
Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

I was an ordinary boy with a simple life... That is, until the day I died... and now I don't even know what is common in my life anymore! But in reality... I prefer it like this. Who would like to be normal if you could be a wizard? Especially if you're the greatest wizard ever! Well... I don't. ****************************************** Also help me in Patrë-on /Se7enX, there are advanced chapters for you and it motivates me to write even more. Thanks for reading! ****************************************** Attention: I don't own Harry Potter or his world, and all of this belongs to JK Rowling. The only thing belonging to me are the OC's characters and some changes in the story.

Se7en · 作品衍生
458 Chs

Chapter 222

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"I saw my mom" Luna muttered under her breath after a while, and I let her continue, just rubbing her back showing my support for her, "It was the day your experiment went wrong"

I didn't know what to say to her, as nothing I said could ease the pain and sadness she was feeling, but then an idea came to my mind.

I reached out one of my hands and brought it in front of Luna's face, and then I cast a little Patronus, and from my hand a mist of silver light emerged.

Luna then took her face from my chest and looked at my Patronus, feeling a feeling of happiness and tranquility welling up inside her.

"I can't ask you to forget your mother's death, but I'm going to ask you to try to remember the happy times you had with her instead," I said, and Luna reached out to touch the mist of my Patronus.

"That's a Patronus," she said, affirming.

"Yes" I confirmed.

"It's beautiful," she said, and I smiled at her.

"If you want I can teach you how to cast it," I said, and Luna turned to me excitedly, putting all her sad thoughts aside.

"Serious?" she asked.

"Yes, but only if you help me with one thing," I said, and she cocked her head to the side with a curious look.

"Help with what?"

"Oh, nothing special, I just want you to help me deliver some chocolates to the other students," I said, and then took a mint and caramel candy bar from my pocket, "And before I forget, this it's yours"

"Mint and Caramel!" she said, picking up the candy bar happily, opening it and biting into a piece, "My favorite"

Listening to her I huffed in amusement, 'Well, it's not like you told me that like five hundred times' I thought wryly.

I then got up from the seat and extended my hand to her.

"So, are you going to help me?" I asked with a smile.

"Hmm" she put a finger to her cheek as she pretended to ponder my request, "Of course!" she said, taking my hand and standing up.

"Perfect," I said, opening the compartment door and stepping out, planning to deliver chocolates to everyone on the train, especially those still affected by the Dementors.

Luna and I then began our chocolate mission, going from compartment to compartment delivering chocolates to the students, and neither of us realized that all this time we were still holding hands.


-Ravenclaw common room-

"So we have a new DADA teacher" Stephen said, sitting on the couch in the common room.

"Why do you look sad about it?" Lisa asked him, taking a book from the Ravenclaw library to read.

"I don't know?" Stephen said dryly, "Maybe it's because we've only had useless DADA teachers since when we started studying here?"


"Well, maybe he's a competent teacher" Anthony said uncertainly.

"Have you seen his clothes? Is that what a competent teacher looks like?" Michael asked.

"If a good outfit turned a person into someone with skill, then every model out there would rule the world," I said dryly, and then turned to Michael, "And I know you don't like it when people compare you to Malfoy, but you sounded just like him now"

Listening to me Michael grimaced, before looking away with an embarrassed, guilty look.

"Yeah, I think I was a little stupid," he said.

"WHAT?!" Anthony exclaimed, gasping in surprise, "Michael... Our Michael Corner... That Michael Corner we all know... Did he just apologize?"

"Fuck you Anthony"

"And He's Back"

Listening to them I rolled my eyes good-naturedly.

"Ahem!" Padma cleared her throat to get our attention, "I support giving the new teacher a vote of confidence."

"Me too" Lisa shrugged, and Sue nodded.

"Actually, I think he's going to be a good teacher," I said.

"And what makes you think that?" Terry asked me.

"Simple, he warded off the Dementors with a Corporeal Patronus, and I'm 100% sure that only a competent wizard would be able to do that, so by extension he must be a good teacher," I replied.

"Corporeal Patronus? I remember reading about it somewhere" Stephen said. He then snapped his finger in realization, "Isn't that a very difficult NEWT level protective spell?"

"Hmm, now that you mention it, I also remember reading about it in a sixth year Charms book," Sue said. She then put a finger to her cheek as she tried to remember what was written in the book, "The Patronus is a protection spell that conjures up a shield of positive emotions, and with a lot of power the caster can even conjure up a magical guardian in the form of a animal, which is almost tangible"

"Exactly, I couldn't have explained it better," I said, clapping my hands lightly, with my friends joining in, much to Sue's embarrassment.

