
Chapter 136

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Heya! Here's the new chapter!


Seeing that everyone was still looking at the card and at me with amazement, I decided to lighten the mood.

"Don't mind the card, it's no big deal," I said dismissively.

'''''No big deal my ass!''''' was what went through the minds of the young people in the group.

"Sigh... I really don't know how to thank you" Mr. Weasley said, and I just smiled at him.

"Well then, what are we waiting for, let's buy your books," said Mrs. Weasley, who saw that I didn't want to continue on that subject.

She then walked into the bookstore while holding the card in one hand and Ginny in the other, and only I could see that the card she was holding had changed from black and silver to white and gold.

What they didn't know is that the card I had wasn't the silver card, but the golden card, which happens to be the most difficult and expensive VIP card to get, at least as far as I know.

The requirements to obtain it are to have purchased at least 5 thousand books, have a private Gringotts bank account, have a monthly income of 10 thousand Galleons, and have a certificate signed by some administrative agent in the wizarding world, which in my case were the Gringotts goblins.

This card of mine gives 70% off book purchases, and allows me to order special and rare books, in addition to me being one of the first to know when a new book is published, with me even having the chance to get an autographed book.

I don't care whether or not I have a VIP card, and yes, I have VIP cards from other stores down the alley. The only reason I took these cards was because of my mom, who thought it would be nice to have them as it would save me a lot of money, but I'm pretty sure it's because she likes to have a lot of cards.

The only difference is that the cards my mother has are credit cards, and the wizarding cards only serve as an identificantion of the discount level.

I knew the Weasleys would probably refuse the card if they knew it was that extravagant, so I decided to put an illusion on it to make it look like a silver card, and apparently it worked.

In fact, I even thought about making it look like a lower level card, as even a silver card is something fancy, but I knew it would be more difficult to explain the sudden appearance of a golden card.

Seeing the Weasleys and company enter the bookstore, I followed them, frowning at the sound of Lockhart's voice coming from inside.

'Well, even I have to suffer a little if I want to complete my plans' I thought, entering the bookstore while using all my mastery with my Beast Power to diminish the potency of my senses.

Once inside the bookstore, I left the group with the excuse of getting myself a book, as I didn't want to be near Potter when he started his 'presentation' with Lockhart, where I could end up jinxing Lockhart.

I was also hoping to find Lucius Malfoy before the confrontation with Mr. Weasley to try and get the diary out of him, so I used my Magic Vision and my magical sensory ability to look for any signs of dark magic.

Ironically I could feel that there were a lot of dark magic objects around Diagon Alley, but the magic wasn't that strong and the items were few.

After some time hanging around the shop and listening to Lockhart introduce himself as Hogwarts' new DADA teacher, I felt a thick and strong dark magic near the entrance, and getting there after dodging 5 old ladies who were... a little too excited about Lockhart, I saw Lucius Malfoy with his offspring, with the two of them looking at the people in the bookstore with contempt.

Using my Magic Vision I saw some dark magic signatures on the older Malfoy, and I wasn't surprised to see that he was walking around with more than one dark magic item, as I knew he had come to the alley today with the intention of getting rid of some of his black magic items.

Looking closely at Lucius, I felt that there were two magical signatures coming from him that stood out the most, and those signatures were familiar. The two signatures came from his left forearm and from the pocket of his cloak.

'Finally' I thought, feeling the diary in the inside pocket of Mr. Malfoy's robes.

Wasting no time, I then proceeded to use some levitation magic to levitate the diary that was in his pocket, but just as I felt I was almost there, Mr. Malfoy held the diary while he pretended to straighten his robes.

'Damn, I was almost there' I swore, looking at him to see if he'd noticed anything, but Mr. Malfoy was actually looking around as if looking for something.

Lucius then looked to a specific corner and smirked, and following his gaze I saw Potter, Granger, Draco, and Mr. Weasleys and their family, minus Mrs. Weasley, who was still trying to get Lockhart's autograph.

Mr. Malfoy then approached the group with me following close behind.

Upon arriving at the group, Mr. Malfoy started doing something he is very good at, which is despising others while still trying to appear noble.

I passed Mr. Malfoy's side with the intention of stealing his diary, but unfortunately I couldn't as he was still holding it tightly.

'If I use a little more force or if I bump into him again he might end up getting even more suspicious, or worse, he might realize what I'm doing' I thought scowling.

I then approached the twins and looked carefully at Mr Malfoy, noticing that he was looking back and forth between Mr Weasley, Potter and his scar, and Ginny's materials.

