
SASUKE: The Beginning Of The Journey.

This is the story of Sasuke, Hanabi and Hinata's journey. To seek revenge against Neji and Itachi, for massacring their clan. The Konoba ignored the Hyuga clan for generations. The Uchiha clan were blamed for the Kyubi attack 15 years ago. So both clans decided to plan a coup to overthrow the Hokage. What will Sasuke, Hanabi and Hinata do in the future of their journey?

Mardiemike · 其他
7 Chs

Chapter 2: Meet the Hyuga Familly.

One month has passed since the event happened yesterday. Sasuke spent all his time either playing or training with, Hinata and Hanabi in the forest "where they always met up". Most of the time all three of them were either training or playing around the village.

The effect that the three friends had on each other was clearly visible to anyone around the villagers. The people from the village started to suspect and question their sudden relationship. But the three don't give a damn about what the people from the village think of them. The more important thing to the three is that they are happy with each other.

The villagers, however, were not as understanding. Whispers of their unusual friendship continued to circulate, but the trio remained unfazed. They were too engrossed in their own world, a world where they were free to be themselves without any judgment or expectations.

Sasuke had become even happier with every passing day. He enjoys the company that the two sisters had in his life. He has a crush on both of them, but he is too shy to say it to them in person. Because he knows that, Hanabi will tease him about it. Also, Hanabi has long hair, which he likes of a girl. Sasuke likes long-haired girls. Hanabi always likes to annoy him sometimes. Because it's cute to see his reaction to everything. And Sasuke always gets annoyed by Hanabi. But Sasuke didn't hate it, instead, he enjoyed it so badly. They were like "cats and dogs" sometimes.

Hanabi on the other hand. Had enjoyed Sasuke's company as well. Usually, she and her sister are the only ones who have each other's backs. But now, everything has changed since Sasuke appeared in their life. She also started developing some feelings for Sasuke. She is starting to know Sasuke more and more every day when the three of them spend time together. "Unlike her sister" she is not embarrassed to say that to anyone, "especially to her parents". She likes to always annoy Sasuke about everything. Because she loves his reactions.

Hinata had developed the most out of everyone. She never stuttered around Sasuke anymore and only barely stuttered around everyone else. Her improvement in power also made her father proud of her. Hiashi never said it vocally, but the small looks of pride in their father's eyes spoke volumes to Hinata. She asserted herself more thanks to Sasuke's influence and the help of her sister Hanabi. She started to show the signs of being a great heiress even though she was only 4. She also started to have feelings for Sasuke either. Because he always motivated her to become stronger. Hinata also trained with her sister Hanabi who was showing the early signs of being a prodigy like their older cousin Neji. After their first match back then. Hanabi and Hinata always tied in their training, but she still showed that she was capable.

But one day in the forest training ground. Sasuke Hanabi and Hinata are training together. "And in the middle of their training". Hanabi and Sasuke were having a friendly match together, while Hinata was cheering on one of them in the corner. The playful banter between Sasuke and Hanabi continued, their friendly rivalry evident in their every interaction. Hinata, on the other hand, watched them with a soft smile, her lavender eyes sparkling with amusement. She was content just watching them, her heart filled with warmth at the sight of her sister and Sasuke getting along so well.

Ha! You are just an open book, I can see your every move. Hanabi said Dodging Sasuke's left kick.

And Sasuke again throws another attack. He spins around trying to perform a roundhouse kick " using his right leg this time". But Hanabi saw this coming and blocked it with her right arm. She managed to block Sasuke's roundhouse kick and counterattack it. She hit Sasuke with her left palm. Which sent Sasuke flying into the air, but he managed to get his feet back. Which made Hanabi say.

Ha! Score for Hanabi, I'm up one. Hanabi said proudly to Sasuke.

This however made Sasuke pout at her sodden response. He also responded to her questions. Where do you learn to count? Sasuke said pointing his finger at Hanabi. Hey, were even. Sasuke said trying to make her understand.

However, Hanabi giggled at Sasuke's pouting face. She loves seeing him like this. It's kinda cute to her.

Hinata approached the two wanting to congratulate them. Congrats on your win, Hanabi... Hinata said to her sister. And you too, Sasuke. Hinata said to Sasuke smiling at him.

