
SamiYuri: Flowers of Our Garden

In a world of magic and peril, the mercenaries Sami and Yuri embark on a journey that transcends love and courage. Sami, a master swordswoman, and Yuri, her free-spirited partner, traverse a fantastical world in pursuit of a cure for Yuri's deadly affliction. Through treacherous landscapes and epic battles, their unwavering bond defies even fate, and together they confront the darkest mysteries of this enchanting world.

Yukina_Miu · 奇幻言情
10 Chs

Chapter 1

Deep within the heart of a massive underground chamber, Sami, a short-black-haired swordsman, dressed in full iron-clad armor found herself pitted against an insurmountable army of stone monstrosities. A vast sea of skeletal-looking stone warriors, numbering in the thousands, surrounded her, their hollow eye sockets aflame with malevolent purpose.

Towering amidst the writhing horde were a dozen colossal golems, pieced together from immense stone parts and an enigmatic black substance, an unholy fusion of darkness and rock.

Sami had been waging this unending battle for what felt like an eternity. Countless enemies had fallen by her hand, yet still, a relentless tide surged forth, an unyielding march that tested her very limits. Her body, once a paragon of strength, now bore the weight of fatigue, and her will remained the only fortress left unbreached.

She met the first wave head-on, a whirlwind of steel clashing with twisted stone, deftly deflecting their initial onslaught. With a fierce counterattack, she severed their wretched heads, leaving their twisted forms crumbled and lifeless, their bodies cast upon the unforgiving ground.

The second wave descended upon her, their movements a grotesque symphony of malevolence. Sami was unwavering, her Claymore an extension of her body as it sliced through the unrelenting adversaries.

She ensured that the same fate befell these new challengers, their bodies joining the grim tableau of their fallen comrades.

Amidst this relentless onslaught, beads of sweat coursed down Sami's furrowed brow, her once-pristine armor now bearing the battle scars of countless clashes.

The punishing weight of her adversaries pressed upon her, an unyielding torrent threatening to pull her under. An attacker from above sought to end her, but her instincts were honed to a razor's edge. With astonishing swiftness, she hurled a small emerald dagger from her belt into the assailant's forehead. The golem's white marble core shattered, and it crumbled into oblivion.

With unwavering resolve, Sami tightened her grip on her Claymore. She swung the mighty blade in a single stroke that eviscerated the advancing foes, her movements fluid yet resolute. But the effort demanded a heavy toll, leaving her panting and gasping for air as the last echoes of battle resounded.

However, her assailants showed no mercy, no sign of retreat. With their colossal hammers raised high, they relentlessly pursued her, the very ground quaking beneath their furious assault.

Sami's eyes, even clouded with exhaustion, remained sharp. In a heartbeat's fraction, she sprang to life, leaping aside to narrowly avoid a colossal hammer that would have meant certain death. Her breath was heavy, her heart pounded, and the formidable power of these creatures became all too apparent.

"One wrong step and..." Sami's thought faded as the clamor of battle erupted around her. She resumed her graceful yet deadly dance, her Claymore an instrument of destruction, a lifeline in the tumultuous sea.

Yet, her fatigue was palpable, and her defenses began to waver. An unseen assailant, in a final act of malevolence, pierced her side, inflicting a searing wound on the right side of her abdomen.

Ignoring the agony, Sami tore the stone blade from her flesh and hurled it into the head of an oncoming stone puppet. Her free hand clutched her side, crimson warmth seeping between her fingers as she cursed.

As the shadows of exhaustion closed in, Sami's senses tingled. Her vision blurred, and a veil of dizziness washed over her. She fought to stave off the encroaching darkness, weak yet unbowed.

She let out a low grunt as she forcefully drew another emrald dagger, and launching it with lethal precision into the head of an advancing adversary. Her vision swam, her strength waned, but she endured. Through the veil of agony, her unyielding will shone, a beacon in the oppressive darkness.

With every ounce of her willpower, Sami gripped her Claymore, determination burning brightly even in the shadow of her weariness. The relentless golems, like looming titans of stone, remained undeterred. One of them raised its massive hammer, an embodiment of sheer brute strength, and brought it crashing down upon Sami.

She sensed the impending doom and moved with astonishing agility. The immense hammer struck the ground with devastating force, showering her in stone shards and dust as she leaped away. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her breath came in ragged gasps.

