
Chapter 10

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

And here's the chapter!


Chapter 10

After all my plannings, trainings, and working hard in those four years, i finally had time relex. And with that I started to wait for the arrival of my letter from Hogwarts, which must be delivered by a teacher... well, I think some teacher should come deliver the letter, since I can't imagine the school sending letters with owls to all the families, just as they did to Harry.

Also because not all muggle families would look at an owl in their window holding a letter and think 'Oh, why don't we open this letter, it must be for us'. Yes sure. That would be super normal...

Back to the subject. I am currently in my room, lying on my bed reading a very interesting book to pass the time. The book is called "How to Cook with Cats", and yes, it is a very good book. It is about cooking with cats... or is it cooking cats?

You know what, I'm really bored. It's been too many days since I started waiting for this damn letter to arrive. I'm getting annoyed already, and when this letter arrives, I'll take it and...

*Ding! Dong!*

'Huh, did my letter arrive!?' I thought excitedly as I quickly got out of bed.

"Ethan, get down here! There's someone wanting to talk to you!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

'Yea! It must be the Hogwarts professor with my letter!' I thought excitedly.

I then quickly left my room and started down the stairs. And when I turned down the hall to the living room, I saw my parents sitting on the couch with someone else.

This person was a woman who appeared to be about 70 years old. She wore glasses and had black hair that was tied up in a bun. She also had a stiff, stern appearance, and was wearing a distinctly old-fashioned emerald dress dress. She was sitting on the sofa across from my parents while drinking tea waiting calmly for me.

I didn't even have to think too hard to realize that this lady was obviously the Head of Gryffindor House, Transfiguration Professor and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall.

"Ah! Ethan, come and sit down. This lady is Minerva McGonagall, and she is here to talk to us about you going to the school where she works." said my mother, being the first to notice my arrival.

"Hello, Mrs. McGonagall. What would you like to tell me about your school?" I said as I sat down on the couch, in the middle of my parents and facing her.

"Hello Mr. Night. I—"

"No need for formalities, Mrs. McGonagall. You can call me Ethan, Mr. Night is my father and being called sir makes me look old." I said smiling, interrupting her mid-sentence.

"Of course... Ethan." She said initially surprised, but then let a small, barely perceptible smile appear.

"Like I was saying... I'm here because you've been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Ethan." She finished saying, looking at us as she waited for our reactions. And then she saw the surprise and skepticism on my parents' faces and understanding on mine.

"A school of magic? Is this some kind of joke?" my dad asked, reacting earlier than my mom.

"No, Mr. Night, this is not a joke. Here, I will demonstrate." said Professor McGonagall as she pulled a wand from her robes.

So my parents and I watched as she turned our chair into a dog with a wave of her wand. And I have to say, even though I can transfigure objects into animals, I can only do it with small animals, and watching her turn an armchair into a dog with relative ease is something amazing to look at.

"This is amazing! So the magic is real!? Why doesn't anyone know about this?!" my mother then let out a barrage of questions, marveling after Professor McGonagall turned our chair back.

"Yes Ms. Night, magic is real. And to answer your question, it's pretty simple. No one knows about magic because we're hiding it from Muggles." she replied to my mother.

"But why are you hiding the magic? And what are muggles?" my father asked curiously.

"We hide for our safety. In the past, wizards and witches were hunted by the church and by the people, and so no one would know about our existence, the statute of secrecy was created, where the law prohibits the wizards from showing magic to muggles. And we also create our own community, hidden from your eyes. And what are muggles? It's people who don't have magic, and 'muggle' is a term used to refer to them." said Professor McGonagall, answering each question.

"And what would this Hogwarts school be?" my father kept questioning.

"Hogwarts is a school for wizards, where magical children are enrolled when they demonstrate the first signs of magic. And when they reach the age of 11 they then receive their letters informing them of their registration. At Hogwarts children will learn how to control and use their magic. There we teach several subjects, such as Potions; Herbology; Charms; and what you just saw, which is called the Transfiguration, that I happen to be the teacher," Professor McGonagall replied to my father patiently.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in... But wait, if you're here with a letter for Ethan does that mean he's a wizard too?" my mom asked in realization as she looked at me.

"To answer your question Mrs. Night, yes, Ethan is also a wizard." Professor McGonagall told my mother. Then she turned to me, noticing how in no time I had shown surprise upon discovering the existence of magic, and asked me.

"Ethan, has anything strange ever happened around you, or with you in times of strong emotions or stress?"

I looked at my parents, only to see they were paying attention to me and my response.

"Yeah. I always knew that I was different from other people and that I had some kind of special power. Sometimes objects floated or came towards me when I was younger, and there were even times when things around me changed color or size. I just didn't expect it to be magic," I replied half-truthfully, as back then I didn't really know my power was magic.

"When were you younger? Didn't that ever happen to you after you grew up?" Professor McGonagall asked raising an eyebrow and looking at me curiously.

"Not anymore" I said shaking my head "At least not after I learned to control it."

With that said, I started using my magic to levitate the cups that were on the table, much to my parents' surprise and Professor McGonagall's shock.

"What!? At this young age and you can already control your magic!? And on top wandless magic!?" Professor McGonagall exclaimed in surprise as she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yea. I've been training this power since I was 3 years old, but I still can't levitate things that are too heavy or too big." I obviously wouldn't say what my true strength was, I don't know she if it's reliable. And even if she was, I still wouldn't tell my secrets to someone I barely know. Plus, she might end up telling Dumbledore, and I still don't know what the version of him in this world.



(End AN: So, what did you think of this chapter? Was the interaction between them good? Was Professor McGonagall forced or bad? Tell me what you think.

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Get in the ear of your friend or the woman/man you like and whisper in his ear sensually "You've read Savage: The Night Wizard". It chills anyone...

Thanks for reading my story!)