Thanks sis. Hanabi said to her sister. If only everyone here knows to accept his loss and not gonna be a crybaby about it. Hanabi said trying to mock Sasuke.

Sasuke, still pouting, looked at Hinata and then at Hanabi. He sighed, "Alright, alright. I guess you did win this round, Hanabi." He admitted, scratching the back of his head. Hanabi's laughter echoed through the forest, her joy infectious. Hinata joined in, her soft giggles adding to the cheerful atmosphere.

The trio continued their training, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They were inseparable, their friendship a beacon of light in the otherwise harsh world of shinobi. They were a team, a family in their own right. They had each other's backs, always ready to support and protect one another.

As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the trio's bond only grew stronger. Sasuke, Hanabi, and Hinata were no longer just friends, they were family. They had each other's backs, always ready to support and protect one another. They were a team, a family in their own right.

One day, while they were training, Hinata noticed Sasuke's gaze lingering on Hanabi a bit longer than usual. She felt a pang of jealousy but quickly brushed it off. She knew Sasuke cared for both of them equally. But she couldn't help but wonder if Sasuke had feelings for Hanabi.

Meanwhile, Hanabi was oblivious to the subtle changes in their dynamics. She was too engrossed in her training, and too focused on improving her skills. She was determined to become a strong kunoichi, to make her father proud. She didn't notice the way Sasuke's gaze lingered on her or the way Hinata's smile faltered whenever she caught them together.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was aware of the changes. He knew he had feelings for both Hinata and Hanabi, but he didn't know how to express them. He was afraid of ruining their friendship, of causing a rift between the three of them. So, he kept his feelings to himself, hoping they would fade away with time.

But as days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Sasuke's feelings only grew stronger. He found himself falling for both Hinata and Hanabi, his heart torn between the two. He knew he had to make a decision, but he didn't know how. He was afraid of hurting one of them, of losing their friendship.

And so, the trio continued their training, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They were inseparable, their friendship a beacon of light in the otherwise harsh world of shinobi. But beneath the surface, a storm was brewing, threatening to shatter their bond and change their lives forever.

As the sun began to set, they decided to call it a day. They were all exhausted, but they were also satisfied. The trio were sitting in a tree near where they had trained earlier. Hanabi then looked at Sasuke and spoke something at him.

By the way, Sasuke. Do you want to go to our house? Hanabi said with a smile.

Sasuke was confused as to why Hanabi even said that to him. So he spoke back at her why.

Why did you ask that? Sasuke said with a confused tone.

Because Mom wanted to meet you. Hanabi said to Sasuke.

Sasuke was surprised by what Hanabi had said to him. He wanted to know the reason why her mother wanted to meet him. So he asks Hanabi again.

Why does your mother want to meet me? Sasuke said asking Hanabi.

Well, Mom wanted to know the boy that me and sis always trained and played with. Hanabi said with a smile. While Hinata was blushing at her sister's words.

You don't have to go if you don't want to, Sasuke. Hinata said to Sasuke while stuttering to her every word.

Sasuke thinks for a moment if he would say yes or no. He wanted to meet Hanabi and Hinata's parents. Sasuke already meets Hiashi but not their mother. His mother said that she was friends with their mother, so he was eager to meet her.

Maybe going to their house and meeting their family member will make me meet Neji Hyuga. Sasuke thought to himself. Then he finally decided to answer Hanabi's question.

Okay then, I'll go with you guys. Sasuke said finally having his answer.

Hanabi was happy to hear Sasuke's words. So she grabbed his hand happily and said. That's good to hear. Sasuke, Mom will be happy to meet you. Hanabi said to Sasuke.

As they were walking into the Hyuga clan compound. Sasuke couldn't help but think about going to Hanabi and Hinata's house. He is not ready to meet Hinata and Hanabi's parents "especially their mother", and all of the Hyuga clan members.

As the trio approached the Hyuga household, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had never been to Hanabi and Hinata's house before, and the thought of meeting their mother made him slightly anxious. However, he also felt a sense of anticipation, knowing that this would be an opportunity to deepen his bond with Hanabi and Hinata.