Her free hand tightly held her now injured abdomen, as she kept avoiding the giant golem's unyealdimg attacks until she finally saw a pattern, an opening, and seized it.

She used the hammer the stone giant slammed into the ground as a stepping stone to climb up it's arm, until she reached its head.

She once more tightly griped her sword, this time with both hands, and used it to cut the giants head in half. Reveal a small white marble located inside. She reached toward it, grabbed it, and crushes it.

The giant golem fell to the ground like a puppet whose strings were cut.

This action took a rezaunding toll on Sami and exhausted her greatly. She put her hand on her abdomen wound, grunted, and tried to catch her breath for a moment. However, the rest of the giants didn't give her any time to rest.

The relentless golems, undaunted, moved to advance upon her. Sami moved nimbly, her body a symphony of pain and determination. Her senses tingled with the impending onslaught, and her surroundings swirled in a chaotic dance of stone and shadow.

The relentless foes bore down on her without mercy, and Sami's body, bearing the marks of countless struggles, cried out for respite.

"Keep in mind for whom you're fighting... remember the reward that awaits at the end of this expedition," Sami whispered to herself. She released her grip on her sword, her fingers trembling from the effort, and closed her eyes for a brief moment.

With a deep, shuddering breath, Sami once again opened her eyes, renewed and invigorated. The emerald daggers, concealed at her lower back, found their way into her waiting hands. She flung them with an unparalleled precision that shattered the marbles within the hearts of the stone puppets closing in from both sides.

Clutching her massive sword, she surged forth into the very midst of the colossi. The enormous golems brandished their colossal hammers once more, intent on delivering another devastating blow.

Yet, the strength of Sami's will transcended her exhaustion, propelling her into a breathtaking sequence that mirrored a deadly dance of perilous grace.

Her Claymore clove through the golems' ankles, severing their support and rendering their attacks impotent.

As the dust settled around her, Sami stood amidst the fallen titans, her body battered and bruised, her breath ragged. Though wearied and wounded she still pushed forward. She placed he sword in it's scaberd and started climbing the large monstrous pillar that now stood in front of her.

The relentless throb of Sami's abdominal wound served as a cruel reminder of her dwindling strength. Every step up the colossal pillar was a symphony of torment, each agonizing move met with a stubborn resolve.

Pain, sharp and persistent, shot through her body, leaving a trail of shudders in its wake. But she pressed on, refusing to falter.

With each ascending step, her vision blurred, a creeping darkness devouring her peripheral sight. Blood oozed from the grievous wound in a crimson trickle, marking a path to her inevitable exhaustion.

Sami climbed the towering monstrosity, one handhold at a time, a heroine fighting against the grasp of fate.

Fate seemed sentient, malevolent, as the vile black goo that clung to the golems gathered, sinewy and serpentine, seeping into every crevice of their shattered forms, rebuilding limbs and rekindling the hellish life within. The relentless hunger of Fate for her essence was palpable.

Beneath her, the host of stone puppets and hulking golems closed in on the massive pillar.

Their determination matched her own; their malevolence radiated like a noxious fog. They hurled stone swords, massive hammers, and even their own ponderous bodies at the colossal structure, shaking the earth with their desperate onslaught. The ground echoed with the cacophony of breaking stone.

Sami, far above, hauled herself upward, her determination a defiant ember in the encroaching dark. With one last gasp of air, she ceased her ascent, clinging to the towering pillar, her hands gripping her mighty sword like an anchor. Fate seemed ready to claim her.

In the heart-stopping moment before the plunge, Sami clung to the hilt of her blade, her resolute will refusing to waver. She hurled herself from the precipice, a falling star amidst Fate.

The earth welcomed her descent, and like an avenging tempest, Sami ravaged the enemies below. The relentless fury of her blade shattered stone defenses and cleaved their monstrous cores. Marbles that held their cruel life force were rendered into countless fragments.

The very earth trembled as the stone monsters tumbled into lifeless remains, her blade a divine scourge.

Sami's landing was more an artful collapse, her body in turmoil. Blood poured freely from countless wounds, an offering to the battle-hardened ground, as she struggled to maintain her balance.

"That should have… done it," she muttered, each word echoing her exhaustion.

