
Samus Aran's Journey Through the Multiverse

Facing the emptiness of space, a soul from another universe confronted God... or at least his version in Futurama. After talking to him, God reincarnates him along the lines of Metroid's Samus Aran, only with a few changes to make the story more interesting so that Fox won't cancel it again. Follow the story of Samus Aran Farnsworth! One in which she seeks to participate in various adventures not only in the world of Futurama but also in other universes. Samus will make friends with many brilliant minds, and interesting characters and experience situations that are not only funny but also full of adrenaline. Credits to the author of the drawing on the cover. If you ask me to remove it, I will do it without hesitation.

Sir_Traverse · 漫画同人
43 Chs

3: Destiny.

If a four-leaf clover can bring you luck, imagine the ridiculous amount of luck a seven-leaf clover stored with other lucky items can bring you. Well, not only did Samus keep finding dollars on the street, so much so that the wind was blowing them into her hands, but she also found strange things.

She saw a ghost for the first time, and it was the ghost of a woman who had recently used a suicide booth, so in a way, it was Samus' improved luck that allowed her to meet a ghost that wasn't negative.

Though people on the street gave her some strange looks as they talked, and even the Professor wondered why his daughter was talking to the air like a deranged woman, it wasn't until he, driven by curiosity, created a special pair of glasses.

"Gosh, I didn't expect ghosts to be real!" exclaimed the professor rather intrigued as he watched the woman hovering in front of his daughter, her hand on her chin clearly expressing her aroused interest. 

"Her name is Clara, she ended her life because Elon Musk's head decided to finally eliminate the bots in X and that killed all her multi-accounts, leaving her poor," Samus commented without much emotion in her voice, although in her mind she was celebrating that she would finally be able to use this app without a porn bot constantly sending her messages.

"You don't have to say it like that, but yes, that's why. I don't know what to do, isn't there supposed to be a heaven and a hell? Although a robot kicked me out when I descended into Hell earlier," said Samus' ghostly new friend Clara, a woman with simple features wearing a typical white dress that fluttered in the wind, her brown hair dancing due to a non-existent wind and her presence making the atmosphere a bit cold, making Samus a bit uncomfortable.

"Fascinating, this confirms several things, such as the existence of the soul, the non-existence of the devil, but at the same time the existence of the robot hell, an urban legend," the professor said as he walked excitedly towards his laboratory.

His daughter had brought him many surprises these days since she had asked him to make her a necklace with strange materials, strange but happy things had happened around the girl. He was very rigorous in science, he made the appropriate sacrifices to the gods before each experiment, as dictated by the scientific method, the dogma par excellence.

But in his mind, he was a great skeptic, even with the existence of Pazuzu before him, he was not convinced by the creature's stories of being an ancient being, he just thought it was a mutated animal or an alien creature that liked role-playing games.

The existence of a ghost, and the fact that he was able to create something that could see it, filled him not only with curiosity but also with pride. He could win the prize at the annual science convention, although he still had a lot of research to do. 

As he walked into his lab, he paused for a moment to think about something that came to him and made him break into a cold sweat. His mind was somewhat dulled by age, but perhaps it was the euphoria he felt at how his mind was now working at full capacity that made him realize something extremely important that he had almost put aside.

"Samus... she can see the ghost without wearing glasses or contact lenses, I would know if my daughter wore contact lenses," the professor thought aloud as he realized that his daughter was certainly much more special than just being much stronger than other children.

Adding to the extreme luck the girl now possessed, and according to the records of his background, because although almost senile, he was a good father, he concluded: that his daughter seemed to be very attracted to the supernatural, so she might suffer dangers in the future.

There were records of species with strange abilities, he had read about them in his youth. Like this mythical race that seemed to enjoy decimating a planet's population with their vast psychic powers. No one knew much about them except for a blurred image etched in stone on a dead planet.

A giant floating brain. If, in the future, these beings approached Earth, his daughter... Under his thick glasses, the professor's eyes narrowed, and with a new steady step, he approached the terminal in his laboratory and searched for some information.

Three books written in a dead language appeared on the holo screen, reflected in the thick lenses of his glasses, while the Professor made a decision, using his resources and connections to look up many things. He even slept and ate in his lab for several days, neglecting everything, even his company, always focused on what he was doing. 

If his daughter was as special as she seemed, she would somehow get into special situations, so he wanted to prepare something, even if he had to abandon the rigor of his beloved science, all to give the girl a method of protection.

