
A traitor for a son

" Arthur, I need to talk to you about something "

Ean said as he sat on one of the chairs from The Student Council's table, staring at Arthur with a serious expression

" What is it? "

He questioned as he sorted out some papers, placing them on a side to then grab a few others, starting to read and sign them

" I'm about to tell you a secret, and depending on how you react to it, we may have to fight "

Ean replied as he laid back against the chair, crossing his arms together as his hair covered one of his eyes

" Is that a threat? "

Arthur whispered, as cold steam began to spew from his back and shoulders

" No, just a possible outcome "

Ean said as he squinted his eyes, while a blue energy began to envelop his body

" Now, just for argument's sake, let's say that that outcome becomes reality, do you think you can beat me in a fight? "

Arthur questioned as he laid the papers to a side, intertwining his fingers while resting his elbows on the table, his eyes shining blue in a menacing way

" After the tournament, I found that

my power grew quite a lot, so I'd say I'm quite the match now "

Ean replied, as the energy around his body began to increase in mass, eventually becoming an aura, which o released a very strong pressure that clashed against the one Arthur was spreading

" Anyway, what I'm here to tell you is that Shu is a spy, part of the Sukeki people, you know, the village thats somehow giving this kingdom trouble, and as for why I haven't turned him in, well that's because I've joined him "

Ean explained, as his chin slowly went up along with his head, the amount of energy around him began to increase as his veins became noticeable, preparing himself for a possible battle, but to Ean's surprise Arthur simply went back to his paperwork

" Wait, you're not going to say anything? "

Ean questioned, whilst slowly unraveling his arms as he leaned forward, completely confused by Arthur's reaction

" I already knew, you made me think it was something else, I almost killed you Ean, don't ever do that again "

Arthur replied, signing another paper while looking over at Ean for a few seconds, going back to his work once those seconds were over

" Aren't you like—surprised? upset? Confused? "

Ean questioned, as the energy around him vanished into complete nothingness as all Arthur did was lay his papers down along with the pen he was using

" The only thing I'm surprised about is the fact that you joined him. What you're doing is treason Ean, what if my father captures Shu, he will extract information from him and then find out that you're part of all this, kill you and you're entire family to prove a point "

Arthur explained as he stared at Ean with an interrogating expression

" Yes I know. My family doesn't care about me so I've nothing to lose "

Ean replied as he tilted his head to a side, his expression resembling that of a solemn one

" Right, so how did you join the enemy? "

Arthur questioned as he laid back against his chair, staring at Ean with an interested look on his face

" So that you can tell your father? "

Ean replied, squinting his eyes in suspicion

" No, If I a prince had suspicions about Shu being a traitor, then what do you think of a king, for better or worse my father already knows his identity "

Arthur said as he placed his hands behind his head

" Then, why do you want to know? "

Ean replied, whilst crossing his arms together

" Isn't it obvious? I want to join the enemy as well "

Arthur said answering Ean's question with total sincerity whilst a smile grew on his face

" You want to join? "

Ean questioned as he frowned his eyebrows a bit

" What, I can't join? "

Arthur replied, his smile fading a bit as he placed his hands on the table

" No. it's not that, im just curious and confused as to why you want to join "

Ean replied, reading his eyebrow in the process, making Arthur sigh in relief

" Nothing much, I just don't like my father very much, if not at all, after what he's done to me, I want to kill that bastard "

Arthur said, his face turning from relief to anger as soon as he brought up the topic of his father, almost like he couldn't bear the man's existence

" Okay then, let's see what Shu- "

Ean couldn't finish his sentence, as the door was suddenly knocked down, by none other than Shu, who seemed, for some reason, insanely happy

" Did you just destroy our council room's door!? "

Ean yelled, standing up from the chair as quick as he possibly could, staring at the door with a bit of irritation in his eyes, as Arthur simply watched, not really caring for the door

" Oops—Okay well anyway! Being the strongest in the academy is the best thing there could ever be!! "

Shu yelled as Arthur simply stared at him

" Why is that? "

He questioned making the albino boy grin

" Everyone challenges me to a fight! I love fighting, so this is like a reward for just being me! "

Shu yelled again, as his grin grew, spreading wider on his face as Arthur couldn't help but laugh, completely ignoring the fact that Shu broke down the door, and eventually so did Ean, as he too began to laugh

" People keep telling me they stands chance now that the strongest doesn't have far-range attacks! But I just knock them out with the pressure of my fists! "

Shu confused to talk, beginning to laugh himself, not because it was funny, but because he was enjoying himself

" That's the most random thing, I've ever heard, but I have no idea why I'm laughing! "

Ean yelled as he slapped the table continuing to laugh, whilst Arthur did the same, but only because he found Shu's face funny looking