
Chapter 258

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Greengrass Mansion – On Christmas Morning too-

[POV – Third Person]

"Wow, I got more presents than I did last year" Astoria said in surprise looking at her presents.

"Hmm, my first Christmas after entering Hogwarts I also got a lot of presents, only this time I got more presents than last year" Daphne mumbled.

She then took one of the presents with her name on it, and looking at the small note on top of the present she saw who sent it to her, and rolling her eyes she threw the present aside.

"Ugh, pompous idiot," she said with a grimace, and Astoria looked at her confused sister.

"Who sent you that present?" Astoria asked.

"Someone I wish would forget I exist" Daphne replied.

Her mother, Elizabeth Greengrass, picked the present up off the floor with a curious gaze, reading the sender's name.

"Bernad Warrington? The youngest son of the Warrington family?" Elizabeth asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, isn't this that fourth year boy who keeps trying to get your attention and who keeps flirting with you?" Astoria asked her sister, who looked at her with an annoyed look.

"Why is this the first time I've heard about this?" Sebastian Greengrass, the lord of the Greengrass family and father of Astoria and Daphne, asked.

Glancing one last time with annoyance at her sister, Daphne sighed and turned to her father.

"Because he only started his weak and ridiculous attempts to 'woo' me this year, and besides, I didn't think it was important to mention this to you as I have no interest in him and I don't want to keep talking about him" Daphne said, and Sebastian looked at her for a moment before nodding.

"Well, I'm not going to interfere in your affairs, but you know it's about time you started looking for a suitor, right?" he asked, and Daphne snorted.

"As if any boy at that school was worthy of my attention," she said with contempt and a little arrogance, and her mother smiled wryly.

"But what about that boy you keep talking about?" Elizabeth asked, and Daphne looked at her questioningly.

"Boy I keep talking about? Who?" she asked confused.

"That Ravenclaw boy" Elizabeth started to say "What's his name? Nathan? Edward?"

"Ethan!" Astoria exclaimed, and her mother nodded.

"Yes, this one," Elizabeth said, ignoring Daphne's strange, sour look.

"No, I meant I got a present from Ethan!" Astoria said excited and surprised.

"Ethan Night?" Daphne asked with a frown, "Did he send you a present?"

"Oh... Are you sad because your little crush sent your sister a present and not you, honey?" Elizabeth asked with a playful smile on her face.

"He's not my crush. I'm not even friends with him let alone have any kind of interest in him" Daphne said with an annoyed look.

"Uhum" her mother said unconvinced.

"Honey, stop teasing Daphne" Sebastian said to his wife. He then turned and looked at his two daughters, seeing Daphne still sulking and Astoria opening the present Ethan had sent her with a happy smile.

'Hmm, Ethan Night isn't the name of any wizarding family that I know of, so he must be a muggleborn' he thought, not having many good thoughts about muggleborns, but unlike his associates he knew the world wasn't so black and white, nor that blood purity was the answer to everything.

Looking back at Astoria who had a small, beautifully ornate silver tiara in her hands, Sebastian noticed her cheerful smile, which didn't look like her usual forced smiles.

'Maybe I should find out a little more about this Ethan Night guy' he thought.


-Back at the Nights' House – Afternoon, in the Kitchen-

The large group of 3 families and 1 man dog that were in my house were now in the kitchen waiting for lunch, with my mom and Grandma Penny cooking while they chatted with Andromeda.

Ted, Nick and my dad were also talking about football, a sport I didn't even know Nick liked.

And in the strangest but most amusing group were Sirius, Tonks, Cele and myself, with Tonks amusing Cele with his Metamorphmagus abilities.

"Now a lion!" Cele excitedly exclaimed to Tonks, raising her hands.

"Okay, Okay" Tonks said, and then her face started to distort until it took on the features of a lion, only with the pink mane.

"Ohhh" Cele looked impressed at Tonks, who made no attempt to hide the pride she was feeling.

"Yeah, ohhh" Tonks said playfully, "You wanna see what a rabbit with rainbow eyes and blue fur looks like?" she asked Cele.

"Yes I want!" she replied with her eyes sparkling in anticipation.

And as they both played Sirius and I looked at the scene, with me grinning in amusement and Sirius mumbling in annoyance.

"Come on Sirius, don't be sad" I said with a playful look nudging him with my elbow.

"I don't know why she thinks it's so much fun to turn just your face into an animal" Sirius grumbled, "It's so much more amazing to turn into a full animal"

"Yes, yes" I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I'm sure Cele knows that bear paws and a cat's face are nicer than a simple dog," Tonks commented looking smugly at Sirius, who, honoring his age and showing his maturity, stuck his tongue out at her.

"Hmm, now I understand why they say I'm the most mature...it's just that the competition isn't very fierce," I muttered, earning a slight offended look from both Tonks and Sirius.

