiting in there for me. Death or freedom? But this is the only shot I have.

I moved the sofa in front of the entrance of the tunnel. Hopefully, they won't notice anything here. All the light escaped the tunnel the moment I closed the door. I turned on the flashlights on the keeper. The only thing this stupid watch is useful.

The place is covered with cobweb-like green moss. There is water dripping down from it. But fortunately, it doesn't smell. The noise from outside is blocked by the thick walls surrounding the tunnel. The water slowly dripped down the moss, disrupting the creepy silence.