
Chapter 242

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


As I had predicted, even with Chang being an excellent player and flyer, her lack of experience playing in a real match made her make some mistakes, and taking advantage of these small mistakes Cedric managed to catch the snitch before her.

But even with Hufflepuff getting the snitch they still lost the match because of the sum total of points, as Ravenclaw had already scored a lot of goals before the snitch was caught.

The match was over 660-350 for Ravenclaw, and of the 66 goals Ravenclaw had scored, 47 were mine.

Since my debut as a chaser this was the match in which I scored the most goals, and I could say that this happened because of my Firebolt which really is an excellent broom and very fast, but another reason is that my skills and instincts were getting stronger.

And with all these factors, and with Roger telling me not to hold back, I was able for the first time in a Quidditch match to play freely and unhindered, using all my attributes.

At some point between my twentieth and thirtieth goals, I could tell from the emotions of the Hufflepuff crowd and the Puffs' team that they just wanted one of the two Seekers to take the snitch so that the match ended soon, not wanting to continue watching the one-sided massacre that was taking place

And with the end of the match, everyone from Ravenclaw celebrated happily, much more excited than the other times, and in contrast, you could feel the sadness of the Puffs in the air and the nervousness and pressure that the other houses were feeling, and I I didn't even need to read the minds of the Slytherin and Gryffindor players to know they were worried, probably thinking about how they would defeat my Firebolt.

But with all that and with the match over, all the blue and bronze house students who were in the stands left the Quidditch pitch, heading back to the castle and heading towards our common room with the intention of celebrating this victory.


-Ravenclaw Common Room – After the victory against Hufflepuff-

After taking a relaxing shower to clean up after the game, me and the other team members headed to Ravenclaw Tower, knowing our housemates would be waiting for us to properly celebrate our victory.

Arriving in front of the bronze knocker we answered the riddle and the door opened for us, giving us passage to the Ravenclaw common room.

Entering the common room we saw that the place was all decked out in blue party decorations, but in addition to noticing the decor, we also noticed that all eyes fell on us as soon as we arrived, and I could feel the joy and happiness coming from everyone.

And after staring at us for a few seconds, our housemates immediately started applauding, with some coming up to us running with happy looks on their faces wanting to congratulate us.

"What the fuck Ethan?! Why the hell didn't you tell us you had a damn Firebolt?!" Terry, who was the first of my friends to reach me, asked me as he grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"Yes! You don't know how surprised I was when I saw you enter the field riding it!" Anthony, who arrived shortly after Terry, said, with a big smile on his face.

"Well...you didn't ask if I had a Firebolt" I shrugged, enjoying the irritated look Terry was giving me.

"If we didn't need you to win the Quidditch Cup I'd jinx you so much your mother wouldn't even recognize you" Terry said, and I just smiled innocently at him.

"Ignore him," Anthony said, pushing Terry aside, ignoring his indignant exclamation.

Now standing in front of me, he raised his hands and placed them on my shoulders, and lifting his head to look at me I noticed he was looking a little crazed.

"Sooooooo... Where is it?" he asked.

"Where's what?" I asked confused.

"Where's the broom?" he repeated, squeezing my shoulders.





"You know, you acting like that sounds like a harasser," I commented.

"Do not change the subject"

"Okay, okay" I said rolling my eyes.

I then took Anthony's hands away from my shoulders, and bringing my hand up to the chain around my neck I took it off.

On the chain, in addition to my shrunken suitcase, there was also a miniature broom pendant, but obviously this was not a simple broom pendant.

Pulling the mini broom off the chain, I held it in my hand, showing it to Anthony and Terry, who brought their face close to my hand as they stared in wonder at the broom.

""It's beautiful"" they whispered.

"You guys are weird" Michael, who was right behind Terry and Anthony along with my other friends, commented but was promptly ignored.

"Hmm, you know, wouldn't it be easier for you to return the broom to its normal size so that everyone could see it?" Stephen, who was looking strangely at Terry and Anthony, asked.

"Yea, I may not be a fan of Quidditch or flying, but even I want to see what this famous and amazing Firebolt looks like," Padma said.

"And I'm sure we're not the only ones" Lisa huffed, gesturing around us.

I then looked around, noticing that the common room had fallen into silence, and I noticed that all the students were trying to look at the mini broom in my hand.

Sensing the anticipation coming from the others, I shook my head in amused exasperation.

Taking my wand out of its holster, I shook it and touched my mini broom, which began to grow to the size of a regular broom.

And now everyone was looking at a real Firebolt that was in my hands, marveling at its exquisite and beautiful polish.

"Ta-dah!" I said jokingly, but no one responded as everyone was still looking at the Firebolt in shock.




