

" And then he met- "

Galahad would pause, as what Ogal was explaining seemed to shock him, enough so that it would make him sweat

" Huh? Who did he meet? "

Shu questioned somewhat confused and intrigued, as he stared at Galahad with an expression of curiosity

" Percival. Who did he meet? "

Shu repeated himself, even more, interested in the topic than he was earlier, leaning in closer, laying his right hand on Galahad's shoulder

" H-he claims he met The Martial God, Himura Yorujo "

Galahad replied, shutting Shu completely, causing him to open his eyes widely as he stared straight at Galahad's face. Shu's expression seemed like a calm one, but his eyes were still wide, as the feeling of killing intent became to zip from his body.

As soon as his killing intent was released, an enormous chill crawled throughout Galahad's spine, causing him to breathe heavily, as Shu squeeze his shoulder tightly, making him bite his lip in pain

" S-shu ... stop ... it ...hurts "

Galahad begged, as he tried to push Shu's hand away, but the strength on his grip would increase, which would completely dislocate Galahad's shoulder, causing him to scream in pain, and just as he did, Shu blinked, as if snapping out of a panic attack, letting go of Galahad's shoulder in the process

" Ow... It feels like my shoulder just popped out of my arm "

Galahad whispered, holding onto his shoulder as the now calmer Shu simply stared at him

"That's because it did"

"Wait what?—"

" Here let me help you out "

Shu replied as he grabbed onto Galahad's shoulder, forcing it back into place as loud breaking noises along with screams were heard across the maze.

After a half a minute, Shu had stopped moving Galahad's shoulder around, as he himself stood there, panting loudly while holding onto his hurting arm

" How did it even come to this? "

Galahad said to himself as he tried to hold in his tears, rubbing his shoulder in an attempt to make it feel better

" That doesn't matter right now. Ogal, what did you mean you met with Himura Yorujo? "

Shu questioned as he crossed his arms, staring up at the Titan, who simply looked back at him for a few seconds before beginning to speak in Titarin

" Percival, Translate "

Shu demanded as Galahad who was now somewhat afraid of Shu, simply nodded while moving his shoulder back and forth, trying to adapt to his now cracky feeling arm

" Um. Well according to his story, Yorujo was taking care of him for a while until—uh, he says Yorujo put him here "

Galahad said as Shu simply tilted his head. He seemed confused, which in turn confused Galahad who was staring at him weirdly

" Ask him about the reasoning"

" The reasoning? "

" Yes. Why did Yorujo put him here? "

Shu demanded as Galahad sighed, doing just as he asked, and in return, Ogal continued to speak in Titarian

" He says that Yorujo had to go away and that, he'd come back once he was done with whatever he was doing, but he hasn't come back in hundreds of years, and- "

Galahad was about to continue but was interrupted by Shu, who placed his arm in front of his face

" Ogal, listen to me "

Shu said, with a loud tone, which caught Ogal's interest, causing him to lower his huge head down, low enough for Shu to be able to stand in front of it

"Yorujo———Yorujo is..."

Shu wasn't sure how to say what he wanted to say, for one, if he did, he'd break Ogal's feelings, and maybe he'd go in a rampage, killing hundreds of people, but if he lied, then he'd just be deceiving the poor guy, letting him live in this pathetic cave, waiting for a man who wouldn't ever come

" Yorujo is training, really really hard so he might not be able to come back for a little longer. You'll have to wait but, you don't have to stay here, you can go somewhere else if you want "

Shu lied, changing the subject the moment he did, trying to atone for his lie and the suffering that he'd cause this innocent Titan

" Wait, Shu. How would you know anything about Yorujo? Should we even take your word for it?"

Galahad questioned, as Shu simply stared at him, before smiling as he looked back at Ogal

" I'm strong because of Yorujo "

" Wait are you insinuating that, Yorujo train- "

" Anyway, Ogal. You could always move to another place instead of staying in this cave-like place all the time"

" No, Ogal wait here. Ogal very happy and glad that little man is still alive. Ogal can not wait to meet "

Ogal replied, with the same level of grammar as before, making Shu sigh

" Alright, it doesn't look like I'll be able to change your mind so let's just leave it at that, but now, it's time for my second favor "

Shu said as Ogal backed away from him a little bit, giving Shu space to breathe

" I want a fight "

He said, revealing to Ogal his consistent desire for battle. Making the Titan tilt his head in disbelief

" But Ogal would kill you. Ogal too strong for little man "

Ogal replied, genuinely worried and afraid that he'd hurt Shu if they both fought

" Don't worry about that, I recover fast! "

Shu answered, while crashing his right fist against his left palm with a smirk of confidence on his face

" Not to be rude, I do believe that you are strong but, I mostly agree with Ogal, you may be strong but Titans are the pinnacle of strength, comparing yourself to one is like comparing a pebble to a house Sized Boulder, ask for another favor"

Galahad suggested as all Shu replied with, was a bigger smirk

" Nope. My mind will remain unchanged, unless you give me a better favor to ask for, but I doubt you have anything better than my proposal in mind "

Shu said, as Ogal simply stared at him, with his hands on his knees and a calm expression

" Hmm "