
Third Mini Game starts now

"Who the hell does this guy think he is!?"

One of the participants yelled as he stared at Shu from afar

"Yeah! Let's just kill this guy!"

Another one screamed as the others agreed, screaming in union at the supposed ignorance that Shu was blindly showing


Just like that, they would rush at the white-haired boy, sprinting down the field while screaming

"You can go ahead try"

Shu whispered as he slowly lifted both of his arms, spreading them wide with a smirk on his face, angering the crowd of participants even more.

With the intent to kill in mind, one of the participants would dash toward Shu, hurling a kick at his face

"You talk a big game but"

Shu whispered before catching the participant's leg, holding it tight as he would then hurl the participant's body against the ground, creating a small crater which would serve to keep him sealed in

"It's just talk at the end of the day"

Said Shu, finishing his earlier sentence before dashing toward the participants

"Here he comes! Don't get scared! just crowd him so he doesn't get a chance to attack!"

One of the participants yelled, as he jumped into the air, attempting to pin Shu down, but all he accomplished was to receive nothing but a punch to his gut which sent him flying, and just like him, four more would attempt to do the same, but the result would also be nothing but the same.

"Don't worry! Keep attacking! He'll get tired sooner or later!"

Another one exclaimed as he rushed toward Shu, but just like his previous helpers, he would be utterly defeated, receiving a kick to the neck which would him on the ground.

"Don't stop!"

Another one said, as two more participants tried to tackle Shu, but all he did in response was hold their faces, hurling them against the ground, nearly cracking their entire skulls, before dodging an attack by another, punching that one in the face, sinking his nose in with insane brutality.

"He's....actually beating them"

Ori said to himself, completely in disbelief while Ean, who was next to him did nothing but cheer Shu on

"Of course, he's beating them, he's Shu, after all, ever since I met him, he has done nothing but beat whoever was in his way"

Said Ean, with a cocky tone as if showing off his own son

"Why do you sound so proud?.."

Ori questioned while scratching the back of his head

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm friends with the strongest guy in school!"


"Yeah! Didn't you hear? He beat up Arthur the moment he entered the school"

"Oh, so he's that guy huh.....then, if he's as strong as Arthur, he should be able to beat all of these guys with ease"

"Of course, he will!"

Ean yelled, before placing his hands beside his mouth, beginning to cheer Shu on.

Just as Ean's cheering went on, Shu kept fighting, dodging attacks left and right, as well as eliminating his targets with ease. His attacks only targeted the joints or deadly spots, to either knock them out or immobilize them

"I seriously expected more from all of you!"

Shu said with a smirk on his face, moving backward with a quick jump, proceeding to move his head to a side, dodging a knife that targeted his eye

"This arrogant bastard-"

One of the participants said as she tried to punch Shu on the face, but all he did was weave around it, dodging her with ease, before laying her unconscious on the ground with a punch to the gut

"I've been fighting for a few minutes now, I wonder how far Ean has gotten"

Shu thought to himself, as he caught a punch while turning to look at both Ean and Ori, seeing them standing there while cheering him on

"What...they haven't moved at all.."

Shu whispered to himself, as a vein popped from his head

"Hey, you bastards! I've been fighting these guys off for quite a while now and both of you haven't even moved an inch, get going already!"

Shu yelled, as he tightly held the punch he caught earlier, twisting the hand with ease

"Oh-uh yeah, sorry!"

Ean replied before jumping on one of the rocks, staring at Ori from above

"Come on man"

Said Ean, as he continued to jump from rock to rock

"Yeah in a second, but...I don't remember him telling us to climb"

Ori said as he followed behind Ean, watching Shu fight with a confused expression

"Yeah, that's cause he didn't"

Ean replied while dashing forward, sliding off the current rock he was in, holding his body up by gripping onto a floating rock, half the size of his hand

"I guess he wouldn't need to, considering that the whole goal of this mini-game is to reach the top, he probably assumed that we'd do it without him having to tell us"

Ori explained as he jumped toward a boulder, making his fingers grow before stabbing them on it, holding himself up, proceeding to climb the boulder seconds later.

"Oh, by the way, don't get mad at me if I win this Mini-Game"

Said Ean, as he squeezed the rock tighter, using the rock to sling himself upwards, landing on a boulder of his own

"Yeah whatever"

As that happened, Shu continued to fight, knocking participants unconscious with incredible ease. He maneuvered across the crowd, punching his targets with swiftness

"This bastard doesn't know how to stand still!"

One the participants said, jumping toward Shu's legs, attempting to hold them down for his temporary allies to attack, but it was all In vain as his face was stepped on by Shu's right foot, which almost cracked his neck apart

"Don't stop! Just keep attacking, we'll win if we don't give him the chance to react"


"I-I don't know guys, he doesn't seem to be getting tired at all, in fact, it seems like he's just playing around with us"

"Don't be a wuss, he's probably hiding it to act tough, don't stop, keep attacking!"

A participant yelled, ending the small argument his allies were having, but before they could all be given the chance to attack, they fell unconscious by a punch to the face, which came from Shu, who was running across the field with a smile on his face

"Take your own advice, don't stop! Keep attacking!"

Shu yelled, chuckling as he ran, being chased by almost all the participants