
Sam's Always Spacing Out

Samantha has always had an over-active imagination which has caused troubles to say the least... Her parents are tired of Sam Spacing out in school, in her room, even in the bathroom. When Sam finds a character named Henry in a romance novel, she can't help but fall in love with his unusual way of thinking. Soon it turns into obsession and eventually, unhealthy love with a fictional character. And as expected, she continues to space out even more. But what happens when she finds out that Henry is based on a real person. Will she find him? Or rather, 'her'?

Sumana_Chakraborty · LGBT+
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Samantha was never the type to sit down and listen to boring lectures her parents provided. So it took them by surprise when she stated she wanted to study literature and become an author someday. At first, they laughed it off. They thought she was kidding. Then, they simply brushed it off. She was just going through a phase. Or so they thought. Sam was determined to do something with her life. They felt pride. Maybe their daughter was finally turning normal. Sadly, they were wrong.

Sam just wanted to study literature so she could engross herself in books by her favorite author, Rhea Laurel. The 33 year old brilliant author had recently passed away due to a car accident. Hence, her ongoing novel 'An Unusual Child' was left incomplete. But Sam wasn't having it. Something in her gut told her that the novel was finished. They were just not going to publish it.

Now Sam, the over-thinker, had developed a crush (She stated it as 'love') on the protagonist of said story, Henry. He was her world. They were both different and unusual. The character fascinated her beyond words. So when she heard Miss Laurel was no more, she made up her mind to do research on her and find out the ending to her beloved character's destiny. As childish as it sounded, it was Sam. She wasn't your typical college girl.

"So what you're basically saying is, you want to do research on Laurel?" The librarian asked in a monotonous way.

"I need every book related to her. And letters too."

"This is unusual. Girls your age like to research on subjects like vampires and werewolves or hybrids and all that. Good to see a young face searching for classics." Sam quite enjoyed the praise from the elder man. Praise was one thing she always wanted.

The old librarian soon came to the help desk with a stack of rather slim books and placed them in front of Sam. Sam pointed out that her favourite 'An Unusual Mind' was missing. He simply arched a brow and replied,"I'm sorry but I don't think I've heard of that one before." Sam tried to tell him every detail of the book she had but the librarian mumbled a sorry and moved on to packing the books for her.

If only her stupid cousin's stupid best friend hadn't disappeared with the book she possessed! She remembered how her cousin had exclaimed that her best friend had suddenly left the town. It seemed peculiar. But Sam paid no mind to it. She had some research to do.