"I hadn't worked like this for a long time, I guess after working with MOM, nothing was a challenge for me," the professor said after wiping his forehead with a handkerchief.

His body and clothes were dirty, his body smelled bad and his whole lab was full of food dishes, but the desire to protect his only offspring burned in his chest.

"Samus is not as smart as me, but she learns very quickly, she has an incredible physique inherited from her mother, and according to the questions I have asked her, in addition to the data I have collected from all her activities since she was a baby, she seems to have what is often called a 'sixth sense' as well as a seemingly innate ability to see ghosts.

So she may not become a renowned scientist like me... but she will become an excellent fighter, but that's not enough.

Even if I were to teach her how to create technology, she'd still have a lot of shortcomings, but fortunately... that weakness will be made up for by the stuff I have. I can't believe I had to sell my precious inventions for a brat like her," even though he was tired and his words were a bit harsh, there was a smile in his voice.

The professor had stopped selling his inventions, he only made them for himself for his love of creation and research, but now, out of the need for money as well as favors to be fulfilled, he started selling his inventions and patents again.

But it was worth it when the lab's printer began to super-fast print a black hardcover book with a few golden lines. To his delight, the cover of the book had something written in silver letters that would change not only his daughter's fate, but his own, that of his distant ancestor, the universe itself, and perhaps places farther away.

He held the book in his hand and felt at peace for the first time in many days, the thrill of discovering the ghosts was gone now, only a deep peace remained, for what he held in his hand was titled 'Magnum Opus Alchemicum'.

A blend of everything he had found, organized in a proper and refined manner with the appropriate sacrifices, he knew this would benefit his daughter more than anyone else. It was a fine blend of the wisdom that alchemy could bring her, mixed with current scientific knowledge, without leaving out the supernatural component.

It was something that even in the universal language of English could only be understood by the right people. He tried to look at it out of curiosity, but even he didn't understand what he was reading, or worse, he forgot he had even opened the book.

"I guess Samus' unusually high luck had a lot to do with the creation of this book," the Professor said as he leaned back in his chair and fell asleep with the book in his arms.

He needed to rest, and so he did. It wasn't until Scruffy Scruffington entered the lab with a tray of food that he realized it was already morning...the other day. 

"Thanks for everything, Scruffy, can you call Samus? I need to give her something," the professor said, a little exhausted, but the hunger he had could outweigh his tiredness.

The silent janitor left the lab and a few minutes later, a little girl with slightly longer blonde hair came in, something the Professor noticed as he realized that he hadn't seen his little daughter for a long time. But that's okay, he won't take so many days for a project anymore unless it's really important.

"Come here, little girl, I have something for you," with a mouth full of breadcrumbs, the Professor handed Samus the book, and when Samus touched it, it seemed as if the universe itself was shaking, though no one noticed except for a few stocks.

A certain geeky Star Trek fan looked up at the sky as he felt the universe become a little more... interesting, so to speak. A certain being with a huge body and many, many tentacles, who enjoyed seeing this universe from his perspective, also felt these changes.

Pazuzu, who was randomly flying around the world, turned his head toward the Planet Express headquarters, a smile appearing on his face as his yellow eyes sparkled for a moment.

"I guess your daughter is more special than you, Professor."

On a jungle planet where there were huge women with beautiful features and few clothes, whose bodies were strong enough to live in such an environment, something interesting happened. 

A somewhat lanky old woman with gray hair and cloudy eyes looked up at a rock altar in the middle of the village, on the rock appeared a crude drawing, but it depicted a small woman, at least compared to the women of this planet, surrounded by other large women. 

The small woman was carrying a staff, she seemed to be fighting a huge being with huge wings and huge claws. The old woman saw this before she shouted some words in an unknown language, which could be translated as

"Our destined warrior is about to rise"

And in a dark, cold, distant place, a despicable leech felt that 'life' was becoming much more unbearable, so she had to accelerate her plans, perhaps she should ask that space pirate to intensify her efforts.

The race of Nibblonians from the planet Eternium felt a strong disturbance in what could be called the "destiny" of the universe, they felt that many of their plans might suffer changes that were not entirely foreseen, and worst of all they did not know what or who had caused this strange situation.

God, that galaxy somewhere in the universe, saw the changes in their universe and felt it was good.

"Finally, a different story, much more entertaining than the same old story, this time Fox won't be able to cancel it," then the laughter of this being echoed in space, but no one could hear it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts