
Scam-A Love Story

'I don't remember correctly now was it you who saved me, or was it me who changed you, but...for a second, i was so sure, i had lost you'. A few Years after I regained senses from the tyrant world, I hit something which reminded me of the dark times when i had everything and yet, Nothing. And she was the one who snatched me out of the rotten world I had made for me. If Love has a finite definition in the infinite world, She was the infinity in it.

You_n_U · 奇幻
3 Chs

16 Feb, 2017

'You think that, but it is pretty normal for this organization, we pay ransomly to our trusted employees'

I was infuriated, i felt a wave of rage.

'You are such a noob, you know', 'you are just a random poor guy trying to scam a small fish but hit a shark at the wrong spot, though you don't know of it yet'

I was not getting a response now, i waited for my messages to get seen, i knew they were going to be. Even if he stopped marking them seen, he was reading them from the notifications bar i.e., from where 60 percent of them are actually read. I didn't stop.

'You believe doing this will get you some real money? I am not going to lie, yeah it does get you a lot of it but the way you are going about it...nah....scoring a penny would be hard enough.....but i think maybe a penny would make you happy enough. Right?'

'Let me guess, young, maybe 20-23, living with his parents, dad a raging alcoholic, mom a psychotic bitch always more high than the tallest thing in your town, more siblings than your parents can actually afford all living in the same room, worked your ass off to get that laptop or maybe.....sold some, huh?

'Am I right or am I right?'

I knew this was where he was given a clear indication that he failed his shot and now was the time to cut me off, rather i was also expecting that after the last insult, he would probably shut me off, but his reply confirmed that an insult is an insult only if it is not the truth.

I saw that he was typing and i immediately provoked him more cause i didn't want him to stay in his 'big organization employee act' anymore, i wanted the real him to start talking.

'Snap out of the act, don't be saying now that your organization will sue me for the insult, the only thing you work for is your dads constant need of booze'

I had to type very fast to fit my text before he sent one.

Now i waited, he stopped then started typing, he kept on taking small stoppages then he said,'You think you are a hot shot? You can do it better?'

Yeah, was a bit disappointed to see the tiny text.

'Better than the wuss you are'.

'You are just another rat trying to score some cash'.

'Hahaha, you don't fucking know me, 10 dollar jobs are just a means of mending my ways, but the world never lets you eat up you evil, now does it?'

I felt it necessary to say it, kind of like a warning to him which i knew he wouldn't take seriously.

'Yeah? So you are an evil hotshot?huh?you don't know nothing, i'm over with you'.

(Me typing fast before getting cutoff)'Not an evil hotshot, but the godfather of the line of work you have chosen'.

'Oh! So a thief trying to be a monk for another thief? Is that whats happening here'.

I waited a second to give a dramatic effect to my next reply.

'So a girl, huh?'.

'To think you would not only choose a different name, but a name of another gender, hahaha'.

'I have to say i was not expecting this since NewYork is no place for a poor guy'.

No replies from the other side exact to my expectations. I waited, i knew now, i was not going to get blocked.

Then She started typing. So a 3 minutes of shock, i thought, pretty normal. I started typing too.

'How do you know?'.

'How do you know?'.

At the same moment, mine sent a milisecond earlier even.

'Everyones first question is always the same, and i never answere this one'.

'But how did you know? Are you a hacker or something?'.

'Not a hacker, but told you already, i never answere this question, a rule i follow from a book of rules'.

'A book you yourself wrote'.

'Alright don't tell me, it's not much anyway, could be a guess'.

'Are you a fucking jew?, they guess alot'

'I am not, but to think you have such religious differences with them when you yourself are not a practicing christian'.

A pause.

'Again, not a big thing, everyones a christian in NY, and not a lot of them are practicing ones'.

'I didn't say it was much, but tell mary, you said that, she would surely disagree'.

'How do you know my sister, asshole?'

'You know me right, are you in her school?'

She was getting agitated, i could feel it due to her typing speed getting faster. I knew, now she would want answeres. Women are like this, feeling as if totally anonymous with their names hidden, feeling safe to hide it, but a name can only do so much, I thought.

'Answere me fucker, who are you?'.

'Someone like you, but a different level, and no i don't go to your little sister's school'.

Intentionally adding a spice of 'little sister.

'So how do you know all this? Are you a stalker? Hacker? Fucker? What?'

'I'll tell you'.

'I am a scammer, or precisely was a Scam'.

A pause then:

'Alright, screw you, stay away and fuck off'

A second later I was blocked. Which is why, at this moment in all procedures, I like to say, i never intentioned to not get blocked. Rather, Everything is going according to the plan is what I would call it. I just had to wait, I knew, that this was not the end. Cause they Always Go around and then Come around.

Takes me some time guys, bear with me plz.

(Next chapter, 1st of september, buy me a coffee guys!


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