Sirius was going to say something, but then he saw out of the corner of his eye an owl flying towards the kitchen window.

Following his gaze and hearing the flapping of wings in the distance, I saw a black owl carrying a large package, and looking at the package I realized it was a broom.

Snapping my fingers, I magically opened the window, allowing the owl to enter the kitchen, with it landing on the table in front of us.

"Delivery took a while, but luckily it arrived today" Sirius said, and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Let me guess, this is a present for Harry?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Oh! And what is it?" Tonks asked, and Sirius and I both looked at her like she was an idiot.

Sirius then looked at Tonks, at the broom, looked back at Tonk and then answered her.

"Err... A broom?" Sirius said, and Tonks stammered in embarrassment.

"N-no, I mean, I know it's a broom, but I want to know what make and model" she rephrased her question.

"Well, that's a secret—"

"It's a Firebolt," I said interrupting Sirius, who turned to me.

"Hey! It was supposed to be a mystery present" he said, "And how do you know it's a Firebolt?"

"Let's just say I have some mysterious abilities that helped me figure this out," I shrugged, smiling in amusement at the blank look Sirius was giving me.

"Sigh... Well never mind, I just hope Harry likes this gift" Sirius said, and I snorted.

"Like? He'll love it" I said.

"Do you... Do you really think so?" Sirius asked me uncertainly, but in a hopeful tone.

"I'm sure," I said confidently.

I could understand Sirius' fear, as this would be the first present he had given Harry in many years, and with Harry being older.

But I have to say, Sirius really knows how to choose a present. Even though Harry hadn't lost his broom, he still craved a Firebolt, just like any other boy and girl who enjoys flying or Quidditch.

I just hope Hermione doesn't report the broomstick to Professor McGonagall like in canon.

Sirius's threat isn't as urgent at school, since he didn't break into Hogwarts and he didn't even destroy the portrait of the Fat Lady, so it probably won't happen... I think.

But even if Professor McGonagall gets the broom, I think I could convince her that the Firebolt is safe and that it was sent by a friend of mine, and that should be enough to ease her worries.

'Hmm, unfortunately I'm going to miss Harry's reaction to seeing the broomstick' I thought, a little disappointed with that fact.


-Hogwarts – At Night-

[POV – Harry]

I was in my bed sleeping when suddenly I felt something land next to me on the bed, and right after that I felt something pecking at my ear.


"Uhmm...I'm trying to sleep Hedwig" I groaned.

"Hoot, Hoot!"

"What Hedwig?" I asked, wanting to bury my face in my pillow.

'Wait... Hedwig should still be with the Weasleys resting after she finished giving them their presents.' I thought, and immediately got up awake.

Glancing at the owl that was trying to wake me up, I saw a brown fluffed owl that looked familiar staring at me.

I was going to question what this owl was doing here on my bed, but then the owl took flight and went to a wrapped package that was at the foot of my bed, and by the shape of the package I realized that it was a broom.

"Is this a present…for me?" I asked the owl, who to my surprise nodded.

Getting up slowly from the bed I went to the broom, and picking it up I felt its weight.

Returning to my bed and sitting down with the package on my lap, I saw that there was only a note written "To a first Christmas of many, Merry Christmas Harry".

Shrugging my shoulders at the mysterious and unknown sender I quickly tore open the wrapping that covered the broom, curious to know which broom model it was, and shortly after that my present was fully exposed in front of me.

"Is that... Is that a Firebolt?!" I wondered in a surprised, amazed whisper.

The broom in my hands was definitely a Firebolt, the broom that I so desired and dreamed of, with its beautiful handle detailed and shiny thanks to its refined polishing.

I didn't know who sent me this present, but I did know that this is probably the third best present I've ever received in my life, right behind the photo album of my parents that Hagrid gave me for my first Christmas and the Invisibility Cloak .

"Harry, what are you doing up?" Ron, who was woken up by the noise, asked, sitting up groggily on his bed.

He then looked at me and saw the broom I was holding in my hands.

Blinking in surprise, he rubbed his eyes before looking at the broom again.

"Yes, I think I'm still dreaming" he said, and without even waiting for me to say anything he went back to bed, covering himself with his blanket as he fell back into a deep sleep.

And I, who was looking at this scene, just blinked in confusion.




'Well, tomorrow when he wakes up I'll show him the broom' I shrugged.

I then returned my gaze to the broom, running my hand over its exquisite polish with a happy smile on my face.

"This sure is one of the best Christmases I've ever had," I said.



(End AN: I guess I didn't ask you guys, but are you thinking of playing Hogwarts Legacy?

I know a lot of people are excited about the game, but I don't particularly share the same excitement.

I've already seen some Hogwarts Legacy gameplay on youtube and twitch, and the game looks cool, but it still hasn't captured my interest.)