
Sasuke: in Comprehensive World

After awakening his memory of his previous life at Nine years old Sasuke Uchiha harbored a burning desire for vengeance. His every waking moment, driving him to relentless training in the arcane arts. But his pursuit of retribution was tragically cut short. He fell in battle at the hands of the sage of the sixth path. Just as all hope seemed lost, a system within Sasuke awakened. A beacon in the darkness offered him a path forward. Unfortunately, the path was far from what he envisioned. Instead of honing his skills for revenge, the system presented him with a peculiar first task: to "pick up girls." This joke wasn't funny, yet it was his only lifeline. As he travels to a different world, each with its own magical quirks. He reluctantly engaged in the system's tasks, which were only about girls and girls. accumulating a peculiar arsenal in the process. A colossal, booming cannon materialized around him, defying the principles of traditional magic. In one hand, he gripped a gleaming blade. In the other, he held a curious wand. Sasuke returned to Konohagakure, the village of his birth, hiss arrival heralded by the earth-shaking roar of his magical cannon. He was no longer helpless, this world, twisted as it was, had driven him to a different path. He would not be the hero, forever haunted by a sense of some stupid guilt. He would be the villain, if his Revenge destroy the world let the world be destroyed doesn't care after all he can just leave this world anytime he wants. First word: Harry Potter (Okay I did made it more Dematic but didn't had any choice)

DV_5559 · 漫画同人
131 Chs

chapter 46 warning to Quirrell temptation for Daphne

One day, Sasuke stopped Professor Quirrell in the corridors. With a precise focus of his chakra, Sasuke executed a Paralysis Jutsu, rendering Quirrell immobile.

Placing a Placing a kunai on Quirrell's neck, Sasuke leaned in and said, "Professor, you seem to be getting quite friendly with kin."

As Quirrell tried to look around, he couldn't understand why nobody was intervening. The corridor was bustling with students, yet it was as if they couldn't see anything.

"Don't think too much," Sasuke continued, his voice low and dangerous. "This is my first and last warning: stay away from Kin or any of the girls I am interested in. I don't mind making things very uncomfortable for you."

With that, Sasuke vanished, and Quirrell found himself standing, watching all the students going around like nothing happen he was sweating, as a magician and a professor he couldn't understand what just happen and this alone scared hi, as he started to running to his room.

After closing his door, Quirrell waited for dark lord to wake up so could ask for his guidance.

After the encounter, Sasuke carried on with his days as if nothing had happened.

Just before Christmas holiday Daphne Greengrass approach him, after a very long time she arrived at new black magic room which have change its name to magic research club.

As she entered her gaze swept across the room. lots of chairs sofas bookshelf with few books and a place to make tea and some snacks, this was more like a hangout club then a research club.

Finally, her eyes landed on two intriguing doors: "Room for Experiments" and "Room for Target Practice." With a small steps, Daphne inched towards Sasuke.

Taking cautious steps, her face betraying a blend of anxiety and uncertainty.

"Sasuke," she began, her voice soft. "I need a proof you can remove the blood curse from my family.

Is there any misunderstanding I can help you with your curse but if you want to cure your family you need to improve your strength.

But My sister Astoria... she's also have curse.I was hoping you can cure her'."

Sasuke looked up from the book he was reading,"then I have see her,after all you can't decide for her life"

Understanding the meaning of Sasuke Daphne clearly trying to control her anger isn't enough for me to become your girlfriend.

Watching her anger rise, Sasuke quickly formulated a response. Finding no perfect solution, he simply took out two bottles of healing potion.

"You can take these," he said, handing them to Daphne. "If you're lucky, you and your sister will be fine. If you are unless you have to study yourself and find a cure.

There's no need to become my girlfriend,and I won't have to waste my time."

A glimmer of hope illuminated Daphne's eyes as she felt relief, realizing that Sasuke had acknowledged the unreasonable nature of his request.

Sasuke continued, "From my point of view, by becoming my girlfriend, you would already gain many benefits. But you keep hesitating, which I don't plan to understand."

Ignoring what Sasuke was talking about, Daphne took both bottles and simply left the room. She thought to herself, now she didn't have to become his girlfriend. Sasuke might be better than other boys, but becoming someone's girlfriend while he already had one and planned to get more was something she could never accept.

Looking at his system mission, Sasuke asked, "How many points am I going to get for helping her?"

[1,000 points.]

Sasuke looked at the healing potion in the system mall, which cost around 10,000 points. "Well, if she doesn't become my girlfriend, it would be a really bad deal."

He checked his current system mission, which was to spend Christmas with Daphne Greengrass. Thinking about it, he realized he was likely to fail this mission too.

[If you are worried about the system mission, why don't you try harder to complete it? Your first mission and your definition are both something you can complete easily.]

"That's true, but you need to understand that I can complete both missions, but I need to make sure the cost is minimal."

[Then giving her a portion cost 10 time over then reward that its doesn't make sense.]

"Because if that potion doesn't work, I don't have to take any responsibility."

"On the other hand, if the healing potion works, it will provide great publicity and might even give me a chance to make Daphne my girlfriend. If she doesn't become my girlfriend, then I can always put her in my system space and give her the choice of her life."

"This might reduce my system points, but at least I wouldn't have to think about my loss."

so originally this chapter was supposed to be more 18 + and finally making her his girlfriend but I have to control myself so I could ask you guys, what do you think I should do of course even if you guys agree I still have to wait for them to grow a little but you know when writing I even thought about getting her mother let just say a devil's mind needs to be suppress all time or what I will write even i don't know so if you want to change something make sure to comment but I hope you guys can give me the direction and become my guiding light

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