
Chapter 239

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Headmaster's Office-

As I looked at the Headmaster who was telling me about my "classmate" with obvious guilt on his face, I was thinking, trying to find some reason for his change.

From the moment I laid eyes on him I realized that the Headmaster cared about Harry, but I didn't expect his concern to be so great that he would come to me for help.

Something like that had never occurred in canon, and until now I've always considered this world to follow the same events as the story I read and watched, but now I started to wonder if I was in some sort of alternate universe.

The chances of me being in an alternate universe were almost nil, since apart from this change, all other events happened as expected.

But with that, the only conclusion I could come to was that my presence caused some butterfly effect, and once I reached that conclusion I realized that I wasn't as nervous or worried as I thought I would be.

I'm trying to keep things the same as canon at least until the end of the fourth year, but knowing that I've changed a few things with my presence and actions hasn't left me worried about future events.

I don't know why, but maybe it's because I know these changes won't interfere with Voldemort's rebirth, or maybe I've already accepted the fact that some things would have to change with me here.

Well, I don't think there's any point in me thinking about it too much, the best thing I can do for now is listen to the Headmaster and think of a way to help Harry.

And with that in mind, I looked at Headmaster.

"...You're talking about Harry, aren't you?" I asked, and the Headmaster looked at his hands for a moment.

"...Yes" he replied. He then looked at me and I could feel his troubled emotions, "And I know this is a strange request, but I would like you to help him, talk to him, try to get him to cheer up," he said.

"But why make this request to me? You could have asked Hermione or Ron, they are Harry's best friends" I said confused, and the Headmaster sighed again.

"Yes, I could," he replied, "But they can't help Harry completely. They can cheer him up, comfort him, make him feel wanted, but he needs the help of someone who won't mince words, and who will know what to say"

"But a professor could do that" I said, "I know Harry has been talking and spending a lot of time with Professor Lupin. Why don't you ask him to talk to Harry?"

"You answered that question yourself Ethan" the Headmaster replied, and I looked at him confused, "Professor Lupin is a teacher in Harry's eyes, and an adult, and I don't think he's the best choice to help Harry with his problems, at least not these ones" he said looking away, and I could tell this was a subject he didn't want to talk about.

"...But that still doesn't explain why it has to be me" I said, "Harry has other friends, mostly in Gryffindor, so why me?" I asked again.

"Because you're his friend, because you're smart, because you see the world with mature eyes, and because you're the only one who can calm his mind and heart... Only you can open Harry's eyes" the Headmaster answered me solemnly, and his answer confused me.

His answer confused me for many reasons, the main one still being that I didn't understand why I had to be the one who had to talk to Harry... It didn't make any sense to me.

No matter what the Headmaster said, for me Hermione and Ron should talk to him, hell, there's a reason they're called the golden trio!

And even if it wasn't them, what made me worthy of being the one to help Harry? And what did the Headmaster mean when he said that I'm the only one who could calm Harry's mind and heart and that I'm the only one who could open his eyes?

Feeling irritated by the Headmaster's cryptic response, I started to think about how I could help Harry where his trusted friends couldn't, and how I could "open his eyes".

And as I thought about that question, I was reminded that this year there were certain events in particular that would be bothering Harry, making him stressed and angry, and these events involved matters from both his past and his present.

With that, I finally realized the Headmaster's intentions.

"You're not asking me to talk to Harry just because I'm his friend, you're asking me to talk to him because you know I have the answers to his questions and doubts," I said, and the Headmaster looked at me for a few moments before nodding his head.

"Yes," he said, sighing wearily, "I know very well that Harry is confused by everything that's been going on this year, and as much as I want him to remain ignorant of these matters, I can't stop him from knowing about the his own story"

"But you know what will happen when he knows everything, right?" I asked.

"Yes, I know... But I'm more afraid to think about what would happen if he sought out the answers himself or was locked in his own mind thinking about it" the Headmaster replied to me, and I couldn't deny that he had a good point.

"But what about Professor Lupin?" I asked, and the Headmaster looked at me for a moment before understanding what I was asking.

"Sigh... I haven't talked to him yet, but I think he'll agree with my choice" the Headmaster said, "And besides, I think neither he nor I have the right to hide the answers from Harry... He deserves this"

Listening to the Headmaster I looked at him for a few seconds, feeling his emotions and the truth in his words, and realizing he was serious I nodded.

