
Chapter 293

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Library - Study Group-

Today was the weekend, which meant we didn't have classes, not that it mattered as we were just as busy as any other day with homework assigned by all the teachers.

As the final exams were coming up, all the teachers, without exception, decided to bog the students down with piles of homework and research.

And because of that, and knowing that some students would have a hard time finishing these homework assignments, I sent a letter to all study group members letting them know that we would have a session today.

And that's why after 9 am all the members of the study group met in the library at a big table, with lots of books, parchments and quills on top of it.

"Sigh... Another homework done," I said, pushing the parchment and inkwell away from me as I relaxed into my chair.

"Oh, so Ethan Night can tire himself out with simple homework just like us mere mortals?" Sue asked with a playful look.

"Yes, even I, the great and powerful wizard, the most beautiful, irresistible, and amazing Ethan Night, can get bored after 2 hours of homework" I said with a cocky smile, winking at Sue, who maturely stuck his tongue out at me.

"Huh? Has it been two hours?" Hermione asked in a bit of surprise, putting down her astrology book on constellations and looking up.

"The question should be: has it been ONLY two hours?" Stephen asked as he stopped writing, grimacing, "I feel like I've been writing for days" he said, shaking his aching hand.

"""Stop being dramatic""" Sue, Michael and I said as we rolled our eyes.

"I'm not being dramatic" he said offended, but we ignored him.

"Hmm, I thought it was fun doing this homework" Luna said as she tapped her quill on her cheek, looking at us confused.

"You only say that because you still don't have electives to receive more homework" Anthony muttered.

And Luna just looked at him as she tilted her head to the side.

And while Stephen and Anthony continued to complain, Davis leaned over to her friend.

"Aren't Ravenclaws supposed to be the scholars who love to study and do homework?" she asked in a whisper.

And Greengrass, hearing this, let out a slight snort, sweeping her gaze over us all. But as soon as her gaze landed on me she narrowed her eyes.

'Night' she thought, a little irritated.

And her being irritated with me was no surprise, since she'd disliked me since first year on the train ride, because of the whole pureblood and prejudice thing.

And then there was also the fact that she didn't like to lose out in magic and studies to me, someone "inferior" to her. However, the reason for her upset look these past few days was another.

'I still don't know why Astoria likes him so much' she thought, using what little occlumency she knew to stop herself from frowning, not wanting to break her ice queen mask.

And I, who had grabbed another parchment and my Herbology book, paused, feeling a spike of jealousy come from Greengrass.

And sensing this unexpected feeling from the cold and expressionless girl, I turned to look at her, and realizing this she was quick to look away.

'Huh?' I looked at her confused, until I noticed that she had sat up straighter in her chair while maintaining a neutral expression.

'Oh yes, the Ice Queen' I thought with a sarcastic snort, knowing how stupid this title was, mainly because I could feel all her emotions, which for the most part were the same as any other teenage girl's.

'But leaving your mask aside, why is she jealous of me?' I asked myself, 'As far as I can remember I didn't do anything to justify this feeling... At least not that I know of'

And as I sifted through my memories for any time I interacted with Greengrass or did anything to make her jealous, the person in question glanced at me from the corner of her eye.

'I'm still going to find out how you became friends with my sister and what you did for her to be so attached to you' Greengrass thought.


-Gryffindor Common Room – After Dinner-

[POV – Third Person]

"Well, I'm glad I dropped out of some electives at the start of the second term," Hermione said, taking a seat in front of her common room fireplace reading a book, with Crookshanks in her lap.

"I still don't know how you managed to attend all those classes," Ron said, as he looked at the chess game he was playing against Harry.

"Oh, I don't know what you're talking about" Hermione said as she looked away.

However, she noticed Harry looking at her with a raised eyebrow, obviously knowing there was more to it.

And noticing the look of her friend/crush, Hermione put her hand to her chest where the Time-Turner was, which Ethan had returned to her the next day after she lent it to him, just as they had agreed.

Seeing Hermione take her hand to her chest Harry followed his actions with his eyes, but when he realized where he was looking he quickly looked away with a red face.

And Hermione, who saw this, looked at him in confusion, until understanding hit her too, causing her to blush.

And sensing the awkwardness in the air, Ron looked at his two friends, noting their red and embarrassed faces, completely oblivious to the situation.

"Huh?" he blinked in confusion.

"Ahem" Hermione coughed to get rid of the embarrassment, "Well, back to the point, I'm going to talk to Professor McGonagall to find out if next school year I can take the exams for the electives I'm not taking"

"And why would you do that?" Ron asked genuinely confused, "I know you like to study, but there are some subjects that really aren't all that useful, like Divination and Muggle Studies."

"First, if Divination is so useless, why did you choose it as one of your electives?" Hermione asked, looking narrow-eyed at Ron, and not giving him a chance to reply she continued, "And secondly, even though I don't find these subjects all that useful or necessary, especially Divination…" she continued saying, speaking divination with disdainfully, "Taking their exams and getting good grades might help me in the future when I want to get a job here in the wizarding world"

"And it would also show everyone how smart you are," Harry added with an amused smile, and Hermione blushed slightly.

"Well, I wouldn't put it that way, but…" she said.

"Oh, why didn't you say that from the beginning?" Ron said in realization, and Hermione turned to him in confusion.

"What? But I... But..." and catching Ron's look, and knowing her friend well, she knew there was no point in trying to explain, and so she sighed as she shook her head.

"You know what? Never mind," she said.

And Ron looked at her blankly, then turned to Harry who was smiling in amusement, looked back at her, and then shrugged, going back to concentrating on his chess game.

And seeing this, Harry snorted, turning to Hermione who smiled wryly, shaking her head.

'Ron being Ron' he thought, also looking back at the chess game.

"Checkmate" Ron said, causing Harry to stop in surprise.



-12 Grimmauld Place-

"Well, this place is just as sinister and dark as I imagined," Remus said, looking around at the dusty, dirty, and falling apart house.

"If you're finding this place sinister you should see what it was like when my family was together" Sirius said with a grimace, looking at the house with distaste, not knowing whether he wanted to leave the place or destroy it.

"It shouldn't have been that bad Padfoot" Remus said, walking over and rubbing his nose, feeling the smell of damp and dust bothering his werewolf sense of smell.

"It was actually a lot worse," Sirius said, frowning.

The two then continued walking through the place, looking around, until they passed the entrance hall, where Sirius tripped over an ornate vase, knocking it over and breaking it.

And unfortunately the noise of the breaking vase woke the sleeping portrait of Walburga Black.

"Intruders!" she yelled, startling Remus and Sirius, who quickly turned towards the portrait with wands in hand.

"Mom!?" Sirius asked in surprise, and his voice instead of making Walburga calm down, only made her angrier.

"You traitorous scum! What are you doing in my house?! Get out, you impure!" she started screaming in a high-pitched voice.

And Remus, hearing this only blinked, with Sirius frowning at the portrait.

But before they could say anything, a cracking sound was heard coming from the end of the hall, and the two quickly turned around and cast some spells in that direction.

And with the sound of a falling body, the two stopped, until they noticed by the dim light emanating from a nearby lamp that the fallen body belonged to an ugly old house-elf.

And ignoring the screams of the late Lady Black, Sirius and Remus looked at each other.





"What in the name of Merlin's deflated balls did just happen?" Remus asked, and Sirius just sighed.

"Well, welcome to Black madness" he said.



(End AN: Train to Busan is a truly good and moving zombie movie. I don't know why it took me so long to watch it.)