
Chapter 17

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

Read the End AN!

And here's the chapter! Yup!


Chapter 17

"So... where do we go first?" my mom asked as she looked around.

"Well, you can go get Ethan's robes while I get the other materials. And in the end we can meet in front of the Flourish and Blotts bookstore to finish buying the rest of the material" Professor McGonagall offered as an option.

"This really is a good alternative" My dad agreed. So I delivered some Galleons to Professor McGonagall, and my family and I then left for the clothing store.


After searching a bit, we quickly arrived in front of a purple shop, with garments on display in the windows. And at the top of the store was a sign with the words carved into it:

Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions

"I think it's here," my dad said looking through the window.

"Then let's go in" I said as I opened the door.


"Hi?" I said as soon as I entered the store.

"Hello dear, are you here for your Hogwarts robes?" a short chubby lady, who I assumed was Madame Malkin, asked me with a smile as soon as she saw me.

"Uhum" I nodded, "What are the other types of garments you guys make here?" I questioned.

"Well, here we have Hogwarts robes, formal and everyday robes, and party and ball robes. And they are made of cotton, plain silk or acromantula silk. And they can all be enchanted, with heating charms, cleaning and repair charm, and rain protection." Madame Malkin answered me professionally.

"Wow, I wish in the our world clothes had these enchantments too," my dad said appreciatively, to which my mom nodded.

"Hihi, these robes are fun," Cele said laughing, and I couldn't help but agree. Witches aren't the best when it comes to fashion.

"Well… I would then like to order a set of Hogwarts robes, and a pair of formal robes. All in acromantula silk, with all the incantations," I said, to Madame Malkin's astonishment.

"You is sure? These robes will be expensive" Madame Malkin asked me uncertainly.

"I'm sure we have the money for this," I said as I pulled some Galleons out of my bag.

"All right. So come on honey, let's take your measurements," she said, leading me to a platform to be measured.

After taking my measurements and giving the last details, Madame Malkin then began to work on my robes. And after it was over, I paid and then we left the store. We went to our next stop, the pet store.


As we arrived in front of the pet store, Eeylops Owl Emporium, we could hear all kinds of sounds coming from inside, and looking through the store window, we saw many owls, cats, frogs and many different types of animals. Some magics and some commons.


"Look mom, a little bird! I want to!" Celestia squealed excitedly at the sight of the owls.

"It's true Cele, it's a bird. But we are here to choose a pet for your brother. When you're older, we'll buy you one too," my mom told Cele, who pouted because she couldn't get a pet.

"Don't worry Cele, you can still play with my pet" I told Cele smiling.

"Yay! The big brother is the best!" Cele said smiling as she threw her arms in the air in celebration.

"Yes Yes. Your big brother really is the best!" I said smugly.

"Yeah, we know," my mom said rolling her eyes, "Now go and pick your pet. We don't want to keep Mrs McGonagall waiting" she then rushed me.

"Okay," I said. And then I started looking around the store for any animal that caught my eye.

As I walked around the store, I noticed that the only animals that caught my attention were the owls and cats. The owls I could use to communicate with my family, and the cats why are my favorite animals. But unfortunately I could only take one animal to Hogwarts. But then I realized that I would only write letters to my parents, so I could leave the owl with them so I could receive the letters, and I could still take a cat with me to school.

After telling my parents my plan, we caught a brown owl we decided to name Hermes, and then I started looking for a cat using my Beast Talk.

Arriving in the wing where the cats were, I started to feel them, and while looking, I could feel many emotions and feelings. Some cats were transmitting joy and excitement, probably thinking they will be bought. Others were just lazy, and there was even one who was emitting emotions of anger, hate and malice... Uh, I think I'll avoid this one.

But back to the subject, as I continued looking, I felt something different from the others. That connection was full of intelligence, however it also had a lot of fear and sadness.

Deciding to follow this connection, to see which cat was conveying such different and strong emotions and feelings, I walked to the back of the store. Reaching the back of the store and going to a specific cage, I looked inside and saw the cutest thing I had ever seen, almost on the same level of cuteness as Cele.

Inside that cage was a kitten with black fur and blue eyes that sparkled with intelligence. He was huddled in the back of the cage as he eyed me cautiously.

I decided to try to calm the kitten down, so I extended the connection to him and started conveying my thoughts and emotions. I conveyed that I didn't want to do him any harm, and started to convey positive feelings to him.

Then I saw how the kitten started to look me in the eye like it was looking for something. After finding what he was looking for, the kitten began to approach the cage bars.

As he approached the bars, I opened the cage and grabbed him. As I took him in my arms, he started sniffing me, and after a while he started rubbing himself against me, and I couldn't help but smile.

"I've made up my mind! I'll take you, little one," I said, holding him in front of my face, and in that moment I felt a touch of anger at the connection.

"Huh? What was it boy?", anger and annoyance? What the hell… "Ahh! You are a girl! Sorry girl... So what do I call you?"

"Hmm, I'll call her… Nyx! How about a girl, do you like it?" I asked smiling.

"Meow" Nyx meowed, and from her lighthearted emotions I could feel her approving the name.

"So now your name is Nyx!" I said as I lifted her aloft, "Well now I'm going to introduce you to your new family!" and took her to where my parents were.

"So Ethan, did you manage to find any cats you liked?" my mother asked me as soon as she saw me coming.

"Yes, I found a perfect one!" I said smiling, and then showing Nyx to my family, "This one is the newest member of our family. She's called Nyx!"


"Ohh! What a cute little thing!" said my mother as she petted Nyx.

"Nyx? The Greek goddess of night? It's a good name," my dad said to me as he nodded in approval.

"Kitten!" Celestia squealed happily at me, her arms pointed at Nyx.

"Yes, Cele. This is Nyx. Say hi to Cele, Nyx," I said to Nyx, who was in my arms looking at Celestia.


"Hihihi... Hi Nyx!" Cele said to Nyx with glee.

"Well, since we already have everything, let's pay and go to the bookstore. Mrs McGonagall must be waiting for us!" my father rushed us.

So we went to the counter and paid for the two animals, for Hermes' perch, and for their foods. And then we headed towards Flourish and Blotts.



(End AN: Hello everyone!

Here's Tuesday's chapter, where Ethan's pet was revealed! Welcome Nyx!

For everyone who is reading the fanfic, I would like to ask you to leave a review, as this helps the future readers a lot.

I would also like to say that I am creating a Patrë-on.

Yes, a Patrë-on!

One of you commented that you would like advanced chapters and that I should create an account on patrë-on, so I went there and created it.

Now I'm just setting up my profile and adding chapters, and when everything is done, I'll share it with you.

I didn't make the fanfic with the intention of making money or anything like that. I created this story to have fun, train my writing, learn English, and because I wanted a hobby and thought I'd share it with you!

But of course I would very much like you to support me on the patrë-on. But this is my request, so if you can't or don't want to, don't worry, I'll still publish the chapters here normally.

Thanks for all the support! Se7en.)