
Saving a life of lies

most of Sasuke Uchiha's life has been a lie he spent years training to kill his brother to avenge his clan only find out Konoha forced Itachi's hand he had killed Danzo and was going to fight on obito's side but after he and Itachi fought kabuto his goals changed he fought with the alliance and helped seal kaguya however he did it all just so he could change the world his way but he was beaten and talked to by his former teammate he had a kid with Sakura and left to investigate what Kaguya was afraid of and it all led to this Sasuke was dying a hole in his chest he reflected on his life realizing so many things in his final moments he failed to bring back his clan while he loved sarada he never made a effort to father enough children that would guarantee the survival of his people he wasted his life trying to fight his brother instead of investigating all aspects of the massacre he hadn't tried as hard as he used to as his eyes closed he hoped there was a reality where he could see through the lies The Sage of six paths heard his wishes and pulled a soul from a different afterlife that could make his dreams reality

hoifzf · 漫画同人
16 Chs

Sasuke Uchiha: open eyes in another world

as the sage gripped his Soul Sasuke was hit with the memories of someone with the same name in a radically different world from his own he was then let go into a different timeline colliding with a younger version of the one who bore those memories.

As the 2 souls collided and became one there was an explosion of chakra that briefly aluminate the night sky. The boy shot up feeling a burst of energy he rushed to a nearby lake to have a view of himself and seeing what he was wearing and having the knowledge he did he concluded this was 5 hours after the graduation test.

"so this is who I am now a survivor of a dead cursed clan with a brother who has a death wish and undying loyalty to an ungrateful village with a soft leader...and only being brought here by a wish of a kid who's life was destined to be fucked"

Sasuke sat down crisscross style and closed his eyes.

'but if I'm to change anything I need to have a feel for this amazing power they call chakra and should probably get an early start on kenjutsu'

Sasuke began to dull all his senses being unmoving and unfeeling to the outside as he did so he could feel the amount of chakra the flow and even the color but he couldn't fully visualize the network. He then opened back his eyes as he felt 7 sets of eyes on him and he could tell they were superior to him.

'they don't seem hostile just watching but still, I'm not one for the spotlight'

Sasuke got up and decided to go to the main area of the village since it felt like such a nice night for a stroll.

"I'm sure the explosion of chakra came from the boy but it's odd"

"your right with that one but I'm sure there's no reason for alarm let's report back to the hokage"

"yes sir"

The anbu flashed away but there was one who didn't leave that whore a blank mask.

"lord Danzo will need to hear of this"


as Sasuke was walking threw the woods he heard footsteps and hid in a bush only to see a kid with blonde hair running past he almost wanted to wring his neck but remembered that this was a different life.

"It's the idiot might as well see what he's up to"

he decided to follow after him after 10 minutes Naruto stopped and opened the scroll he had on his back. Sasuke went to keep behind him on the other side of the tree and knowing it was a perfect chance to use one of the new abilities he channeled chakra into his eyes as the world became clearer and more visible he turned to look at the contents of the scrolls and like second nature he was able to memorize everything on the page.

'these eyes are really special'

he continued to eavesdrop computing a lot of jutsu until Naruto got up and was practicing the multi-shadow clone jutsu until he had a feel for the technique.

"hey dope what are you doing?"

Naruto jumped in surprise as he didn't notice Sasuke was behind him.

"s-sasuke where did you come from!?"

Sasuke smirked

"I was behind you the whole time you were just too distracted to notice...but that's not important why do you have the scroll of sealing?"

Naruto sweated a bit.

"Well, I uh-"

before Naruto could say a thing Iruka showed up.

"I finally found you Naruto what were you thinking stealing the scroll of sealing"

Naruto looked where Sasuke was but he was already gone.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"oh well you see Mizuki told me if I did it and learned a jutsu from it I could pass"

"Mizuki put you up to this but why would he do that?"

as if on cue Mizuki appeared meanwhile Sasuke was hiding watching the whole thing of Mizuki revealing his plan and attempting to kill the 2 and stopped after Mizuki got a severe beating from 1k shadow clones.

'tsk and he called himself a chunnin it makes sense that he made gennin since he technically did a S-rank mission but if I'm to get anything done should find a way to make my chakra more denser I can't be outclassed by those outside power ups...chakra has so much potential'

Sasuke ran back in the direction of the compound but unknown to him the hokage has kept a open eye on him as well as Naruto during the whole ordeal.

"It seems young Sasuke has quite the speed and stealth to be able to evade a chunnin but the question is how his ability changed so quickly in one night the world works in mysterious ways"

(boom oh great looks like he screwed up with both old men having there sights on him I hope you enjoyed comment your suggestions vote add and peace)

either live by the sword or die look and see the pain behind my eyes I've been living my life a li

that's a reference

hoifzfcreators' thoughts