
Chapter 412

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


As soon as the doors opened fully we all entered the Great Hall following Professor McGonagall, and there was a wide space between the students for us to pass through, leading directly to the table where the judges sat.

The Great Hall was elegantly decorated. The walls were covered in thin ice and glowed silver, there were mistletoes and holly hanging from the shining starry ceiling, and the houses' tables were nowhere to be found, being replaced by at least a hundred small tables that could seat 12 people each.

There were some red, green and gold decorations to represent Christmas, but it was minimal compared to the white that gave a colder, nobler and ethereal look to the place.

"So beautiful!" Luna commented, looking around in wonder.

"Yes, they really did a lot of work on the decorations for this ball" I nodded, impressed and somewhat proud of Professor McGonagall, as I knew this was her work.

Of course, the other teachers also helped, but she was the one who spent nights awake organizing and monitoring everything, so I think it's fair to give her more credit.

But leaving that aside as we walked to our seats at the main table the students around us began to applaud us, whilst also making comments about us.

"Damn, how did Davies manage to convince Delacour to go with him to the ball?" a Hufflepuff boy asked, looking wide-eyed at Fleur.

"Yes, she is too beautiful for him!" his friend said, looking at Roger with clear envy.

"Well, she's also too beautiful for you."


"Urgh, I wish I was Krum's date" a Slytherin girl cried.

"Me too, but when I tried to talk to him, he ignored me" another said with a depressed look.

However, the feeling that the students were feeling was not just envy or jealousy.

And in fact a very large group of people were actually looking at a certain champion and his date with surprise and shock on their faces.

"Wait, is that Granger?"

"She looks so beautiful!"

"True, but Harry also looked really good in that robe."

And without any surprise, Hermione's appearance caught everyone's attention, surprising those who knew her as a simple book-worm.

And I was already expecting a look of astonishment on Malfoy and his group's faces, but even so I couldn't help but snort in amusement at their comical look of shock.

"Look, it's Ethan and Luna!" and finally everyone finally noticed the most incredible, beautiful and fun couple at the ball... Cough... Luna and me... Cough.

"Wow, Night is hot!"

"I didn't know Lovegood could look so pretty in a dress."

"Hmm, looking at them now they kind of match together."

"Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it be me?!"

"Man, now I understand why they were chosen as champions by the Goblet of Fire."

"Yes, they have an impressive presence"

And listening to the students and even the teachers praising Luna and me, I couldn't help but smile, proud of myself and my date.

And between these compliments we arrived at the main table, where we easily found our seats.

I was sitting between Luna and ironically Fleur, while on the other side of Luna was Penny and Nick.

And I didn't pay much attention to where the other champions and judges were sitting, but I was grateful that Bagman, Karkaroff, and Percy, who was already replacing Crouch, weren't sitting next to me.

But thinking about it, I think Professor McGonagall arranged the seats like this knowing that I didn't like them, and she probably didn't want me to get irritated with them and end up hexing them or playing some prank on them in front of everyone.

And looking at Professor McGonagall who was at a table with the other teachers I noticed that she was also looking at me.

'Well, just because I like her a lot I'll try not to tease or humiliate them tonight... But if they provoke me first I can't promise not to retaliate.' I thought.

"You look quite handsome in those robes Ethan" I heard Fleur say next to me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

And turning to her I winked, "Oh, thank you" I said, before looking her up and down, "You look really pretty too."

"Merci" she smiled softly.

I then looked at the one who was sitting next to her, "You know, I wasn't expecting you to come to the ball with Roger as your date."

And I wasn't lying, as I thought my presence would have somehow influenced and changed who her date would be.

"Oh" Fleur blinked, before looking at her date who was still staring at her without reaction.

And I could see her make a slight face before turning to me again, "Actually after you turned down my ask to the ball I didn't have anyone else to invite" she began to explain, "And then the day of the ball started approaching and I didn't know what to do anymore. It was then that he came and asked me to the ball, and as I was out of options I accepted."