But Fate's grip persisted. With her body battered and her consciousness teetering, Sami fought to retain her place among the living.

A cacophonous wail echoed through the chamber, and Sami, barely standing in the aftermath of her triumph, turned to face the remnants of the golem army.

They stood as shattered titans, broken but undeterred. With cracked limbs, they encroached upon her, their undying malevolence closing in.

Summoning her last reserves of strength, Sami whispered in somber acceptance, "I guess this is it… Please forgive me for my weakness, Yuri..." Her body poised for what's coming, for the final reckoning, as she stared into her Fate.

But in the midst of the dimly lit chamber, a fearsome silence overtook the air, an oppressive stillness broken by the sudden declaration of a commanding voice.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my woman!"

With a resounding fury, a manifestation of pure power took shape, a colossal serpent wreathed in scorching flames. Its fiery presence surged through the chamber, obliterating the remaining stone army that had encircled Sami.

Emerging from the chaos was a figure as vibrant as a tropical bird, dressed in a fashionably unarmored ensemble that did little to conceal the myriad of cuts and bruises that adorned her form.

Her voice rang out, brimming with exhilaration, as if the tumultuous battleground before her was a grand spectacle deserving of applause.

"Wooooooo! Did you see that, Darling? With just one attack, that's a new personal best!" Yuri's elation was palpable, her laughter a stark contrast to the turmoil around them.

Sami, her eyes wide with a mix of astonishment and concern, wasted no time in expressing her distress.

"You!" Her accusatory voice pierced through the chaos, her gaze firmly fixed on the petite pink-haired girl.

A note of exasperation colored Sami's voice as she chided Yuri, a blend of relief and frustration tinging her words.

"You're still injured, I told you to stay back, and more importantly, out of danger."

Yuri's response was unapologetic. Her determined demeanor contrasted sharply with her battered form. "And let you hog all the fun? Yeah right!" She refused to let her injuries keep her on the sidelines.

Yuri closed the distance between them, a radiant smile gracing her features as she flung herself into an embrace with Sami.

"I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner," Yuri said, her voice laden with happiness and excitement. "If I knew you were going to try and clear the rest of the tomb alone while I was resting, I never would have left you out of my sight."

As Yuri spoke, her eyes failed to recognize the extent of Sami's injuries, an oversight that would soon haunt her.

Sami, though her voice was feeble and her breaths labored, managed to get her message across. "Can't... Breathe..."

Yuri's response was a shock, a sudden realization that washed over her. She released Sami, but it was too late. Her body fell to the ground like a puppet whose strings were been cut.

"No! No! No! No! No! Please, No! Stay with me, Sami, don't go towards the light! You hear me, don't go towards the light!" Yuri's desperate pleas filled the chamber as she shook Sami's body back and forth.

Sami, despite her weakened state, was not one to surrender easily. She bonked Yuri's head with as much strength as she could musser, urging her to allow her some much-needed rest.

"Yuri, please… Let me… Rest."

Yuri looked at the wound near her stomach, as well as all the other on her body and frowned, but then turned that frown into a smile.


Her gaze softened as she moved to sit beside Sami, carefully cradling Sami's head in her lap.

Sami was persistent in her worry about the looming danger, fearing the appearance of more monsters. Yuri dismissed her concerns with a soothing tone, assuring her that they were safe for now.

"Just relax and enjoy it," Yuri whispered, her voice a gentle lullaby as Sami's eyes closed, the pressure and anxiety momentarily eased.

But soon, Sami's restless spirit reawakened.

"We can't stay here for long. It's not safe. What if more monsters show up or—"

Yuri silenced her with a gentle smile. "You worry too much, darling. I've dispatched every monster from the entrance to here. We're safe to rest here."

Sami closed her eyes again under the pressure of exhaustion, allowing her body to take some much needed rest. From her rucksack, Yuri pulled out a small jar only labeled as "Honey".

She poured a small amount of the golden substance on her little finger and tastes it. 

The taste was still sweet, which meant the honey wasn't contaminated. After ensuring the honey still possessed its power, Yuri slowly and gently poured the entire jar down Sami's mouth.

As Sami swallowed it, some of her smaller cuts and bruises started healing and closing up. Her head started feeling a lot heavier and her body a lot more tired.

Sami started falling asleep, and as she did only a couple final words fell down her lips. 

