
Sasuke: in Comprehensive World

After awakening his memory of his previous life at Nine years old Sasuke Uchiha harbored a burning desire for vengeance. His every waking moment, driving him to relentless training in the arcane arts. But his pursuit of retribution was tragically cut short. He fell in battle at the hands of the sage of the sixth path. Just as all hope seemed lost, a system within Sasuke awakened. A beacon in the darkness offered him a path forward. Unfortunately, the path was far from what he envisioned. Instead of honing his skills for revenge, the system presented him with a peculiar first task: to "pick up girls." This joke wasn't funny, yet it was his only lifeline. As he travels to a different world, each with its own magical quirks. He reluctantly engaged in the system's tasks, which were only about girls and girls. accumulating a peculiar arsenal in the process. A colossal, booming cannon materialized around him, defying the principles of traditional magic. In one hand, he gripped a gleaming blade. In the other, he held a curious wand. Sasuke returned to Konohagakure, the village of his birth, hiss arrival heralded by the earth-shaking roar of his magical cannon. He was no longer helpless, this world, twisted as it was, had driven him to a different path. He would not be the hero, forever haunted by a sense of some stupid guilt. He would be the villain, if his Revenge destroy the world let the world be destroyed doesn't care after all he can just leave this world anytime he wants. First word: Harry Potter (Okay I did made it more Dematic but didn't had any choice)

DV_5559 · 漫画同人
131 Chs

Chapter 71 The Final Confrontation p2

"Welcome, Potter," said Quirrell, his voice oozing malice. "Your timing is impeccable; you're just in time to witness the Dark Lord's resurgence."

Harry's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene. "Quirrell, shouldn't it be Professor Snape?''

"'yes, he does look like a bad guy'' Quirrel continue,'' But you shouldn't think about him; it's time I introduce you my master. ''

'' Hello Harry Potter, how much I wanted to meet with you'' Voldemort spoke in his low, hoarse voice.

Watching Zombified Voldemort, Harry Potter's eyes widened That's impossible Didn't you need a philosopher's stone to come back? ''

"And I still need Philosopher's Stone. ,healing position I acquired from the Ministry of Magic has allowed me to recover partially'' Voldemort continues, "But as you can see, My current body is still a just corpse. With the Philosopher's Stone, i will return to full power."

Voldemort's voice, cold and hollow, filled the room. "Now, Potter, come here and stand front of this mirror and take out that philosopher stone and I shall give you mercy."

Hermione hearing Voldemort finally made 2 + 2 "so you were the one who told the portion from Ministry of Magic."

Gemma stepped forward, her hand aimed at Voldemort The magic ring on her finger was glowing. It doesn't matter, Hermione, let's just end this I still have to go for my nap, Reducto!".

Quirrell, standing beside Voldemort, deflected the spell with ease, countering with a blast of magic. The battle began in earnest, with spells flying back and forth with ferocious intensity.

Hermione and Harry, watching behind Gemma, started to feel desperate as they didn't know many spells

Gemma, having flight advantage as she didn't have to wave her wand, sending powerful magic, focusing on Voldemort and keeping him at bay, sending a bolt of red light towards Voldemort.

The spell hit him, but he merely staggered, his undead form resilient against the magic.

Voldemort raised his wand, dark energy crackling around him. "You are a fools to stand against me!"

Harry, sensing the danger, called out to his friends. "We need to help her."

Hermione nodded, her face determined, and took out her Christmas gift, which was a gun where each bullet had power of a grenade, She loaded all the bullet and pointed to Quirrell And pulled the trigger. 

As the gun was pointed at him, Quirrel swiftly conjured a shield for protection. He was no stranger to firearms, but to his surprise, the moment the bullet grazed the shield, it began to detonate.

Gemma, remembering about the bullets being explosive, put a barrier as the room was filled with tough explosions

Quirrell let out a scream of fury, but before he could make a move, Gemma swiftly uttered another incantation. "Petrificus Totalus!" Instantly, Quirrell's form stiffened, and he fell to the floor, completely paralyzed.

Voldemort, witnessing Quirrell's downfall, bellowed in rage. "I've had enough of you!" he declared, as he lifted his wand, the tip aglow with a spiraling green magic. Gemma, aware of the imminent threat, cried out to Harry, "We must avoid this!" As she spoke, she started to feel dizzy .

Voldemort shouted "Avada Kedavra" He's wand clearly pointed at Gemma, watching the green spell coming at Her body instinctively froze is she going to die she thought as her vision filled with the green light, In that split- second, she heard a voice saying, "Earth style Earth wall," ground in front of her, a deep rumble erupted, and a wall of earth surged upward, intercepting the deadly green light just inches from her body.

As an earth wall dissipates, everyone sees a young girl standing in a maid costume. The dress is a sleek black and white ensemble, with a high collar and short puffed sleeves ending just above the elbows. A white apron is fastened tightly around her waist, its bow neatly tied at the back.She wears a short skirt with durable black leggings underneath, offering both modesty and protection. Her knee-high combat boots complete the outfit.Her black hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, secured with a black ribbon that complements her outfit. A few loose strands frame her face, which would remind many people of those maid cafés, but the short swords she holds in both hands make it clear she isn't the service type.

as you can see this chapter supposed to be for tomorrow but I am uploading now to avoid waiting for the second part today and tomorrow I am going to work on MHA chapter so you guys want to be getting any chapter tomorrow so but still I hope you kuchh share your ideas as the first volume is about to end mc won't be completely living the Harry Potter for now but he might take some trips to other word while staying still connected with Harry Potter world at least this is the idea let's see what happen when I start to writing

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