
Chapter 97

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After scoring the first point, I went back to Ravenclaw's pitch side along with my team, who congratulated me.

"That was amazing!" Isabell commented.

"Uhum" Patrick agreed.

"Thanks" I said smiling but then continued, "But that was lucky as they didn't expect this attack so now they'll probably be more attentive"

I then turned to Roger and Isabell, "Let's do the 5-R attack" I said, and they nodded.

"If this attack doesn't work, let's go with the WW, he is better suited to go against their defense" Roger added.

"Okay then let's go!" Isabell said, and fired her broom.

She went to Applebee, who was with the quaffle. And already knowing what she was going to do, I flew to her opposite side, with Roger flying after her.

When Applebee saw Isabell coming at him, he immediately tried to pass the quaffle to Macavoy, and emphasis on trying, since Roger intervened, palming the quaffle forward, right where Isabell was.

"Summer has the quaffle! And she moves forward, narrowly dodging a bludger!" Lee began narrating, "But look at this! Preece is right behind her. He's about to catch the quaffle— Uuh! He got hit by a Collins-launched bludger! Strong girl, I say. But I like strong girls and—"


"Sorry Professor. But I just wanted a date and—"

"Jordan, I'm warning you..."

"Sorry I stopped" Lee said, and then he turned his attention back to the game, "Summer is advancing towards Hufflepuff's goal! But now Preece and Macavoy are trying to intercept her! But wait, what's she doing? ? Summer threw the quaffle in the air— Look at this! Night got the quaffle!"

As Lee narrated the match, I moved forward with the quaffle, happy that everything was going according to strategy.

The 5-R is a strategy where two of the three chasers catch the attention of the five attackers players on the other team, the chasers and beaters. And while that happens, the third chaser, who was silent the entire time, would move forward, catching the others off guard, and because it was the fastest, I played the this silent chaser.

"The Hufflepuff chasers are confused and Night is advancing unimpeded!" Lee exclaimed, rising from his chair, "But the two Hufflepuff beaters have recovered and are going after him! What is he going to do?"

As I made my way towards the Hufflepuff goal, the two beaters fired to try to stop me. One of the bludgers they threw was intercepted by Patrick, but the other kept coming towards my back, which I easily dodged. But that gave time for one of the beaters to get in front of me and hit the bludger I had deflected, sending it back towards me.

At the same time, the other beater came up behind me with the other bludger, and now I was facing the keeper, the beater, and a bludger, with the other bludger behind me.

I quickly began to look at a way out of this situation, and many crossed my mind. But I decided to use this situation to my advantage, and decided on a somewhat crazy strategy.

Using my senses, I felt the bludger on my back getting closer. I then looked at the bludger in front of me and the beater, and kept moving forward without fear.

When the front bludger was about to catch up with me, I lifted the quaffle that was in my hands, and used it to deflect the bludger. The bludger I dodged flew towards the one coming after me, and slammed into it.

The two bludgers that collided changed direction, dodging me and hitting the beaters themselves, who didn't expect this and ended up getting knocked off their brooms.

Now, with the path clear, I advanced to the goal and pretended I was going to play the quaffle in the left hoop, causing the keeper to try to intercept. But I made a feint and threw it over the other side, and the keeper who realized he was tricked can only watch as I scored another point.

"Merlin! What was that!?" Lee yelled, "Ethan Night scores another point for Ravenclaw! Getting out of a sticky situation and still taking both beaters out of the picture! That was fantastic," he said. And Ravenclaw fans went wild, jumping and screaming as they called my name.

"""Ethan! Ethan! Ethan!""""

I then returned to my side of the pitch to position myself on the counterattack under the awed gaze of my teammates.

After that play of mine, the match continued, and Ravenclaw was ahead of Hufflepuff with 110 points to 50, with 50 of those points being mine and the rest having had some assistance from me.

And meanwhile, I kept my eye on both seekers and looked for the snitch at the same time. But before, as I had to pay attention to the match, I couldn't focus too much on helping Hillton.

But now that Ravenclaw had such a big advantage, I started looking for the little golden ball with wings.

I then turned on my Magic Vision and started looking around. But even looking for the snitch, I was still paying attention to my game as a chaser, dodging one bludger or another.

After dodging another bludger, I saw a flash of something shiny near the Ravenclaw bleachers, and on closer inspection, I saw it was the snitch.

Signaling Hillton, I made some hand signals that told him where the snitch was, and he responded with another hand signal to the beaters.

That hand signal meant he was going to trick the other seeker and set a trap for him.

Hillton then fired with his broom in the opposite direction from where the snitch was, and the Hufflepuff seeker, without a second thought, followed him.

When Hillton arrived on the other side of the pitch, he rounded a sharp turn with his broom and flew to the other side, and before the Hufflepuff Seeker could follow Hillton, he was eventually cornered by Patrick and Christi.

Knowing Hillton would catch the snitch at some point, I moved forward to score Ravenclaw's last point.

Surpassing the Hufflepuff chaser, and taking the quaffle from their hands, I advanced towards their goal. And because the Hufflepuff beaters were busy trying to free their seeker from the trap, I easily managed to get to their goal.

Looking to the side, I saw Hillton with his hand out to catch the snitch, and knowing I had little time, I threw the quaffle hard.

I then watched as the quaffle advanced towards the goal, grazing the keeper's hand. As soon as the quaffle passed, I heard Madam Hooch's whistle, and turning around I saw Hillton with his hand aloft, holding the golden snitch.

"Game over! Ravenclaw wins! In an incredible trap, Ravenclaw takes the snitch and beats Hufflepuff! Match ended 270 to 50 for Ravenclaw!" Lee screamed, but his voice was drowned out by the Ravenclaw cheers.

With our victory and the game over, my team and I landed on the pitch and shared a collective hug, happy to have won the match.

And through Empathy, I could feel all the joy of my housemates, the sadness and disappointment of Hufflepuff, and the worry of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

But all these emotions were forgotten by my own happiness.



(End AN: How were your holiday parties? Were they fun?

And did you guys watch the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter? I haven't seen it yet, but it's on my to-do list.)