
Sasuke Arashiden

Realising I, was born as Sasuke Filthy Uchiha, from the hell called naruto, I pleaded towards the god like any sane person would do. Their were good, bad and terrible news. Goodnews: He agree to give me an early power boost by unlocking Sasuke (which is now me) MS early and an then swapping it with Fugaku, giving me EMS early on which I can able to use. Bad news:I can't get access to Rinnegan or Indra chakra. Terrible news:I can not follow the cannon event and face events that not supposed to happened due to butterfly effect and I have to tolerate Konoha 12 and their sensei due to some sick joke. "Now I sympathised why he left village." All well, I can't complain after having EMS, and surely things won't be this difficult right? Note:1000-1500 words per chapter. ·Boruto and Naruto the Last events will not happened, so no aliens fight. ·Story events will began to differ after first Arc, thanks to butterfly effect cause by MC. ·RR means re-rewritten while number attached suggest amount of times I done it(the more the better). Plot however stays the same regardless.

DaoistcaqwL5 · 漫画同人
45 Chs

Chapter 29:Chūnin Training(FIN)

A month has passed since that day.

Sasuke has now grown accustomed to training Hinata, even with her Byakugan which she doesn't deactivate for some unexplained reason.

Sasuke also began to understand Hinata's personality a bit, where getting an answer from her was the same as forgiving Black Zetsu.

Both won't ever happen.

So Sasuke had no progress towards understanding her intention where her demeanor was confusing for Sasuke to interpret.

In combat however, Sasuke perceived her as a natural ninjutsu prodigy, where she learned how to use fire and electric chakra easily and learned some jutsu from his arsenal.

While her bloodline theoretically gave her best chakra control since she can use all of her tenketsu points, it does not explain her natural amplitude towards ninjutsu.

And about her taijutsu, it was definitely terrible, but not for the typical reason.

Everytime she uses her clan taijutsu on Sasuke, which each strikes, the concern in her face increases, where she intentionally decreases both speed and strength of her fist.

As usual, she refused to say anything, so Sasuke was left to speculate.

Beyond that, Sasuke is now accustomed to reading Icha Icha paradise, and uses EMS to speed up his reading game, so that he doesn't waste too much time on it.

Even though it is wasteful to use his EMS for this purpose.

He also grew accustomed to training with Naruto and Sakura on acting skills, where after lying to them for the sake of not gaining attention from Kurenai, those three try their best to show how much they struggle during training in front of Kurenai and Asuma and say words and make expression to make it more believable.

Sasuke sometimes wants to thank Kakashi for this opportunity despite the risk they have with Kurenai, since he will eventually need to hone it.

And of course, he learned jutsus from Asuma like Fire Release: Flint Yagura Technique and Wind Release: Verdant Mountain Gale to expand his arsenal.

His arsenal was good enough, where he only needed to learn Purple lightning, Lightning Release: Chakra mode and Fire Release: Heavenly Prison to complete it.

He could learn even more, but it won't be that useful.

It was important for him to focus on mastering jutsu, especially above D rank as there were several problems of not improving their usage.

First of all, conversion of chakra into his desired jutsu would be inefficient at the beginning.

Only after sufficient usage, will conversation be efficient enough, where jutsu seemed to be 'stronger' and 'faster' than usual, where it would now allows him to increase chakra output for that jutsu to a point, where a C rank jutsu would be equivalent to using B or A rank jutsu based on pure power and speed.

You can also to do the reverse by decreasing chakra needed to perform A rank jutsu, to make similar to C rank power and speed which is much harder, one can steadily decrease chakra output on it, where it power drops to lower rank, though it wasn't practical to learn it.

Though Sasuke did managed to find use for it

Next, he has to practice the hand signs over and over again, as forgetting it in the middle of the battle would be quite terrible, hence the primary reason why most people don't bother learning too many jutsus.

He also needed to increase speed of weaving hand signs and decrease the number of hand signs to use to perform it, as most battles would be quick paced compared to Genins he usually fought in B rank missions, so speed was essential.

While first one is durable, second one was the main challenge, as good chakra control and experience of using that specific jutsu was needed to decrease hand signs, though no training exist that allows user to perform the jutsu without hand signs unless jutsu never needed hand sign like Rasengan.

Otherwise, another or no jutsu would be casted.

And at last was calling out the name of jutsu.

In hindsight, it seemed stupid to say out names of jutsu as it waste time and gives information of the jutsu you are using, but it is important to do so because it allows the user to focus on molding chakra, especially during battle were user would not able to pay full attention at performing jutsu while paying attention to enemies and surrounding.

Hence why saying it quietly is the next best thing, giving the benefit of not giving off information of the jutsu he was going to use while not losing concentration.

So during his free time, Sasuke tried his best to improve his speed of casting and decrease hand signs of one of his C rank jutsu with Naruto and Sakura.

Right now, three of them manage to decrease only one hand sign only at the end of the month, showing how difficult it was to decrease it.

During the month, he sometimes met with Lee and Tenten and spared with his two Senpai, where he usually wins which motivates Lee to train and discourage Tenten about using just weapons fpr combat.

He did not meet Neji with them however, where Lee says he became more cold hearted, couldn't tolerate that he needed to wait 6 more months with them.

Both of them don't know where he was, only assuming he would be in his clan compound.

Sasuke sighed and kind of expected it.

Neji was a jerk and asshole at the start of the series during the Chūnin exam.

Though he was even more jerk than usual according to Lee, especially due to the fame of Team 7, where clients were not happy, especially at Neji for his arrogant and cold personality.

Speaking of Team 7 fame,Kakashi's training regiment had become famous and feared in Konoha.

Famous because he was Kakashi Hatake and was Team 7 sensei, and was willing to train the new generation where Anko Mitarashi and Team Gemma assist him as instructors.

Feared, as Kakashi, training regiment, while not harsher than Anbu training and the one he gave to his team, was still far cruel for anyone not to quit after 1 day.

But they couldn't as their Sensei and Genin Corps Captain who had authority to take them back, never return because of conveniences.

And Kakashi, like a true asshole, fanned their trust issues towards their Sensei and Genin Corps Captain.

Sasuke had no idea what joy he found doing it, but hey, if Kakashi was no longer gloomy and motivated at fighting, it would be good for Sasuke, as fighting against Akatsuki might be sooner and riskier than usual as the timeline long strayed from its original path.

So all Sasuke now did was to train and adapt to the situation and get ready for it.

"Our mission is to bring Lady Tsunade back to Konoha and convince her to be the head of the Konoha Medical-nin department."

Except for that.

He definitely was not ready for that.

Note: Sensei (Tokubetsu Jōnin-Jōnin) are reserved for those Genins who passed their bell test.

Genin Corps Captain(Chūnin-Jōnin)

are reserved for those Genins who fail their bell test.

You can retry early graduation upto 3 times but you can't help test.

So, when they return back to Academy, they don't redo the graduation test or repeat a year as it is a waste of personal time, so they are assigned to Genin Corps Captain instead, if they still wish to be shinobi.

Genin Corps Captain typically have 12 Genins in their team, where he forces Genins to work together, at times punishing the whole team if any fight occurs between and Genins gets the least commission in mission as it is shared between teams.

The concept was inspired from Uchiha Kagami to enforce teamwork between weaker shinobi, which needed it the most, but never credited because he was like his grandson, rely on incorrect people

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