
Bandits are okay to kill

Dio's muscles began to move a bit, as if they were worms moving across a human's skin

" You're a bandit right? "

Dio whispered as the huge man placed his spear to the side, stabbing on the ground whilst a smile grew on Dio's face

" Yes. I am "

The man replied only to be looked at by Dio who had raised his head somewhat, allowing the man to see his smile

" So your life is worthless, yes? "

" Wha- "

Before the man could even answer the question he received a punch straight to his jaw, raising him off the ground a bit only to be slammed against it by one of Dio's kicks

" Im allowed to kill you right? Since you're a bad person and all… "

Dio whispered, a crooked smile growing on his face as he would then grab onto the bandit's hair, squeezing it tightly, but before he could do anything, the boy was punched right in his ribs which would send him flying a few meters away from the bandit

" You think you can kill me? "

The bandit questioned as he would then stand up, taking in a deep breath only to jump back, raising his spear, seeing that Dio was already in front of him, proceeding with to swing the spear down, but the boy moved to a side, dodging the attack which would create a crater.

The boy would then jump on top of the weapon, using it as a platform to dash toward the man's face in an attempt to knee his nose, but the bandit grabbed his leg and slammed him against the ground, stepping on him seconds later

" Heh-hahahahaha "

Dio would start to laugh loudly, which would startle the man and allow the boy the chance to escape in a blur of speed.

The boy would then appear beside the bandit and would punch him right in the face, sending him flying toward a few houses, his body flying across all of them and right when his body was about to crash against another, the boy fell down from the sky and crashed against the man's stomach, slamming his body back into the ground.

" Fighting is fun.. "

Dio mumbled as he would then grab onto the man's hair, chuckling a little, squeezing it tightly as he would look up at the air, only to hurl the man up in the sky, squatting down a bit; his muscles starting to grow and move.

All of a sudden the boy bursted out of the ground, and appeared beside the man with an aura of fire around him.

Dio would then raise his leg up as high as he could whilst costing his foot in a massive amount of sanctuary energy, using his aura which would start to swirl around the boy's leg, once completely coated, Dio would take in a deep breath and utter the words

" Bringer of punishment "

And with that he would kick the man right in his gut, causing a burst of air so strong it would shake all the trees in the nearby forest, a long with the burst came a crash, a crater that would almost level the entire village

" Oh—Heh-hahaha!!! "

Dio would laugh as he fell down from the sky, landing beside the man who was slowly standing up, with a look of rage in his eyes

" Im done with you, boy "

The bandit whispered as Dio tilted his head a little, his pupils spinning all around his eyes whilst chanting into all the colors of the spectrum

" Done? "

All of a sudden the two would disappear in a blur of speed and would appear in the air, clashing a few times before Dio got sent flying back down to the ground by one of the bandit's punches.

The man would then chase after the boy, position his body in a way that would fall faster from the air.

Whilst doing so, he began to charge his fist with sanctuary energy, allowing the man to punch the boy right in the stomach the moment he landed on the ground, this would make the crater Dio created even deeper

" You broke a few of my bones "

Dio whispered as he began to stand up, using only the strength of his feet to do so, whilst pushing the man's fist up with his small hands, all which was done while the boy laughed

" What's up with this kid?… "

The bandit asked himself as he tried to push his fist down, trying to shove the boy back into the ground but Dio would simply push against the man's fist, causing him to lose his balance, allowing the boy to slip away from the man's fist.

Now free, Dio would immediately jump up and hurl a punch straight at the man's chin, lifting him off the ground, allowing gravity to push him back down a few seconds later

" You're a very strong man, I admit that… "

Dio whispered as blood began to drip from his nose and mouth; it seemed like the punches the man had landed on him began to take affect.

" But I was trained by my father, you stood no chance "

Dio added, grinning like a demon as he would wrap his hands around the bandit's neck and started to squeeze.

Although he tried to strangle the man, he couldn't, his hands were too small for that and all he could do was push his thumbs against the bandit's throat, breaking his neck from all the force being applied, making the man choke in his own blood and die

" Asami.. "

Dio whispered as he stood up straight, taking a few small and weak steps away from the now dead body

" Yes brother?… "

She questioned, walking into the scene, leaving the shadows of the trees which she was hiding in

" Take me to… "

Dio would fall down to his knees, blood dripping from his mouth in great quantities, dirtying all his clothes, including the ground in which he stood

" Mother.. "

He finished and fell head first against the ground, losing his consciousness completely, as death began to stretch out his fingers and grab onto his soon to be dead soul.

Well, dead if it wasn't attended to; luckily for Dio, his sister was there to help him.

In a quick hurry Asami would carry her brother on her back, and would run back to the kingdom as fast as she could.