"Thank you… For… Saving me…"

Sami's eyes fluttered as fatigue overcame her. She descended into a peaceful slumber, her breathing steadying, her body finally surrendering to the embrace of rest.

Yuri said nothing but leaned down, her lips pressing to Sami's forehead.


In the hushed passage of time after her awakening, Sami found herself enveloped in a soothing warmth, basking in the gentle radiance of a nearby flame.

The agony of her abdominal wound, which had once dominated her senses, now lay dormant beneath the protective shroud of stitched flesh and bandages.

Her armor, a familiar companion in battle, had been replaced with the more modest leather attire beneath.

A voice, drained of its usual vibrancy, sliced through the calm of the chamber. It was Yuri, her tone laced with exhaustion, a testament to the trial she had faced.

Dark circles shadowed her eyes, attesting to the sleepless vigil she had maintained during Sami's reprieve.

"You're up, did you have a nice nap?" Yuri inquired, offering a tired but tender smile.

Sami, still grappling with the remnants of her groggy slumber, responded with a query of her own. "How long was I asleep?"

"Almost two full days," Yuri admitted with a lighthearted chuckle. However, her humor was short-lived as a cough seized her. Her body bearing the consequences of her illness.

At first it was a light cough, but slowly it turned louder and rougher.

Sami's eyes widened in shock and fear. "Yuri!" Her voice wavered with panic. "Why... Why didn't you wake me up? We lost so much time."

A gentle smile crossed Yuri's face, her gaze meeting Sami's. "You looked like you needed the rest, so I decided not to wake you."

In the midst of a whirlwind of emotions, Sami collected herself. "It's fine. How much more do we have until we reach the end?"

She hurriedly began the process of donning her armor, piece by piece.

Yuri consulted her maps and paused for a moment, her brows furrowing as she wrestled with the uncertainty.

The maps they had relied on had ceased to guide them, as they ventured into uncharted territory. Despite this, Yuri through they were close, a belief rooted in the escalating strength of the obstacles and creatures they had recently faced.

"Not much," she finally replied, her voice infused with a hint of hope. It was a tenuous optimism, yet it was all they had to cling to.

"That's great. Let's keep moving then," Sami declared, determination lacing her words. "If we're lucky, maybe the next few chambers will only be traps and not monsters."

She hefted her sword and, despite the discomfort of her wound, made her way toward the towering gate at the far end of the chamber.

Yuri gathered her belongings, her staff and her rucksack, before conjuring a small flame by snapping her fingers, to serve as a torch. She gazed at Sami with concern but, then changed that expression into a smile.

Sami's claymore, a testament to her strength and resilience, was a weight she found increasingly challenging to bear. The blade scraped against the ground as she struggled to carry it, a stark reminder of her physical limitations.

Approaching the massive gate, Sami paused, allowing herself a moment to steel her resolve. She drew a deep breath, her determination unwavering, before pushing her sword aside and focusing all her strength on the colossal doors.

With every ounce of her willpower, she strained against the unyielding barricade.

Yet the doors remained unflinching, refusing to grant her passage.

Sami's fury was palpable as she grunted and exerted herself further, her body trembling with the effort.

"Cursed things!" she spat, her voice a mixture of anger and frustration. It was a fleeting moment of vulnerability in an otherwise indomitable will.

Yuri, undaunted by the formidable gate, joined Sami, placing her palms against the doors and summoning her inner strength.

The duo pushed with synchronized determination, the sense of unity between them lending them renewed vigor.

As the doors finally budged, creaking and groaning under the strain, Yuri couldn't help but offer an exhilarated perspective.

"What do you think, love? What sort of trap awaits us on the other side? Spikes on the ground, arrows from all sides, or maybe a pit filled with Great-snails?" Her excitement was infectious, a reflection of her boundless enthusiasm.

Sami, however, couldn't help but gaze at Yuri's radiant smile. All the mixture of emotions she felt up until now faded as tears started forming in the corners of her eyes.

She didn't allow them to flow, she didn't allow herself to break, but instead a gentle and proud smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she responded. "Probably another rock monster. Those are the only kinds we've encountered in this place."

They pushed together with everything they had, and this time their efforts yielded results, as the gate slowly gave way, revealing the world beyond. Yet what lay on the other side was something that neither of them had anticipated.

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