
Chapter 59

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


Of course in my two weeks at Hogwarts I didn't just make friends, I also made some 'enemies'.

The quotes were necessary for you to understand that these 'enemies' for me are nothing more than snotty brats. I see their attempts to try to antagonize me as entertainment, as my real enemy is not someone who frowns at me or talks bad about me behind my back.

Well, of those people who don't like me, the ones that stand out the most are few, and they are: Malfoy, and that's not a surprise; the younger Weasley boy, probably for some stupid reason; the Weasley Prefect, who doesn't like me for a reason I don't know; the bad loser of my house, Corner; Zacharias Smith, the snobby idiot who from what I've seen has a crush on Susan; and oddly enough, or no, Greengrass and Granger, with Granger often having mixed feelings.

'Hmm, actually I have a lot of people who don't like me, and this is only the second week... A record!'

I was happy to have made many friends, and even some enemies, as it gave me a better perspective of the people in this world, and showed that they are not just characters from a fictional world.

It alleviated a lot of my insecurities with the people here, because it made it easier for me to see everything and everyone as real rather than characters.



Today is the day of our first flying lesson and I couldn't be more excited. My classmates also seemed quite excited about this class, with many boasting about their flying skills and how they had been flying since they were little. Not even Professor Snape's class managed to quell the students' euphoria.

We quickly arrived on the training camp lawns, as after two weeks here, most of my classmates had already decorated their way to a few places.

The house that was having the Flying lessons with us was Hufflepuff, and we still had to wait for them to show up.

The training ground is, as the name implies, a training ground, and this was where the school's Quidditch teams did their tests and practices. Lying on the lawns in front of us were 20 broomsticks, 1 meter apart.

As we looked around the field, Stephen Cornfoot spoke, starting the conversation.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to climb high up in the sky," he said, an expectant look on his face.

"I no" Lisa said, "I'm scared of heights so I prefer to stay on the ground" she continued, shivering at the thought of flying a broom.

"Me too, and that's why I read all the safety regulations for flying," Padma said.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it. What could be the worst thing that could happen?" Anthony asked.

"I don't know, maybe fall down, break your neck and die," I said casually, earning a frightened look from my classmates.

'Cowards, that's why you're not in Gryffindor' I thought as I rolled my eyes.

While we were talking, the Hufflepuff students arrived, chatting excitedly among themselves, and when Susan saw me she came walking to my side, dragging Hannah with her.

"Hi Ethan" Susan said to me happily, and I smiled as I rolled my eyes at her greeting since we'd already seen each other in Potions class.

"Hi Susan…again" I replied anyway, "Hey Hannah" I said to the shy girl next to Susan.

"Hi," Hannah replied, smiling shyly.

"Hey! We're here too!" Terry said when he saw that he was being ignored by the girls.

"Oh! I didn't see you there Terry" Susan replied a little embarrassed, and Terry simply huffed as he crossed his arms and turned his face to the side.

"Don't mind him, Terry is a drama queen" Anthony said amused. And while we were talking, Madame Hooch, who is our flight teacher, arrived.

"Is everyone here yet? Yes? Well then what are you waiting for? Hurry up! Pick your brooms and line up!" Madame Hooch commanded, and we all immediately went to the brooms, awaiting her next orders.

"Good! Now that you're beside your broomsticks, you're going to summon them! So hold out your hand to her and say, 'Up!' with authority" Madame Hooch instructed us. And then we all started trying to summon the broom.

I looked at my broom, which was an old Comet 180, created in 1938. And how do I, a muggleborn, know this? Simple, I read it in one of the many Quidditch books the library had.

"Up!" I said, not asking or demanding, but ordering. And in the next second, the broom obediently climbed into my hand, and I couldn't help but nod in satisfaction.

With the broom in hand, I started looking at my colleagues. Some the broom didn't even move and others it just swayed a little, and there were even some that did after a few attempts like Megan, which was to be expected.

As the students tried to summon the broom, I heard an irritated snort from beside me, and turning around, I saw a frowning Terry looking at the broom as if it had just cursed his mother.

"Damn, why doesn't that broom go up?! Up" Terry said once more and the broom only shook a little before coming to a stop, making him even angrier.

"How do you get the broom up?" Anthony asked frustrated, also not managing to summon his broom.

"Well maybe it only works with pretty people," I said, holding my broom to my shoulder smugly, but they just ignored me.

"Okay! Enough! Whoever couldn't summon their broom can grab it with their hands" Madame Hooch said, and half of the students had to pick up the brooms from the ground.

"Now for the next part! How to ride the broom!" Madam Hooch said, and for some reason I found that phrase a little wrong.

After that, Madame Hooch gave us a demonstration of how to stand on a broom, and I began to analyze her posture thoroughly. She then told us that we should do like her.

I immediately straddled my broom, arranging my body so that I looked exactly like Madame Hooch, remembering every detail I could see of her posture. And in the meantime, Madame Hooch began to move from student to student correcting and giving instructions on broom riding.

After passing a few students, Madame Hooch stepped in front of me and started looking at my posture with her narrow eagle eyes.

"Perfect posture, Mr. Night. Have you practiced before?" she asked me.

"Teacher, I'm a muggleborn, how could I practice flying a broomstick?" I asked her with a wry smile, and I could see her eyes start to widen in surprise.

"So does that mean you've never ridden a broom before? Looks like you've got talent," Madame Hooch said to me, nodding her head in amazement.

"Thank you," I said, and then she left to help the remaining students. After she left, I turned to Anthony and Terry, who were looking at me with blank expressions, and lifted my chin proudly.

''Show Off!''



(End AN: Here's another question for my wonderful readers! (Except for those who like the Umbitch or Danzo of Naruto). What is your favorite character, from any world, book, movie, and even fanfic?)