"I understand" I nodded.

'Wait, she asked Ethan to the ball? And he turned her down?' Luna thought, looking at me and Fleur in surprise.

She then thought about the fact that I had turned down Fleur's ask and had asked her, and a feeling of happiness and satisfaction arose in her.

'He chose me...' she thought with a small smile, before looking at Fleur with a feeling of victory.

And Fleur seemed to feel Luna's gaze, and when she saw the dreamy girl's smile she frowned.

'Why do I have this feeling that I was surpassed by her?' the French girl wondered.

"But then," I started to say, breaking Fleur out of her thoughts, "How is Roger doing as your date?"

"Well..." Fleur turned to Roger. She then saw that he was still looking at her with a dazed expression, making the veela purse her lips, "I think it could be worse..."

And thinking about how most of the boys even drooled in Fleur's presence, I couldn't deny that at least Roger showed a little more control compared to them.

"Well, that's true," I said, before looking at the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, "But I still think Roger needs a little advice on how to behave in front of a lady."

And it seems that my look at Roger brought him out of his stupor.

"Huh? What?" he asked, blinking in confusion before realizing we were looking at him, "What happened?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just telling Fleur here that you're going to behave really well while you're with her, and that you're not going to do anything stupid," I said, before smiling dangerously, "Isn't that right, Roger?"

And upon seeing my smile, Roger immediately began to sweat, feeling a chill run through his body as a frightening pressure fell on him.

"Y-yes! I promise I'll b-behave!" he was quick to respond, nodding his head repeatedly.

"Great" I smiled satisfied, before looking at Fleur who was trying not to snort in amusement at Roger's panicked expression.

The female champion then noticed my gaze on her, and turning to me she nodded with a slight smile, and I could see a grateful gleam in her eyes.

And I was going to continue my conversation with Fleur, but I felt some feelings of irritation coming from my side, and turning around I saw Luna looking at me with a pout.

"Luna? What happened?" I asked my Ravenclaw date.

And my questioning took her by surprise, "Oh... Uh... It's nothing" she replied, looking away.

And I obviously didn't believe her, "Really?"

"Yeah, I'm... err... I'm just hungry" she said, nodding to herself.

"Hmm" I hummed with a skeptical look.

However, I couldn't say that I wasn't also a little hungry, and looking around I saw that everyone was still talking or looking at the empty plates in front of them in confusion.

And looking at the plate in front of me I knew what I had to do.

"Steak and mashed potatoes" I said out loud, and magically the exact food I had said appeared on the plate in front of me.

"Ooh, so that's how we get our food." Luna said in surprise, before also looking at her plate.

But before she could order something to eat I stopped her.

"Remember, the pudding is just for dessert" I said.

"Awn" Luna pouted in disappointment, making me smile in amusement.

And while Luna was thinking about what she wanted to eat that wasn't some really sugary treat, the other people at the main table who had seen how I had gotten my food also started to place their orders.

And not a second later everyone in the Great Hall was dining on their favorite dishes, and I could feel the Headmaster's sad gaze on me.

'He's probably disappointed that I stole his trick,' I huffed wryly, before shaking my head and going back to focusing on my food.


-Some time later-

After a few minutes everyone finished eating, and then the Headmaster stood up asking the students to do the same, and after that he waved his wand, pushing the tables to the corner of the walls before summoning a platform on the right wall.

And on top of platform there were some musical instruments, and the band hired for this ball, Weird Sisters, got on the platform, preparing for their performance.

And seeing this I knew it was time to start the champions' opening dance, which became even more obvious when the Headmaster asked the champions and their dates to stand up.

'Well, it's time to show everyone how effective my dance lessons with Penny and Professor McGonagall were' I thought confidently, before looking at Luna beside me who looked excited.

'Heh, and I'm sure it will be a really fun experience' I smiled slightly

