
The truth is revealed

After putting down his weapon he disengaged the mech, its mechanical hum fading into silence. The guards tightened their grip on their weapons, their eyes fixed on Qie Xieling, waiting for any sign of resistance. He didn't answer the king simply just glaring at him. 

From his ornate wheelchair, the king peered at him through piercing eyes. Since he didn't respond his attendant quickly activated a holographic display, projecting Qie Xieling's information into the air for all to see. 

"You," the king sneered, his voice laced with contempt. "You are the traitor who deserted from the army and became a terrorist."

Qie Xieling's jaw clenched, his gaze unwavering. This character had fought for justice and avenged his parent's lives who were slaughtered like pigs to reveal the truth but of course, in their eyes, they saw him as nothing more than a criminal.