As he was walking in the Hallway with Hinata and Hanabi by his side. He saw all of the Hyuga clansmen and women. The children were playing and the adults were training their gentle fists. Sasuke couldn't help but to amazed by the Hyuga clan. They were just like the Uchiha clan, a noble and respectable clan. The Hyuga clan's man and woman saw Sasuke walking with Hanabi and Hinata. They were talking to each other about the Uchiha boy's relationship with the two heiresses. And they were curious about him. Because he was an outsider to the Hyuga clan.

As they entered the house, Sasuke was greeted by a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The Hyuga residence was beautifully decorated, reflecting the elegance and grace of the Hyuga clan. Hanabi and Hinata led Sasuke to the living room, where their parents were waiting.

Hanashi Hyuga. A kind and gentle woman, with long dark blue hair, she smiled warmly at Sasuke as he entered the room. She had a striking resemblance to Hanabi and Hinata, with her lavender eyes and long dark blue hair. Sasuke couldn't help but notice the warmth and love that radiated from her. Sasuke was stunned by her, she was very beautiful indeed. He couldn't help but blush at her beauty.

Hiashi was at her side sitting alongside her drinking tea.

"Welcome, Sasuke-kun". Hanashi Hyuga said. her voice filled with genuine warmth. "I've heard so much about you from Hanabi and Hinata. It's a pleasure to finally meet you". Hanashi said to the boy.

She rivals the beauty of an Uchiha woman. Now I get where Hanabi and Hinata get their beauty from. Sasuke thought to himself while blushing.

He nodded politely, feeling a sense of gratitude for Hanashi Hyuga's kind words. He could tell that she genuinely cared for her daughters and wanted to ensure their happiness. It was clear that she had a strong bond with Hanabi and Hinata, and Sasuke felt honoured to be welcomed into their family.

Sasuke also saw Hiashi Hyuga and he bowed at them showing his respect to the Hyuga clan leader.

Hiashi smiled at Sasuke for bowing at him showing his respect. He was sitting alongside her wife, he was drinking tea. He was observing Sasuke and couldn't help but feel amazed by the boy's formality. Fugaku indeed raised him properly.

As they sat down and engaged in conversation, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. The Hyuga family treated him with kindness and acceptance, making him feel like he was a part of their family. Hanabi and Hinata sat close to him, their presence providing comfort and reassurance.

Throughout the day, Sasuke learned more about the Hyuga clan and their traditions. Hanashi Hyuga and Hiashi Hyuga shared stories of their ancestors and the values they held dear. Sasuke listened attentively, feeling a deep respect for the rich history and heritage of the Hyuga clan.

So Sasuke, how's your mother? Hanashi said to the boy with a smile.

Aahh... She's fine. Sasuke said answering Hanashi's question.

Aaahhh... Good to hear that. Hanashi said to the boy.

And I also heard that you're the friend of my two daughters. Hanashi said with a smile.

Yeah, I am friends with them. Sasuke said scratching the back of his head.

Good to hear that Sasuke. Hanashi said with a smile to the boy. Hinata and Hanabi also told me that they have a crush on you. Hanashi said with a teasing tone.

This made Sasuke caught off guard by Hanashi's words. He didn't expect to hear Hanabi and Hinata's mother would say some kind of joke to him.

This made Hinata and Hanabi feel embarrassed by their mother's words. They didn't expect her to tease her two daughters.

Mom!!! Why did you say that? Hanabi said feeling embarrassed by her mother's words. However, Hinata was covering her face with her hands. They were both blushing with embarrassment.

Why not Hanabi, you both are always talking about him with me at night. Hanashi said with a teasing tone.

Yeah I know, but you promise to keep it a secret!!! Hanabi said embarrassedly.

Oh did I, oh I'm sorry my dear. Hanashi said with a teasing tone.

Hanabi was pouting at her mother. While Hinata was blushing furiously.

Hiashi however just smirks at her daughter's embarrassment.

Sasuke was looking at the mother and daughter conversations. He can relate to Hanabi and Hinata as well. His parents also tease him about his relationship with Hinata and Hanabi.

Now I get where Hanabi get her attitude to always tease someone. She gets It from their mother. Sasuke thought to himself. Sasuke couldn't help but feel satisfied seeing Hanabi feel embarrassed in his eyes. He chuckled at Hinata and Hanabi's embarrassment.