Mr. Malfoy then continued to taunt the Weasleys with scathing remarks, with Mr. Weasley retorting with his own remarks. And in between that exchange, Mr. Malfoy took one of the books from Ginny's cauldron.

After that Mr. Malfoy scoffed at Mr. Weasley's financial situation, and soon afterwards he also mocked the company too, which in this case are the muggleborns and muggles of the group, myself included.

Mr. Weasley then attacked Mr. Malfoy and everything happened exactly as in canon, but I didn't pay attention as I was looking at the diary and the book that Mr. Malfoy was still holding, even though he was fighting with Mr. Weasley.

At one point I saw him drop the diary, and I immediately tried to use my levitation to bring the diary closer to me, but Mr. Malfoy quickly grabbed the diary as he realized he had let go.

After that Hagrid arrived and broke up the fight. Mr. Malfoy straightened his robes and sneered at us. Mr. Malfoy then returned the book he had taken from Ginny looking scornfully and arrogantly at her, and I could see the diary being returned along with the book to the cauldron.

'How did no one notice this? I can even say that I only noticed him hiding the diary because I knew it was going to happen, but even if I didn't know it was still kind of obvious since the diary isn't even hidden properly' I thought, looking around to see if anyone realized, unfortunately not finding anyone.

'Sigh, Lucius Malfoy, the new Houdini'

After a few more mocking remarks, Mr. Malfoy turned to leave the bookstore with his son.

But just as the two Malfoys were leaving, as payment for mocking me, I made them trip over their feet with some wandless magic.

The two then fell in sync to the floor, drawing a few muffled chuckles from the people around them, and a great laugh from the Weasleys, who weren't afraid to offend them.

The two got up quickly, embarrassed and annoyed, and with Mr. Malfoy taking one last look at Ginny's materials and Potter, they walked away with me looking at them satisfied.

Turning around I saw the twins looking at me with a raised eyebrow, and I just smiled innocently at them, which obviously didn't fool them, but they just shrugged their shoulders and ignored it.


For the rest of the day I kept looking for an opportunity to get the diary from Ginny's cauldron, but that opportunity never came, as even when I offered to carry her things I was denied by her.

I didn't try to insist on going through Ginny's things as that would look awkward.

No one would think it was okay if I insisted on going through her materials or if I tried to approach her so suddenly, and I don't want others to start thinking I have a crush on her.

At the end of the day I had to return home frustrated that I hadn't been able to get the diary, planning to take that frustration out on Mr. Malfoy the next time we meet.


-Nights' House – The Afternoon-

"Damn I couldn't get the diary" I cursed falling onto my bed.

"How hard is it to get a girl's diary?" I asked myself in frustration, "Sigh, now I'm going to have to think of other ways to get this diary"

Looking at the ceiling I started to think about how to get the diary at school, but just as I was going to plan a way to finish this plan of mine, I heard a flutter of wings outside my window, and I turned to look. I saw a shaggy owl that looked like it was going to die at any moment.

At my window I saw an owl that looked like it was going to drop dead at any moment.

Opening the window for the owl I saw that he was holding a letter. Leaving the owl to rest on Hermes' perch I picked up the letter and started reading it.

The letter was from the twins, and I realized the owl was Errol, the Weasley family owl.

'Now that I realize that if Percy still got an owl like in canon, it's probably also called Hermes' I thought, looking at Hermes who was nudging Errol to see if he wasn't dead, 'Meh, my Hermes is still better ' I shrugged, and then went back to reading the letter.

The contents of the letter, to my surprise, were the twins inviting me to visit their home, The Burrow. In the letter they put the various reasons why I should go visit them, and if they didn't want to be pranksters, they could work with Marketing and Advertising.

After reading the letter I quickly wrote a reply, where I said that I would obviously enjoy going to their house, and that they could pick me up any day.

Finishing the letter and sealing it, I set it on the side of a table for either Hermes or Errol to deliver.

'Well I guess I don't need to think of a new plan anymore to get the diary' I thought with a smile on my face, 'When life gives you lemons, make a really tasty lemon pie'



(End AN: Hey my reader friends!

Since last year I started following the world of CS:GO, and I even started rooting for a team that officially formed this year. The team is Imperial Esports, also known as The Last Dance.

The team has Fallen, Fer, Fnx, Boltz and Vini, where the first three have 2 Majors (Major is what the CS:GO World Championship/Pro League is called, and that means that Fallen, Fer and Fnx have already won 2 Majors).

And you? Do you follow the CS:GO Pro League? And which team are you rooting for?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!)