
Chapter 370

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


As soon as I created a connection between myself and the beautiful dragon in front of me I felt all of her feelings and emotions.

She was confused, a little angry, and scared. And I could tell that she was a little scared when she felt a touch on her nose, without knowing where it was coming from.

'Hi girl' I thought, conveying positive feelings to the Swedish Short-Snout, seeing her eyes widen slightly.

But other than the surprise on her face she didn't make any movement, which was a good thing since if she reacted in any way it could alert the wizards in the camp.

'It's weird that I call you dragon or girl, so I think I'll give you a name' I thought, looking at her with an analytical look.

'Hmm, because she's blue, the name Azula would suit her perfectly, but unfortunately that name already belongs to another dragon' I smiled ironically.

But looking at this blue-scaled female dragon, immediately in my mind came a dragon with exactly the same appearance.

And coincidentally this dragon is one of the main characters in one of the books that I decided to bring into this world.

'You'll be called Saphira' I thought with satisfaction, remembering the main dragon and the most beloved partner of Eragon, protagonist of the Inheritance Cycle books.

And happy to finally have chosen a name I transmitted it through the connection to the Swedish Short-Snout, also showing some images of what I imagined Saphira from the books looked like.

The now named Saphira tilted her head to the side, and I could feel she was thinking, and after a few seconds she let out a satisfied, happy snort, which made me smile.

"Hello Saphira" I said softly to her, and upon hearing my voice for the first time she looked to where I should be, still not seeing me because of the disillusionment charm.

And realizing that it was probably strange for her to talk to someone you don't even know what it's like, I began to transmit through the connection images of myself.

And for some reason, when she discovered what I looked like, Saphira narrowed her eyes, and her caution momentarily returned.

'She is suspicious because I am also a human like the wizards who arrested her' I reflected, having realized this through the connection.

'Relax, I'm not here to hurt you...' I conveyed to her, letting my emotions and thoughts show to her.

I also showed her my memories interacting with other creatures and showed my feelings of sadness and anger at her situation, showing that I didn't agree with what they were doing to her and that I wanted to see her free.

And perhaps sensing my honesty, Saphira let her guard down again, looking at me with calm eyes.

Saphira then brought her head closer to me before starting to sniff, and I realized that she was probably trying to distinguish and memorize my scent, and to make her job easier I canceled the spell that erased my scent.

Realizing that she could now smell me, Saphira took a long sniff.

After that she tilted her head, grunting slightly.

She seemed to be reflecting on something, looking at me as if she was seeing through the disillusionment charm and going deeper, seeing through my soul.

And seeming to find what she was looking for she snorted, transmitting satisfaction and other positive emotions through the connection, and I could see her thoughts, and in them she saw me in a forest surrounded by various creatures.

And blinking I realized that she saw me not only as a human, but as a wild creature like the others that lived in the forest, and above that, she saw me as a being just like her, a dragon.

Happy with that I started rubbing her snout with my hand, showing that I was happy.

Saphira then banged her head on my chest, in a show of confidence and happiness, like a dog wanting attention and affection.

And seeing a big proud dragon acting like that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Strange human" a deep and somewhat feminine voice said amusedly, and hearing this voice I immediately became alert.

'Who said that?' I wondered, looking around in confusion as I hadn't felt anyone approach me.

"His magic is strange... But good... And he smells just like us" the same voice said, only this time I realized which direction it came from.

And turning almost mechanically I looked at the blue dragon who was looking at me happily.

"Saphira?" I muttered.

"Saphira... That's a beautiful name for me..." the female voice said with a bit of pride, and this time I could see Saphira's mouth move slightly, as if she was grunting.

But instead of a low growl or roar I heard a voice, and it made my eyes widen.

'No fucking way...' I thought shocked, 'Did Saphira just speak?!'

'No no. It would be more accurate to say that I could understand what she was saying!'

Still amazed by what just happened, I brought my hand closer to Saphira's face, running my hand across her silvery blue scales lightly.

