
Chapter 70

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


I lowered my wand and stared at the Thestral in front of me in awe. But as I watched him, a question popped into my mind.

'Why can I see him?' I asked myself confused, 'I've never seen anyone die. Not in this life and not in... Oh! Wait! Can I see them because I've died before?!'

With that doubt in my mind, I started to approach the Thestral who was calmly looking at me, his white eyes empty, looking like he was looking into my soul; and that might sound stupid, but if you think about it, i was reborn in a world i once thought was fictional and now i'm a wizard who can turn a table into a goose...so a creature can look into someone's soul isn't so impossible...

Anyway... After calmly approaching to show that I wasn't a threat, I reached the Thestral's side and placed my hand on his cold, gaunt torso.

"Incredible!" I said in a soft whisper. Running my hand down his neck and down to his wings.

Looking at the creature in front of me, I decided to do something I had forgotten to do when I was with the unicorns, which was turn on my Magic Vision.

"What the fuck...!" I said in shock.

I hoped that when I turned on my magical vision, I would see the same kind of magic that I saw in other creatures and wizards. But when I looked at the Thestral, the only thing I could see was a dark hole that sucked in proximity magic slowly, but that hole also expelled magic.

The magic that was being absorbed was the ambient magic that was found almost everywhere, but the magic that was being expelled from the hole was white and pure, almost as if it wasn't contaminated by the world. Neutral and pure magic, waiting to be turned into some other kind of magic; he was like a blank slate, and the world was the brush and the painter, waiting to transform that magic into his picture.

The more I stared at the black hole, the more I got lost, like it was sucking me into it.


I, who was so focused on that emptiness, was woken by the whinny of the Thestral I was looking at. The Thestral was looking at me with its white orbs, and for the first time since I got my abilities, I couldn't feel the emotions of a living being.

"Thanks" I whispered to the Thestral, stroking his head, "I almost got lost there" I said with a soft smile.

I then glanced at the neutral magic that was leaking from the Thestral 'core', which I realized was over his heart, and saw some particles falling onto the grass around us.

The neutral magic that had fallen to the grass began to take on a greenish-brown hue. And the grass and flowers around it began to take on more life and color. It might have been unnoticeable to others, but I could see it happening clearly thanks to my improved Magic Vision.

'The magic that has just come out of his core has just taken over the properties of grass and earth!?' I exclaimed in my mind shocked, as I always thought that all magic had its own property and couldn't be changed, 'Wait... Does that mean this magic can also change to any other kind of magic?!'

'More importantly, where does this magic come from?!'

"Nigh!" I then heard the Thestral whinny and snort, seeming to know what I was thinking. And for a second I could feel his emotions, and with that I found he was amused.

"Can you hide your emotions from me? How?" I asked the Thestral who snorted at me...

He then looked me in the eye, and I could feel his emotions again. But as fast as they came, they were gone. But from what little I felt I could come to the conclusion that he was happy, and that he could intentionally hide his emotions.

"Incredible!" I remarked in awe, "You're a lot smarter and more mysterious than I thought" I said amused, still petting him.

'Is this how new types of magic arise? Thestrals take ambient magic and filter it, thus turning it into neutral magic. And in that way they create an almost infinite loop.' I started making guesses in my head, ignoring the look I was getting from the Thestral beside me.

'If that's the case, then Thestrals are very important to the wizarding world... In fact they are important to everyone in general, as everything and everyone has some magic inside them, even Muggles' I thought, ' But even though they are important and good for the world, Thestrals are still treated as omens of death and ill omen, sigh' I sighed at the idiocy of wizards.

While I was petting the winged horse, an idea crossed my mind, and with that idea in my head I approached the back of it, where its tail was, which only had a tuft of hair at the end. And under the Thestral's watchful eye, I used a simple clipping spell to remove a few strands of hair from its tail. And before the strands were scattered in the wind or hit the floor, I pulled another glass vial from my bag and quickly put them away.

And with that I just became the owner of the tail hairs of a Thestral, which happens to be a rare item that could also be used as an ingredient to make a wand core. And currently, the only wand known to have a core made from the hair of the tail of a Thestral is the Elder Wand.

After picking up the strands of his hair, I went back to stroking him, and so the time passed. After a few minutes, the Thestral I was hugging stirred and gave a soft huff, indicating that he needed to leave.

I then released him with a smile on my face, which earned me another snort from him.

"Goodbye!" I said goodbye to Thestral, who let his emotions spill over to me, showing that he was happy and satisfied too, but with what I don't know. The Thestral then turned and began trotting deep into the forest.

'Damn it! I should have asked him to let me fly on him' I said, cursing myself inside as I remembered that Thestrals should fly faster than a Firebolt, 'It would have been so awesome' I lamented.

With my tour over, I continued walking towards the Forbidden Forest exit to return to the castle.

I was happy with my exploration, which ended up yielding me two rare and incredible items. The hair of a unicorn foal, which is purer than that of an adult and has great use for many things, and the hair of the tail of a Thestral, which will definitely help me a lot in the future, and I even had an idea of how.

Furthermore, I have discovered that the mysterious Thestrals hide more secrets than they appear... Secrets I intend to uncover.



(End AN: I did some math to analyze how many chapters this fic would have until it ended, and if I count the seven years of Hogwarts, plus one post Hogwarts (an eighth year), this story will have at least 500 chapters.

I don't know if you guys think it's too much and the story is too slow, but I want to develop my characters and deepen the story, so I plan to prolong the fic.

I also know that writing this story is developing my previously null English, and my next stories will probably be better.

Thank you all for your patience and for the feedback you are giving.

I hope you like this chapter!)