
Chapter 445

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Next Day – Monday-

Today was a normal school day, and after lunch, during the students' free time before afternoon classes, Hermione and Harry came looking for Fleur and me to talk about our training.

And now the four of us were in the stone courtyard, with me and Fleur looking at the parchments that Hermione had handed to us.

And on these parchments, Hermione had written down the days and times that she considered good for our training to take place.

"So, what did you guys think?" Hermione asked, looking at us a little nervously, "I already showed Harry the schedule, and he thought it was good" she said, and her boyfriend nodded.

And instead of answering her question directly, I looked at the parchment in my hands as I pondered, seriously analyzing the schedules to see if they wouldn't interfere with my training and study time.

And it seemed like Hermione really made an effort to make this schedule, as it took into account our classes, our personal training, and even our leisure and rest time.

And I knew that for Hermione to have managed to make such a detailed and complete schedule, she probably tried a lot, which made me look impressed at the female member of the golden trio.

But it also made me question how and why Hermione knew so much about Fleur's and my personal schedules.

And I felt like I wasn't prepared for the answer to that question.

But shaking my head and putting that aside I looked back at my parchment, and seeing that the training times wouldn't interfere with my own schedule, which was already very full and busy, I nodded.

"Well, I don't see any problem with this schedule," I replied, turning my gaze to Hermione as I folded and put the parchment in my pocket.

"Me neither" Fleur next to me said, also putting away her parchment.

And upon hearing this, Hermione let out a small sigh of relief, before looking at us and showing a satisfied smile.

"I'm glad you found the schedule I created acceptable" she said, a little proud of herself, "And about the location issue, I didn't think much about it since we can just use any of the abandoned rooms in the castle"

"Well, not exactly any room" I started to say, "The room needs to be spacious and sturdy, and so I will still have to look for one that meets these criteria"

I then placed my hand on my chin, rubbing it, "And besides, I'll need to know in advance which room we will hold our sessions in, since I'll need to prepare it for the torture... I mean, training."

"That's true," Harry nodded, before stopping, blinking in confusion, "Wait, did you say torture?" he asked, turning to look at me.

"Huh? I think you must have heard wrong," I said, dismissing his question with a casual wave of my hands.

"No, I'm sure I heard you right," he said, looking at me with narrowed suspicious eyes.

And now even Fleur next to me was looking at me suspiciously.

"You know, I think I'm going to be busy and won't be able to make it to these practices," she said, taking a step away from me cautiously.

And looking at Harry I saw that he and Hermione were also slowly moving away from me.

'Really guys?' I looked at them sweating.

And from what I could sense of their emotions, the two Gryffindors present were actually a little scared, which showed that they took my joke seriously.

And I started to wonder what the hell they thought about me to think I would do something so cruel and scary like that.

'Well, I've threatened several people with torture and death before, but it was just a joke... Most of the time at least...' I thought.

And while I was thinking about this, the three continued to look at me cautiously.

"Oh come on guys, I was joking" I said, rolling my eyes in exasperation, "Of course I won't hurt you in training"

'Not much, at least' was the sentence I didn't say.

However, what I said didn't seem to convince them, and they just continued to stare at me in silence, still keeping their distance from me.

And I never could have imagined that being stared at by these three teenagers could make me so nervous.

'These looks remind me of the way my mom looks at me when I do something stupid' I thought, feeling like I was being scolded.

"Hmm…" I then began to fidget nervously, still feeling their intense gaze on me, "…I promise to go easy on you?" I said meekly.

And to complete the act I looked at them with my best innocent and cute look, remembering that this always worked with my mom.

'Come on puppy eyes, don't fail me now' I pleaded.






And after waiting for a few more seconds, the three continued in absolute silence, which made me realize that my innocent act didn't work as well as I expected.

And actually I think that only made things worse, as the Gryffindor couple were now looking at me disdainfully while the French Veela pursed her lips.

And sensing the awkwardness in the atmosphere I looked away, ending the act before coughing into my hand, "Ahem, how about we talk about what you want me to teach you?" I uggested, trying to change the subject.

And my shameless attempt to change the subject made the three teenagers look at me dryly.

'''Really Ethan?'''


-At Night-

Classes for the day had finally ended, and after leaving Charms' classroom my friends and I started heading towards the Great Hall for dinner.

And arriving at the Great Hall we met Fleur and Gabi, who seemed to be waiting for us, and together we all went to the Ravenclaw table, where we sat down to eat.

But as soon as I sat down I felt a gaze fall on me, and for some reason that gaze made me very uncomfortable.

I then discreetly looked around, trying to find the person who was staring at me.

And looking around I saw that there were some students from other houses and schools looking at me, and their eyes had curiosity, interest, and even admiration.

However, the feeling of discomfort and apprehension that I felt was not caused by any of the students who were looking at me, which made me turn my gaze to the staff' table.

And as soon as I looked at the big table where the teachers and school staff were sitting, I immediately knew who the person was who was staring at me and giving me this bad feeling.

'I should have known it would be Barty Moody Junior' I thought, sighing as I tried not to look at the fake Moody, who I could feel was still staring at me.

'I would understand and even feel calmer if he was looking at me with malice, contempt, hatred or any other bad feeling, but all I can feel when he looks at me is interest and curiosity' I grimaced.

'Where's all that hateful, supremacist speech against Muggles and Muggleborns? Why can't you be like the other death eaters and just want me dead?' I questioned myself.

And at this point I was even thinking about sending a letter to Voldy to tell him that his pet Death Eater wasn't hating Muggleborns enough.

'Please give me back the crazy, fanatical, prejudiced and cruel Barty Crouch Junior' I cried to the heavens, 'And if that's not possible, I'll accept another Death Eater... It could even be Bellatrix or Dolohov'

"Uh…Ethan, are you okay?" Lisa, who was sitting in front of me, asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

And looking at her I saw that there was a worried look on her face, and turning around I saw that my other friends had stopped talking and were now looking at me worriedly too.

And feeling their concern for me, I decided to share with them the reason for my anguish.

"Why can't evil just continue being evil?" I asked with a sad and distressed look.

"Huh?" and Lisa blinked blankly, before looking at our friends and seeing that they were just as confused as she was.

"What the hell do you m--" Terry started to say, but stopped when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Shush, calm down Ethan, don't worry about it" Luna, who was on my right side, said, patting my head as she tried to comfort me, "There must still be a lot of evil out there, you just need to look for it"

"Yeah, she's right" and Fleur, who was on my other side with her hand on my arm in a comforting gesture, nodded, agreeing with Luna's words.

"Do you really think that?" I asked, looking at the two with a hopeful look.

"Yes" "Of course" they said.

And upon hearing this I smiled, feeling more relieved and peaceful.

And when they saw me smile, the two blonde girls also smiled.





"Err... Should we worry about this?" Stephen asked, looking strangely at me, Luna and Fleur.

"For the sake of our sanity I think it's best we just ignore them" Terry said, with the rest of the group agreeing.

