

" So what's the first thing that we're going to do for our date? "

Petra questioned as she hugged Ean's arm, who seemed to be looking forward, walking past a few couples and other civilians

" You'll see—oh, uh, have you eaten anything for breakfast? "

Ean replied, looking down at Petra who was too busy smelling her flowers

" Oh—uh, no, I just had some coffee with a friend of mine "

She answered, moving her attention away from the flowers and up at Ean

" Then let's eat first "

He said, guiding her toward a nearby restaurant, opening the door for her, allowing her in first, which of course Petra thanked for

" Order what you want "

Ean added as he closed the door walking toward the table she chose, sitting on a chair that stood opposite to her's.

After a few minutes of reading through the menu that she found on the side of the table, she decided on what she wanted, which was a simple meal.

Pancakes, strawberries mixed with grapes, both type of fruits on a bowl, along side that she got a drink, which was a mix of mangos and oranges

" You won't order anything Ean? "

Petra questioned as she stabbed one of the strawberries with a fork, proceeding to move it to her mouth, opening it, to then eat the fruit

" No, I prefer watching you eat—Besides, I already ate breakfast at home "

He replied, as he laid back against his chair, his attention shifting toward the windows of the restaurant, staring at the outside with a tired and bored expression, which confused Petra somewhat.

Petra expected Ean to be jumping of excitement like a child, she expected him to endlessly smile at her like he was some sort of idiot, but, that none of that happened, this of course made her feel odd, she hadn't yet met with a man who wasn't drooling all over her.

Her eyes were glewed to the boy's face who didn't seem to really care about looking at her, he was too busy staring at the other side of the window.

All her attention was on him, which made her realize his good looks, his smooth dark skin, similar to hers, his jawline, his well done eyebrows, his hairstyle, his blue eyes, his dark hair, his very well shaped nose and ears, and—she then held her head tightly, her eyes opening wide as she immediately looked away from him, glaring down at her food with her face completely red

" What am I thinking!?!?! I'm supposed to reject him, why am I thinking like this! "

She whispered, yelling to herself as Ean turned to look at her, confused and interested in what she was muttering

" Something wrong Petra? You're hiding your face, is everything alright? "

He questioned, leaning forward a bit as she simply raised her gaze a bit, still blushing somewhat

" I'm okay, don't worry about me, I just bit my lip while chewing "

She replied, which gave him a sense of relief, watching as she slowly rose her head, showing him her still red face

" Your face is red, are you okay? "

" Yes Im okay, don't worry about me "

She whispered, replying to the boy who's concerns immediately disappeared the moment he heard her response

" Okay good, well, once your done I'll take you out to the place I wanted to take you since a while back "

Ean said, as Petra began to eat, her mind completely clouded by her thoughts of him, not really paying attention to anything of what he was saying, she was too busy trying to figure out what those old thoughts and these new thoughts about him were.

A few minutes passed by and she finished her food, tapping Ean's shoulder as if to tell him that she was done, to which he smiled at, paying for her food and leaving the restaurant.

As they walked, and as she held onto his arm she thought, and thought, what was that sensation she felt, she couldn't wrap her head around what it was, she couldn't find an answer, but soon all those thoughts disappeared as a strong wind and a blinding light interrupted her.

She didn't know for how long the two of them were walking for, she wasn't really paying much attention, but right now the two of them found themselves a the the edge of a mountain, a mountain from which one could see the sparkling blue sea and the sun rising

" This is the place, beautiful right? "

He questioned, walking forward, standing at the edge of the mountain to then stretch his arms out, allowing the wind to hit his unarmed body whilst he simply smiled enjoying the breeze

" So.. "

He whispered, lowering his arms and turning to look at her, smiling somewhat as her eyes captured his entire body.

She now understood, she now understood what the feeling was, seeing Ean bathed in the sunlight made her realize.

She found him attractive and was unconsciously building up a love for him, although she rejected the boy multiple times, all the time they spent caused her to build some sort of affection for him, and this new realization of his appearance was the last straw which made her figure that out.

" Ean "

She whispered, as he tilted his head to then place his hand on his right ear

" I'm sorry I can't hear you, the wind is too strong and the sea waves are very loud "

He replied whilst taking a step forward, stopping a second later as he watched her walk toward him, her gaze pointing at the ground and her hands closed, curled in fists

" Lower yourself "

She ordered keeping her gaze lowered, staring at the boy's legs

" Why? What fo- "

" Lower yourself "

Petra interrupted, as the boy simply sighed doing as she said, leaning down a bit, to resemble her shorter height.

Petra then grabbed the boy's face, placing her hands on each side of his face, quickly pulling him down as she in turned looked up, swiftly planting a kiss on his lips only a second after she had grasped his face.

Ean was surprised, he didn't know what to do or how to react to this situation, but, as she continued to kiss him his mind became clear.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, using his strength to raise her up a bit, kissing her back, clashing against her lips gently

" Let's continue our date... "

She whispered, breaking the kiss, only to look down at the ground, too embarrassing to look at him straight in the eyes.

She didn't know what she had just done, she let her instincts take too much control over her, but she had done the deed and she couldn't take it back, so she gripped his suit's jacket tightly

" Before I regret giving you that kiss "

She added, looking up at him, her face completely red and her lips twisted somewhat, the lipstick she was wearing was now screwed up, some of it was attached to Ean's lips and what was rest on her lips was a mess

" Yeah but your— "

" I said you had day yesterday, so don't waste this date over something this trivial and let's continue with our date "

She ordered as Ean simply smiled in return, placing his hands on top of her's, wrapping his hands around them gently.

They're date, continued, they went shopping for clothes, Ean of course buying whatever she chose and buying her whatever she wanted to eat, her excuse for it being that it was payment for her kiss, and soon night came.

" Well this is it, thank you for going out on this date with me, and I'm sorry if I wasted your time with all the useless— "

" Shut up, we're together now, you won, I'm your girlfriend now "

She said, interrupting her now boyfriend, which caused his eyes to lit in excitement

" How about you stop staring at me and help me take these bags back to my house? We bought too much things "

She said, stretching her arms out, each inch of it wrapped in a string which was attached to white bags filled with clothes and other accessories.

She wasn't the only one holding bags though, Ean was also.

" Alright, follow me "

She ordered, beginning to walk, leaving the fountain of water Ean promised her they'd meet at, they made sure to return to it once the date was over, and now Ean was following her to her house

" A perfect end to a date "

He thought to himself as he stared at the moon with a smile on his dace