
Chapter 309

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"Tell me, why aren't we apparating directly to where the camp is?" Fred asked, rubbing his forehead with a tired look.

"Because we are too big a group to Apparate all together" Mr. Weasley said, looking at his pocket watch.

"But I've heard that a wizard can apparate two people with no problem" Hermione, as informed as ever, said.

"Yes, that's true" Mr. Weasley nodded, "But here only Sirius, Remus and I know how to Apparate, and there are more people here than we can take."

"Oh" Hermione mumbled, looking at everyone and seeing that he was right.

Counting my parents and Cele there were nine people who couldn't or didn't know how to Apparate, and only 3 who could.

Of course, I don't include myself in the account as no one other than my family, Sirius, Remus, and I suspect the twins knew that I already knew how to Apparate.

"But don't worry kids, we're almost there" Mr. Weasley said.

"You know, I'm almost missing magical methods of transportation" my dad commented to my mom, carrying my mom's, Cele's, and his bags, feeling like his legs wouldn't hold up any longer.

"Oh, so don't worry" Sirius, who had Cele on his shoulders laughing, said, smirking at my dad, "When we get back I can take you on a tour of England using the apparition"

"Thanks, but I refuse" my dad said dryly.

"Uncle Sirius" Cele said, and Sirius lifted his head to look at her.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Can you take me on this tour in daddy's place?" she asked, her eyes twinkling excitedly.

"Err..." Sirius started to say, before looking at my parents and seeing my mother shrug, "Well, I guess so," he said.

"Yay!" Cele cheered, smiling happily.

"I wonder if any of my kids are normal," my mom muttered aloud, and I, who heard her, looked at her slightly offended.

""She's right"" the twins said, and when I turned to them I saw them staring at me smugly.

"Shut up" I said rolling my eyes.

And with our conversations and games we finally arrived at the hill where the portkey was, and as soon as we arrived we saw that we weren't alone.

"Amos!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed, going to greet his old work friend.

"Arthur! How are you?" Mr. Diggory asked, also moving closer with Ced at his side.

Arriving in front of each other, the two greeted each other with smiles, before Mr. Diggory look behind Mr. Weasley and see the large group accompanying him.

"Mr. Black" Mr. Diggory said respectfully, and obviously a little nervous being in the presence of someone so influential.

"Amos Diggory, right?" Sirius asked, holding out his hand to him, smiling warmly, not showing much friendliness or pushing him away.

And watching this short interaction between the two, I could see that Andromeda's politics lessons with Sirius were working.

"Yes, it's a pleasure to talk to you in person" Mr. Diggory said, before gesturing to his son, who had taken a step forward.

"Hello Mr Black" Cedric said, calmer than his father before turning to the other adults, "Hello Mr Weasley and Professor Lupin too"

"Oh, you don't have to call me Professor Cedric anymore" Remus said with a wry smile.

"Sorry, it's the custom" Cedric shrugged with a slight smile.

He then looked at the other two adults standing behind Sirius and beside Remus, and noticing the similarity between their appearance and mine he immediately realized they were my parents.

"And it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Night," he greeted them, extending his hand to my dad.

"Nice to meet you too Cedric" my dad said, and then looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "You wouldn't happen to be the 'pretty boy, but not as much as my son', would you?" he asked in amusement.

"Well, I guess that's me," Cedric replied somewhat awkwardly, watching me as I whistled innocently.

Listening to my dad, Mr. Diggory looked at him confused, turning to his son and seeing that he was staring at me.

"Oh, so that's the great Ravenclaw player my son tells me about" Mr. Diggory said, looking at me.

"Well, I'm usually called Ethan, but I guess that might be one of my titles too," I said, with a slightly smug, playful smile.

But instead of laughing at my joke, Mr. Diggory only scowled slightly before looking back at Sirius and Mr. Weasley.

'Huh?' I blinked in confusion, feeling some resentment coming from him.

Not understanding what happened I turned to the twins who were behind me, who simply shrugged their shoulders also not understanding what happened.

And while I wondered when I offended Mr. Diggory, Cedric approached me.

"Don't care too much about my dad's reaction, he's still a little bummed that I lost to you in the last match... And the penultimate one too" Ced said, looking apologetically at my parents and me.

"Oh" I said, finally understanding the situation.

'I forgot that Mr. Diggory is a little too emotional when it comes to his son he is so proud of' I thought.

I then saw that Ced was still looking at me a little concerned at my silence, and noticing this I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it" I said to reassure him, "I'm sure my father would be upset too if he came face to face with someone who beat his son"

"No I wouldn't" my dad said but I ignored him.

"I see" Ced said with a wry smile.

And noticing that Ced was a little more relaxed I properly introduced him to my parents.

And as we talked the rest of the group consisting of the Weasley children and the golden trio looked around not knowing what to do, with the twins looking over at Cedric and I who were talking and laughing.

"Why do I feel like we're being excluded here?" George asked his twin, who just shrugged.

"I guess that's what happens when you meet prettier friends, they forget their old friends" Fred said, and George turned to him.

"Did you just say that the badgers' favorite boy is better looking than us?" he asked frowning.

"No, I said he's better looking than you" Fred replied with a cocky smile on his face, and his brother looked darkly at him.

And unaware of the conversation that was taking place behind us, Cedric continued to chat with my parents, until Mr. Weasley reminded us all that we were running out of time and that we had to find the portkey.

And it wasn't too difficult to find the portkey, since I only had to look for a magically enchanted object on this hill with my senses.

The portkey was still a tattered old boot, and this large group crowded around it.

"Hmm, no one was wearing that boot before, right?" Hermione asked as she eyed the boot with slight disgust.

"Oh no, it's just an old boot that was stored in the ministry's item storage" Mr. Weasley said, which reassured the curly-haired girl a bit.

"It's almost time guys" Remus said after seeing the boot shake slightly on the ground.

"He's right" Mr. Weasley looking at his watch. He then turned to everyone, "Come on, everyone touch the boot, and kids, remember, don't let go"

And in a melee we all managed to hold on to the boot, with those like Harry and Hermione who had never used a portkey before looking apprehensively at the item.

When I heard a click coming from Mr. Weasley's watch the boot began to shake even more, and feeling a pull on my navel I was pulled into a vortex towards the boot, feeling magic cover everyone who was with me.

And in the next instant, I, as well as everyone else in the group, disappeared in a distortion along with the boot, leaving the field of the hill silent and empty.