'So basically the Headmaster wants me to tell Harry everything I know about him and his life, something that almost all adult wizards know but don't like to talk about, at least not to Harry himself' I thought, sighing mentally, 'And the Headmaster also expects me to talk about Sirius' betrayal and about his and Lupin's friendship with his father... And that's why Professor Lupin can't talk to him' I realized.

'Damn, this isn't going to be a smooth conversation' I thought with a frown, remembering how Harry reacted to this revelation in canon.

The only difference is that I know a lot more than the Headmaster thinks I do, and that could be a big help in the conversation I'm going to have with Harry.

I had already decided for myself that I would talk to Harry the moment he was attacked by the Dementors on the Quidditch pitch, so accepting the Headmaster's request is just a formality.

"Sigh... Alright, I'll talk to Harry" I said, and I could see the Headmaster's shoulders relax.

"Thank you Ethan," he said, "I know my request is unexpected and stressful, so know that you don't have to do this right away, and that if you need help to fill in your knowledge or corroborate your story, you can always talk to me, understand?" the Headmaster said looking at me.

"Understood," I said, and then I stopped to think for a moment, "But there's something I'd like to know... How do you know I know Harry's story?" I asked.

"Well Ethan, I know you're smart, cunning and cautious, and besides, just as you can talk to ghosts and portraits, so can I" he replied with a slight smile, "And it's not all that surprising that the infamous philosopher's stone thief knows the history of some old students, especially when those stories are written all over Hogwarts" he added, blinking enigmatically at me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could answer him, we heard the bell ring, signaling the start of afternoon classes.

"...Oh, well, I think our conversation took longer than expected" I commented, looking at a grandfather clock that was on one of the walls of the office.

I hadn't noticed the time passing, as the conversation with the Headmaster kept my mind busy, and now I really just wanted to lie down to rest and organize my thoughts.

"I don't I want to be late for my next class, so I guess I'll be on my way" I said, standing up and ending the conversation.

"Yes" he nodded, realizing we'd been talking for at least half an hour, "Your next class is Transfiguration, and I'm afraid to imagine what Minerva would do to me if she found out her favorite student was late because of me" he said, and I huffed.

"Maybe she'll permanently turn you into a bowl to store your Lemons Drops in," I said, and the Headmaster chuckled lightly, glad the mood had lightened up.

"That wouldn't be too bad," he said.

Shaking my head in exasperated amusement, I turned and walked to the door that led up to the gargoyle stairs, and stopping in front of the open door I turned and nodded one last time to the Headmaster, and then I walked out of his office.

After I left, the Headmaster continued to sit in his seat, staring at the door lost in thought as myriad emotions flashed through his eyes, with him wondering if he had made the right choice.


As soon as I left the Headmaster's office I started to think about my conversation with him, realizing that it gave me a lot to think about.

But among all my thoughts, the one that stood out was the fact that I could now confirm with 100% certainty that the Headmaster trusted me, and that he protected and looked after his students.

So now I say fuck you to all the evil, despicable and manipulative Dumbledors from the fanfics I've read and from the possible other universes.

'Yes… This wasn't a conversation I expected, nor one I wanted, but it was one I needed' I thought with a slight smile on my face.


-Flamels' House-

[POV – Nick]

"Dear, which one of these do you think Ethan will like best?" Penny asked me, holding a scarf in each hand.

One of the scarves was turquoise blue with black edges and the other was navy blue with cyan blue edge, with silver star prints.

These scarves didn't have much difference other than color, and I didn't even need to use my Magic Insight to see that there were a lot of enchantments and spells in the two scarves.

"Honey, he's going to like anything you give him," I said with a tired sigh, as this is the fifth time she's asked me this question showing me a pair of presents.

I then looked to the side, noticing a pile of presents, all for the nice, cheeky boy who had somehow become dear to us in such a short time.

"Hmm, you're right" she said, and then with a shrug she tossed the two scarves up, which flew into two gift boxes, "In that case then I'll take both of them"

And with that, she happily left, presumably to prepare more presents.




'I'm pretty sure she's just trying to please Ethan to get his autograph…' I thought suspiciously, looking with narrowed eyes at my wife, who hummed while knitting another piece of clothing.



(End AN: I'm using the ANs from these last few chapters to talk about the things that happened this last week, and among them is Brazil's defeat in the World Cup...

That was a very sad day for many Brazilians.)