

" Once upon a time, there were five beings; these beings existed way before time and creation, before all realities, realms, dimensions, and timelines "

" These beings had the shapes of dragons, but they were made of the most pure and primordial sanctuary energy, these beings weren't born either, they simply just existed "

Yujiro went on to explain to his grandson who was cutting wood with an axe

" Oooh, could you beat them grandpa? "

A young Shu, seemingly around the age of five questioned as he continued to slash through the wood with his weapon

" Me? No, even if I was given an infinite amount of time to train I could never reach those beings "

Yorujo explained as he shoved his right hand into his robe, resting his arm inside

" Hmm, then who's the strongest out of all the dragons? "

Shu questioned as he piled up the wood, and walked toward a bucket, where he would then drop them all inside

" Hmm, like I said there were five, the only way to differentiate them was the color of their energy, which eventually became the color of their physical skin. The strongest dragon was the black dragon, the second was the red dragon, the third was the purple dragon, the fourth was the blue dragon and the weakest, the fifth, the white dragon "

Yorujo explained as he watched his grandson sit next to him at the edge of the Dojo's floor

" What are their powers? "

Shu questioned as he looked up at his grandfather who simply scratched his white haired before chuckling, patting Shu's head a few time

" You've become interested eh? "

Yorujo questioned as Shu simply nodded with a smile on his face

" Hm, well you see, these beings aren't affected by the laws we live by; they don't have to eat, sleep or die. They don't fall for any reality law either, they aren't affected by time, space or gravity; when a being jumps they are expected to be pulled back down by gravity, for them that doesn't apply "

Yorujo said as Shu would then tilt his head in confusion, which made Yorujo laugh

" I guess it's confusing for you, but it's okay, you'll understand what I mean when you grow up, but to simplify it, nothing that exists or will ever exist can affect them "

" But why? "

Shu questioned as Yorujo simply sighed, getting up from floor, taking a step onto the ground of the mountain

" There isn't a why, that's just how they are, just like how you are supposed to have two arms and two legs, they're supposed to be like that "

Yorujo answered as Shu nodded, becoming even more interested in the story

" But how do you know this grandpa? Have you met these dragons? "

Shu questioned as Yorujo simply shook his head

" Nah, it's just things I learned from stories my father told me; he said I needed to pass down those stories to my children, and that they should have passed it down to their own children, but since your father isn't here with us anymore, I have to do it, so you have to do it with your own children, alright? "

Yorujo ordered as he would then start to stretch a bit, bending his arms and back

" I will! "

" Okay great, now come on, let's go hunt for some food "

Soon Shu woke up and sighed a little, scratching the back of his head a little as he got up from what seemed to be a bed made of a bunch leaves taken from trees

" Ah, you're finally awake "

Moses said as he looked over at Shu who took a deep breath, sighing a little before standing up

" What are you doing? "

Shu questioned as he watched Moses carefully cut down a small branch from a tree using one of the knives he had grabbed from Bjorn's Smithy, using the knife to shrink the branch even more, making it take the shape of a long hexagon

" I'm making a pencil "

Moses replied as he would then slash the piece of wood right in the middle, dividing it perfectly, opening it up a little to then start to fill it up with carbonated-wood powder

" For what? "

Shu added as he would then walk toward his clothes which were sitting on top of a few tree branches, putting on his white T-shirt and black pants

" So I can write down a Bible for you "

Moses said as he would then apply some pressure to the pencil he had just made

" Good "

He said to himself, smiling a little before turning to look over at his staff who he was laying on the floor, breaking off a piece of it with the knife, and that piece would immediately turn into a book

" Alright, well im going to check the surroundings to see if it's save to move "

Shu said as he would then jump into a tree, hiding in-between the leaves

" Alright, May the lord in heaven keep you safe "

Moses said as Shu simply nodded whispering out a small 'thanks' before jumping out of the tree, running around the area, looking all over the place, quickly scanning everything as fast as he could before suddenly stopping as he heard a few voices from a far

" Stop! Please "

A man yelled, as he was looked down upon by a few soldiers who would then point their weapons at them

" General, Should we keep these for research? "

One of the soldiers said as it would put a sword over at the Man's neck

" No, just kill them all, we don't need to learn about such stupid creatures, and if anything we can use the corpses for research "

A man up in one of the Ship's replied as the solider simply nodded proceeding to lift his sword and swing it down at the man who seemed to be protecting a woman

" There are people alive? "

Shu said to himself as he would then sigh, watching from afar before cracking his knuckles

" Well I guess I'll take care of it "