Hanashi, noticing Sasuke's amusement, turned her attention to him. "Oh, Sasuke-kun, you find this amusing, do you?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Which also made Hanabi and Hinata stop arguing with their mother and look at Sasuke.

Sasuke caught off guard, blushed slightly and scratched the back of his head. "Well, it's just... I didn't expect this". He admitted, earning a hearty laugh from Hanashi.

"Ah, youth," she sighed, her eyes softening. "It's a beautiful thing, isn't it, Hiashi?" she asked, turning to her husband.

Hiashi, who had been quietly sipping his tea, looked up and nodded. "Indeed, it is". He agreed, his eyes meeting Sasuke's. "It's a time of discovery, of growth, and of forming bonds that can last a lifetime."

Sasuke felt a warmth spread through him at Hiashi's words. He had always respected the Hyuga clan leader, and hearing him speak so fondly of youth and friendship made him feel even more welcomed.

Hanabi and Hinata walked to Sasuke, the sisters grabbed Sasuke's hands and dragged him outside the living room, so their mother would stop teasing them.

Hanashi and Hiashi look at the three children walking away from them. Hanashi couldn't help but giggle from the three children, especially from her two daughters.

Young this day sure those to find love, is in it, my dear. Hanashi said with a giggle.

Hum... Indeed my dear. Hiashi said with a smirk while sipping his tea.

"Outside the living room". Hanabi and Hinata, their faces still slightly flushed from their mother's teasing. They smiled back at him. "We're sorry about that, Sasuke-kun". Hinata said, her voice soft.

Yeah, Mother just doesn't know how to shut up sometimes. Hanabi said annoyed at their mother's teasiness.

Oh no, it's okay, my parents also tease me sometimes about my relationship with you two. Sasuke said while scratching the back of his head.

Neji Hyuga is walking in the hallway outside the house. The Hokage has no mission for him, so it's his free time today. While he was walking, he saw Hinata Hanabi and the other boy next to them. The three kids saw him walking behind them. Hinata being Hinata, decided to greet him.

Hi, Neji ni-san. Hinata said with a bow.

Neji on the other hand. Just ignored her and walked away. Not carrying the three kids in his back.

Who was that? Sasuke said with a confusing tone.

He is Neji Hyuga, the prodigy from the Hyuga clan. Hanabi said.

Why, you know him. Hinata said asking a question.

Sasuke nodded to the two. Yes, he was in the same platoon as my brother Itachi. Sasuke said to the sisters making them understand.

Neji heard this and stopped walking and glanced at Sasuke. And he then called Sasuke making the three kids look at him in confusion.

Hey kid. What's your name? Neji said asking the dark-haired boy.

Um... My name is Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke said to him.

Neji's eyes widen by this. He knows the name "Sasuke Uchiha" because Itachi always talked about him every time in their training sessions together. Oh, so you are Itachi's younger brother. Neji said surprised by the news.

Yes, I am. Why did you ask? Sasuke said asking him.

Your brother is a good friend of mine. Me and I are very close to each other. Neji said with a smirk.

"Really?" Sasuke asked, his eyes widening in surprise. He had always admired his older brother, Itachi, and hearing that he was friends with someone as skilled as Neji Hyuga made him feel a sense of pride.

"Yes, we've been on several missions together. He's a very skilled shinobi," Neji said, his tone respectful. "I'm sure you'll become just as strong as him one day."

Sasuke felt a surge of determination at Neji's words. "I will," he said firmly, his eyes shining with resolve. "I'll become a shinobi that my brother can be proud of."

Neji nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I look forward to seeing that day," he said, before turning to leave. "Take care, Sasuke Uchiha". Neji said to the boy.

As Neji walked away, Sasuke turned to Hinata and Hanabi, a determined look on his face. "Let's train," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I want to become stronger."

Hinata and Hanabi exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. "Alright, Sasuke-kun," Hinata said, her voice soft but firm. "We'll help you."

Hanabi smirked, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "This is going to be fun," she said, her voice filled with anticipation.

And so, the three of them began their training, their hearts filled with determination and their spirits high. They were young, but they were strong, and they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

Back in the living room, Hanashi and Hiashi watched their daughters and Sasuke train from the window, their faces filled with pride. "They're growing up so fast," Hanashi said, her voice filled with emotion.