'Doesn't that mean I understand dragon language?' and with that thought in my mind I felt my heart beat faster.

'But of course, my Beast Power gives me the ability to understand magical languages' I began to reflect, 'And from what the history books I read tell, the magical language of dragons also exists, so just like the Parselmouth, I can also understand it.'

'I should have known that I had a chance of understanding the language of dragons' I thought, 'I know the legends and stories about Merlin, and in them they say that he had the ability to communicate in some way with dragons, and many theorized that this was only possible because he knew how to speak the language of these large, fire-breathing, scaly creatures'

'I've never actually thought about it, but if the magical language of snakes exists, then it's very likely that the magical tongue of other creatures, magical and non-magical, exist.'

And realizing this I started to get excited, already imagining myself talking to all kinds of existing creatures.

'I'd be like a magical Dr. Dolittle' I snorted, smiling in amusement.

"Why is this human smiling?" Saphira wondered, looking at me curiously.

And listening to her I stared at her, concentrating on my Beast Talk, before clearing my throat and starting to speak.

"I just thought of something funny," I said, feeling my throat hurt a little from trying to speak in dragon language, which is a mix of grunts and roars.

The way of speaking this language was almost the same as the goblin language, Gobbledegook, where it was necessary to force your throat to speak in a deep grunt.

However, the dragons' language was softer compared to theirs, and I could feel a powerful magical power in that tongue.

"Huh?!" Saphira looked at me with her eyes wide open, "Do you speak our language!?" she asked.

"I think so" I replied, rubbing my throat and feeling like I was getting used to this way of speaking.

"Amazing…" she said, looking at me with big eyes that sparkled with emotion, "I knew you were different from the others" she grunted, pleased with herself.

And shaking my head with an amused smile I continued rubbing her head, realizing that this dragon could be calm, but still had pride of her race.

"Well, you are also different from what I expected" I said.

"Oh, and how did you expect me to be?" she asked me.

"Let's see..." I started to say with a finger on my chin, "I expected you to be angrier and more spiteful, especially since I'm a human just like them" I pointed to the wizards in the camp, "And neither do I expected you to be as communicative and talkative as that."

"Well, it's not every day that I can meet another being that can speak my language," she said with a snort, "And about resentment and anger... well, I really don't like them, and if possible I would like to rip some of their heads off" she looked with narrowed eyes at some specific wizards.

'I may not know these guys, but some of them really don't seem very friendly' I thought looking back at some frowning wizards..

"But you're different" she continued, looking at me with intelligent eyes, "For some reason I feel close to you... It almost feels like I'm talking to a dragon of my race"

"No, actually you seem to be something more... I feel a feeling that is difficult to explain, but it's not bad" and listening to her I stopped, reflecting on this information.

'I know this is because of my Beast Power, but I didn't know it would cause this kind of reaction and feeling in a dragon' I thought.

But knowing it didn't matter for now I shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad to know you think so highly of me," I said with a small smile.

"Yes, you're right to feel happy that I, the great Saphira, have favorable feelings towards you" she said, raising her head proudly, releasing a short melodious roar that scared the wizards around us.

But when they saw that she wasn't trying to create a fuss, they relaxed, confused but relieved, and seeing their tired expressions I laughed.

"It looks like you liked the name I gave you" I said, and she nodded happily.

"It's a beautiful name" she said, "And that was the first name anyone gave me. Usually they call me dragon or It" I could feel a slight tone of sadness in her voice.

And I had already noticed that Saphira was a little sentimental, and noticing her sadness I caressed her.

"Don't worry, now you have a beautiful and amazing name that suits you" I said, "And know that you, my beautiful and powerful friend Saphira, are amazing and wonderful!" I proclaimed.

And listening to me Saphira bared her fangs in what I could assume was a dragon's smile, before roaring happily, again alerting the others in the camp.

Smiling at her I continued running my hand over her scales, now being able to say that I had made friends with a dragon.

