
Childish Sparring

" How's this! "

Shu yelled, as he appeared right above Ean, both of them in the air, before kicking him in the face, hurling him against the hard white floor, which cracked as soon as his body landed, but before he could recover, should would land on his stomach, creating a crater with the immense mass he had gathered

" Come on Ean! I know you're stronger than this, stop holding back! "

Shu exclaimed while getting off of Ean's stomach, proceeding to kick him on his left rib, sending him flying a few meters away, but not wanting to stop, Shu would follow behind Ean's flying body, appearing above him with a fist engulfed in a blue fiery aura, and in the blink of an eye, he would punch Ean's stomach creating a shockwave so loud and fierce that it caused cracks in every part of the room, as a response, all Ean could do was spit out blood

" You—you bastard... "

Ean whispered before clenching his teeth as he hugged onto Shu's arm, squeezing it tight, so tight that his veins would begin to throb, to later spin his own body around, proceeding to hurl Shu against the already damaged floor with immense strength, forming yet another creator in the room, but he would soon follow that up with a punch to Shu's gut

" Doesn't feel so great, huh!?!? "

Ean questioned, with visible irritation on his face, but all Shu could do was laugh

" Nope. But that's what makes it exciting "

Shu replied as he grabbed onto Ean's wrist, throwing him away before standing up from the floor, cleaning away the dirt on his clothes, and as quick as sound, Ean would appear in front of Shu, hurling a punch toward his face, but Shu would dodge, sending over the same attack, but Ean would push it away with his arm, proceeding to punch Shu in his gut.

With a grin of blood on his face, Shu would slam his forehead against Ean's nose, making his nose bleed as well as forcing him to take a few steps back, but as he was recovering, Shu was preparing a combo of attacks.

Shu would punch Ean on his ribs, then on his gut, a few seconds later on his face, and lastly on his chest, so hard that it made Ean slide a few meters back

" I'm not done yet! "

Shu yelled, with the same grin on his face, prepared to hit Ean with another of his combos, but right when he was about to, Ean had recovered from his earlier face injury, and with his recovery, he brought back his own set of combos.

" It's my turn "

Ean whispered as he dodged one of Shu's punches, proceeding to hit him in the face with a left jab, to then knee him in the on his side with all his current strength, cracking his ribs slightly, but, he wasn't done yet.

Ean would then barrage Shu's face with a fury of strong punches, cutting and bruising the boy's face so much that the blood would begin to drip all over his clothes

" That's enough Ean, it's staring to hurt!! "

Shu yelled, before kicking Ean on his side, cracking his ribs, as a smirk grew on Shu's face

" They fight like animals "

Arthur said while watching as Ean and Shu began to clash their fists in a fury of barrages

" There's no elegance, no finesse, just kicking and punching, pathetic "

He added, squinting his eyes in disgust

" No, they fight like seasoned warriors, there's no need for you to be elegant to have technique, clearly you lack in the martial arts department, of course, I'd expect nothing more from a royal who has been bred from birth to perfect nothing but his ability to produce ice "

Asai said, pointing out Arthur's ignorance regarding how one fights

" It doesn't matter if they're good at fighting, technique is useless in the eyes of power, I could have ended the match in nothing less than a few seconds "

Arthur replied, as he looked down at Asai, who was sitting on the floor

" They are sparring, it isn't a match in which you have to go all out to defeat your enemy, of course, they have to fight with the intent to hurt each other due to the fact that they're simply too strong to spar normally, but of course, you probably didn't know that "

Asai said as he looked up at Arthur with a calm yet challenging expression as if taunting him to attack

" Who do you think you are? A mere peasant shouldn't act so high and mighty in front of a royal, or did your worthless mother not teach you manners? "

Arthur replied, insulting the boy, who quickly stood up, staring deep into Arthur's eyes, as electricity began to form around his body

" Don't you dare mention my mother ever again, a royal doesn't have the right to insult her, especially an entitled bastard child like yourself "

Asai whispered, repaying Arthur's insult, with one of his own, but as soon as he did the ground below them would burst into a crater as both Asai and Arthur stood in it, their auras clashing against each other as they glared at one another with the intent to kill.

A cold atmosphere would begin to surround Arthur's body, while ice coated his hands, and on Asai's side, an unimaginable source of lightning surrounded his persona, the lighting crackling loudly as it burned its surroundings with its ends

" I guess we'll have to do a bit of sparring ourselves, won't we? "

Asai said as a vein of irritation formed on his forehead, while a grin of arrogance and anger formed on Arthur's face

" Finally, something we both can agree on "

Arthur replied, as he later disappeared in a blur of speed, Asai doing the same a few seconds after.

Along with Shu and Ean, Asai and Arthur would begin to trash the room with their battle

" And now I'm left to spectate "

Alice said to herself, as he sat down on the ground, crossing her legs together as she laid her chin over her palms, watching the mass destruction that the white room suffered