Hiashi nodded, his eyes softening as he watched the three young shinobi. "Yes, they are," he agreed. "And they're becoming stronger with each passing day."

As they watched their daughters and Sasuke train, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. They were young, but they were strong, and they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way. And as they watched them, they couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the future.

And so, as the sun set on the Hyuga household, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude. He was grateful for the opportunity to get to know the Hyuga family, for the bond he had formed with them, and for the promise of a bright future.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of laughter, shared stories, playing and even training. Sasuke found himself opening up more to the Hyuga family, sharing his own experiences and aspirations. He felt a sense of camaraderie with Hanabi and Hinata, and a deep respect for Hanashi and Hiashi.

As the day came to an end, Sasuke found himself standing at the entrance of the Hyuga household, ready to head home. He turned to Hanabi and Hinata, who were standing by his side, and gave them a small smile.

"Yeah, we should do this again sometime," Hanabi added, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Hinata also nodded back, agreeing with her sister.

As usual, they decided to walk home together, but moved a bit quicker, because Sasuke knew that her mother would be worried and angry about him if he came late. They soon reached the Uchiha district and were standing outside the gate.

"Well, this is your stop, Sasuke-kun". Hanabi said.

"Y-Yeah". Sasuke said to the sisters.

The three stood there in silence, looking anywhere but at each other, after a few moments, Sasuke spoke. "Well, I guess I'll see you later, guys". Sasuke said as began to leave.

"S-Sasuke wait!". Hinata said, making Sasuke stop.

Just as Sasuke turned to look at Hinata and Hanabi. The sisters launched themself at him, hugging him tightly, hiding their face in his shoulder so he wouldn't see them blush. Sasuke was lucky Hinata and Hanabi couldn't see his face because he was blushing up to his ears. He couldn't believe that Hinata and Hanabi were hugging him like this, he was happy but also nervous. I hope they don't notice my heart racing. Sasuke thought to himself.

"Thank You for becoming our friend, Sasuke. You always cheered us up, and helped us with our training, you were there when we needed someone. Thank you, Sasuke thank you". Hinata said to Sasuke.

Yeah. You are always there for us, Sasuke. We will not be this happy if we never have met you. You are the best thing that ever happened to us. Hanabi said to Sasuke.

Sasuke looked down at them with a smile on his face, hugging them back tightly "You're welcome". Sasuke said with a smile.

They stayed like that for a minute before letting go. "Bye guys, see you later". Sasuke said to the sisters.

Still blushing, Hinata smiled "Y-Y-Yes, see y-you later," She said then as they started to walk home.

See you tomorrow again, Sasuke-kun. Hanabi said, still blushing while she started to walk home alongside her sister.

Yeah... See you guys next time. Sasuke said with a smile to them, while also blushing at them.

As the trio walked separately, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the future. He had formed a bond with the Hyuga family, a bond he knew would only grow stronger with time. And as he thought about Hanabi and Hinata, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He was looking forward to getting to know them better, to deepening their friendship, and to seeing what the future held for them.

As Sasuke walked back home, he couldn't help but think about the Hyuga sisters, Hinata and Hanabi. He wondered if the Hyuga clan would not be angry if he was there. He only hopes that the Hyuga clan will not mind if he always hangs out at the Hyuga compound every day. He felt like he was in a second family.

When he reached home, Mikoto was waiting for him with a warm smile. "Welcome back, Sasuke. Dinner is ready."

They all sat down for dinner, sharing stories and laughter. Fugaku and Itachi were particularly interested in Sasuke's journey to the Hyuga clan. They asked him about what happened to him there, and what he learned about Hinata and Hanabi's family. Mikoto was also interested in knowing about his day playing with the Hyuga sisters.

After dinner, Sasuke went to his room, his mind filled with thoughts about his training and the Hyuga sisters. He couldn't wait for the next day, eager to learn more and become stronger.

As he drifted off to sleep, he made a promise to himself. He would become a great ninja, just like his brother. He would make his family proud. And maybe, just maybe, the Hyuga clan will allow him to play with Hanabi and Hinata in their compound more.

And with that thought, Sasuke fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about his future adventures. Little did he know, his journey was just beginning.

To be continued.