"Oh, stop it," she said, blushing, but with a small smile on her face.

"So does that mean Professor Lupin can conjure a magic guardian? Amazing" Stephen said, his eyes brightening excitedly, but then he looked at me, "Wait, so that spell you used on the train was a Patronus?"

"An Incorporeal, but yes" I nodded.

"I'd ask how you can cast a Patronus when he's so hard to cast, but I'm not even surprised," he said, and I shrugged.

"Hey, wait! Was that bright light Ethan's Patronus?" Sue asked in surprise.

"Yes" Anthony said, and the girls then looked at me in surprise.

"Okay, you're going to teach me this spell" Lisa said, with no room for argument.

"Me too" Padma said.

Looking at the girls and boys I noticed that some of them were still a little traumatized by the presence of the Dementors, and this made me realize that it might be a good idea to teach them the Patronus before our fifth year, when DA would be founded.

"You know what, I'm going to teach you guys, but you'll have to wait since there's already someone I'm going to teach first," I said, thinking about Luna.

"Fine" Anthony shrugged, and the others accepted as well.

"You know, it's a relief to know that we're finally going to have a good DADA teacher, I just hope he's normal" Terry said changing the subject, and I almost snorted at what he said.

"Normal? What do you mean?" Anthony asked.

"Well, let's see. Quirrell was a stuttering idiot, Lockhart was a criminal fraud, and I can't say Headmaster Dumbledore is normal, have you guys seen how he dresses?" Terry asked us, and we looked at each other.

"Yes, he's right"

"When he talks like that, it makes sense"

"I can't disagree with him"

'Wait, speaking of not normal, where is Luna?' I thought, looking around.

I then saw Luna talking to some first year students, and overhearing their conversation I realized that she was telling them about the amazing magical creatures she knows, and from the wonder of some of the children, I could tell that some were believing her.

'Corrupting the little ravens' I huffed, and then went back to paying attention to my friends' conversation.

"And I'm telling you, I'm sure the Headmaster's underwear is colored too" Anthony said confidently.

"No, his underwear is normal... I think" Michael said uncertainly, "But I'm sure Professor Snape's underwear is all black"

"Of that I have no doubt" Stephen said.

'I just stopped paying attention to them for a few seconds! How did the conversation get to this topic?!' I wondered, looking at everyone strangely.


-Corridors – In the morning-

"It's been rumored that Harry passed out on the train" Terry said as we headed to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"And how do you know that?" Anthony asked curiously.

"Morag told me"

"And how does Morag know that? Isn't it too early for rumors to be spreading?" I asked.

Terry then huffed, "Are you seriously doubting her gossip skills?" he asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"Fair enough" I shrugged.

We did not continue our conversation as we had reached the Great Hall.

"Hey Ethan!" I heard someone call out to me, and I looked over to the Hufflepuff table and saw Cedric waving at me.

"You can go to the Ravenclaw table without me, I'll see what Ced wants with me," I said, and then I started toward the badger table.

"He's barely entered the Great Hall and he's already abandoned us" Anthony said, shaking his head in disappointment, "That was quick"

"That's what she said" and Terry replied with a cheeky smile.





"That's why at times I think Michael is a better friend than you are," Anthony said, and without waiting for a response from Terry he started toward the Ravenclaw table.

"Hah, as if I would believe that" Terry chuckled, but Anthony kept walking, ignoring him, "Wait, you're not serious, right?" he asked, but continued to be ignored.

"Hey! Anthony! You're not serious. This is just a joke, right?" Terry asked, and then he started following Anthony, "Anthony! Answer me! You were kidding, weren't you?"


-Forbidden Forest-

'Peter! Peter! Peter! I'm coming for you!' These were the thoughts of a great black dog that looked with a hint of madness and fixation at a huge castle in the distance.

The dog was dirty and thin, but that only added to its fierce, angry appearance.

But this dog wasn't just a normal dog, it was an Animagus, and obviously he was Sirius Black, famous assassin, traitor, and death eater.

Sirius still in his dog form looked up and saw some black shadows floating across the sky around the castle and whimpered, before turning and fleeing deeper into the forest with a single thought on his mind.

Kill a certain traitorous rat, and protect his godson.



(End AN: Today I'm going to do a movie night with my family, and I'm the one who will choose tonight's movies.

Today we're going to watch Ocean's Eleven, the first movie in the trilogy!)