"Holy shit... That's a fucking Firebolt!" someone yelled in the background, and that was enough to make everyone recover from the shock.

Everyone then started talking and commenting about my Firebolt, pointing at it, and even those not interested in Quidditch and broomsticks were excitedly talking about it.

"Ethan, tell me the truth, you're not the son of some pureblood family, are you?" Anthony asked me seriously.



"Oh, You discovered the truth," I said dryly. I then looked at Anthony for a few seconds before continuing, "In fact I'm your long lost twin brother and this broom was given to me by our parents to make up for my missed birthdays" I said putting my hand on his shoulder with an apologetic look.

"Hmph, I know this is a lie because even I didn't get this broom as a gift from them" Anthony said with a huff.

"Maybe I'm their favorite son" I shrugged, and Anthony looked at me with a frown.

"Hey Ethan, can I?" Terry asked me, making me turn to him.

Looking at him I saw he was pointing at the Firebolt, and with a shrug I handed the broom to him, who took it as if it were a precise, delicate item.

I then let my friends and colleagues see and touch my Firebolt, and while they drooled over it I stood to the side, looking at the scene with an amused but exasperated look.

'It's amazing and strange to see them react like this to a broom... Okay that's the current best broom on the market, but it's still just a broom' I thought.

"Hmm, everyone is acting so weird, but there aren't any Wrackspurts around them" Luna, who was next to me, commented.

"Well, everyone is happy that Ravenclaw won our first match, so maybe everyone's joy and positivity is pushing them away," I said.

"It makes sense" Luna said with a thoughtful look.

'Hmm, how are the students of the other houses reacting to the fact that I have a Firebolt?' I wondered with my hand on my chin.


-Gryffindor Common Room – At the same time-

All the Gryffindors were sitting in the red and gold common room, with sad, worried looks on their faces.

The members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team were staring at the floor lost in thought, feeling nervous at the thought of a future match against Ravenclaw.







"Yeah... We're screwed" Finnigan commented breaking the tense silence of the common room, and impressively no one disagreed.


-Slytherin common room-

The same worried air hung over the Slytherins, and many grumbled with grimaces on their faces.

Most of the students were nervous thinking about the difficulty they would face in the next matches, realizing that it would be difficult to win this school year's Quidditch Cup.

And the remaining Slytherins were frowning as they realized that the one who owned a Firebolt was a mudblood, and that not even they, purebloods, had that broom.

"Damn, my father will hear about this" a boy with pale blonde hair almost white complained, and those around him rolled their eyes, having heard that same phrase hundreds of times.


-December 18th – Last Hogsmeade Visit of the Year-

After a few days everyone's emotions calmed down, and even with a lot of people still talking and commenting about my Firebolt, this was no longer the main topic in the conversations between groups of friends that took place around the castle, at least not in the last five days.

And that was due to the fact that five days ago, at lunch, the Headmaster had announced that we would have another weekend in Hogsmeade before Christmas break, which got everyone excited.

And it just so happens that today would be that day, and that's why I was in the Great Hall with my friends waiting for the carriages to arrive for us to go to the village of Hogsmeade.

As I chatted with Terry and Anthony, Stephen sat heavily on the seat across from us, looking downcast.

We stared at him strangely, and meanwhile he was drawing circles with his fingers on the table.

"Come on man, get over it" Michael said, arriving and sitting next to him, and in response Stephen only grunted making him roll his eyes.

"What happened to him?" Terry asked Michael, pointing at Stephen.

Hearing his question Michael huffed, "He decided in an incredible Gryffindor courage that he was going to ask Nicolly Seaward on a date in Hogsmeade, and not so surprisingly he was rejected" he said.

"Nicolly Seaward? Isn't she a fifth year Slytherin?" I asked.

"Yes," Michael replied, not even trying to hide his mocking smile.

Hearing this, Terry, Anthony and I turned to Stephen, looking at him as if he were a creature to be studied.

"I'm trying to feel some kind of sympathy for you, but did you really try to ask a girl older than you, and from Slytherin, on a date?" Terry asked with an odd look.

"Sigh... You don't understand how love works" Stephen sighed wistfully.

"I don't understand how your brain works" Terry snapped, "I thought the only person who would do something crazy like that would be Ethan"

"Hey, I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid," I said defensively.

And with that sentence, Anthony, Terry, Michael, and even Stephen turned to stare at me with blank stares.

""""Uhum"""" they said unconvinced, and I felt my right eye twitch.



(End AN: I've had a bit of luck in some matters these past few days, but knowing myself well, I know that after that lucky streak, I'll start to get unlucky.

I just hope fate doesn't try to screw me too much...)