

The two girls exchanged knowing glances, their excitement hidden beneath practised poise. They had never thought they would have this opportunity. They were quite surprised that waiting by his car actually worked. 

They were but Qie Xieling wasn't amused. He didn't want to bother the student administration and get a separate parking lot from the student parking lot but it seemed that he now had no choice. 

He barely spared them a glance. This had happened too many times for him to care. His eyes swept over the group, assessing them with detached curiosity. One of the two guys tried to match his cool demeanour, but their nervous fidgeting gave them away.

He pursed his lips about to open the car door when one of the guys said, "Nice car," attempting to strike up a conversation.

Qie Xieling raised an eyebrow. He had been nice before and that only got him an unwarranted love confession so he couldn't help but be rude. "It gets me from point A to point B."