
Coast Bar

They untie a local taxi driver they captured in the bar to question and interrogated him to join them for a local guide job.

A deprived political class elite out to tax poor victims organs trafficking and looking for further victims under their laws of revenues Nerij Varske, Karoblis Hera, Gandonas Gintautas Gintaro, Varpa Hera, Karoblis Hera, Karolina Tumbacka, Valdis Vivaldis and Liucinda Sarka.

The unit of evil goers ready to do the job.

The revelations began when our NATO heroes drank Thai rice whiskey and watched water lily's dance.

The beautiful native women in a draped pleats dress with water flowers in their hair dancing swaying their hands for a show before their eyes.

"I focking love it." Simon pours a native beer in.

"Yeh, they are beautiful."

"No. I mean this focking jaguars beer." Simon places a bottle on the table. "I pick and fock one."

"We should do a job tomorrow but not now Simon."

"Lord listen I love independent women flash before my eyes. They are great whores."

"Yeah they are great because they have a free cars to pump their tires like in a lowrider steaming the windows off."

"No, the dash cameras are best to keep a trophy."

"I heard you Simon." The waitress poured one more drink in his empty glass. It was the fourth time. "If she doesn't stop pouring I will puke her shoes."

"Yeah. The water toilet drove me crazy." Simon opens one more bottle thinking looking on the stage to a night show lights play with music.

"They should suck it up, those child killers." Simon wraps his hand around the bottle let's go and stretches his wrist round a few times jawing his lips to oval design googling air out to Lord's face.

"I know they are no good." He pours his glass in. "I just don't have my kami design yet. I worry more about my crest rather those retards we end up killing."

The United Kingdom Chief Investigator for Human Rights makes a call to Mark Ta in Coastal Bar they will need an observer from London.

"He is not an observer and he is ok."

"Why would I care?"

"I know you are in Patong."


"He is on the flight to Patong International."

"You know him for old times sake."

Mark Ta ends his call. "We have him coming."

"Great, we have more friends." Our captain Magnum Mage enjoys the show of Lord Ignacius and Simon Says seeing them play and drink from behind.

"I think UN Private Detective Jones is a wild one private eye." Magnum looks in his pocket to see his wallet for Thai Baht.

"Jones Smith. Is a great private eye investigating many cases for the United Nations." Our NATO heroes Vice General Mark Ta is quicker and places four thousand Thai Baht notes on the stool to pay the bill.

"I know he broke one guy's head in guerilla warfare for lying to him about the war crimes it took." Magnum gives up his wallet.

"Yes, sadly it stopped him working there." He lights his cigar letting it burn side to side one fire, he smells it and lit the end to let it burn he blows clouds of smoke out.

The dark Colombian cigar was his favourite, the perfect weight, the toned leaf colour to plant and oil mix, the perfect cube press shape, the years it had the smoke it made. He pours in Thai rice whiskey. He smiles.

"He is a big guy. He should be ok." Magnum Mage has his empty glass handed over in his thick knuckles hands to Mark Ta.

"Yes he was born this way. This is politics." He pours in.

"Jones now works for Scotland Yard." Magnum takes a double shot in leaving half glass free his face smirks from spirit in his throat he waits for spices to taste.

The grind leaves him enjoying the design grabs a cut of lemon slice in his hand to bite on.

"I am not sure what he has to do with our NATO mission." Mark Ta can see Magnum Mage cut off the lemon on a chopping board; he passes the slice by the edge of the blade looking in his Vice General's eyes.

"He is good with human rights." Mark Ta picks up the cut.

"I hope he breaks more skulls." Magnum Mage leaves a blade on the table, finishes his glass of Thai rice whiskey and waits for spices to work.

"Yeah to Jones!" Simon screams to a whole bar hosting his drink.

Lord Ignacius holding his knees on one, lifts his Thai rice whiskey and blinks one for approval not knowing what they are about.

Magnum Mage lifts his right hand agreeing to an unknown signal.

They did not know a whole team was in the flight. It was the night they drank for a morning cold shower.

How about the Tasmanian Devil, Greek Island and Marquis Yardi "The Laughing Cat".

Mark Ta finally read a text message saying he had a pick up time for them to go before they saw Igno Bazuka's muscle.

"You see our Jones Smith with a company on their way. I go pick up others outside the place."

"I hope they are a bad company." Simon doubles his shoelaces, twisting his fingers.

Magnum Mage ready leaves, placing on his shirt out the door.

They will change United Nations Human Rights.

The night our captain Magnum Mage toasts his glass in the peaceful hand. "Drink a lot."

Team meeting and coordinating plan to rescue Ban Toya in a conflict to solve the mass graveyard mystery.

They protect Ban Toya from misery to join their ranks. Our NATO heroes plan a Bangkok Central Prison break on the way to assault the killers.

Captain Magnum was out for a drive to see his new unit of party B. They were watching news on the car screen how prisoners did escape Thailand's Prison.

"I hope they will not have many problems." Jones Smith speaks in Thai heat from a sweating of sudden change to weather in the back of their brown leather van.

His yellow hair is sweating and his dense eyebrows did tell he had a heavy build the body bulk to his furious jaw line.

He was sitting close to a grey-haired man from Greece. Him only introducing to be Greek. The seat opposite was a British Caribbean Marquis Yardi. "It is nice to meet you in our mobile meeting room." He laughs and shakes his captain's hand. "They called a laughing cat because I like to laugh. I am a former drug dealer and a contract killer. Let's beat knuckles for good luck."

Jones Smith being close to him in black trousers and white office shirt in blue stripes, the United Nations cufflinks had no comfort problem sitting with them in one place.

"I am happy to work with you guys." He places a fist first out.

The laughing cat lifts his fist wearing a black shorts and a vest made only for fruits to carry out of the net you can place your fingers past. It was an iconic image from a movie star film.

The Greek joins his fist in a serious huge brows look in his eyes; his golden watch adds a signature to his check shirt, blue jeans and black trainers he wears to beat the comfort. He smiles. "I am from the Greek Islands. I am not a professional killer nor a bloody United Nations diplomat but I am ready to kick their ass."

Magnum Mage closes news channel transmission and taps the fist pile to join the cause.

Ban Toya had his own plans and left for a walk in shorts and shaved heads with a Thai Prisoner.

The unexpected diversion of professional team hours later stormed the gates to learn he was taking a stroll for a walk.

Magnum Mage kept a communication line silent and left the airport on patrol to pick him up.

"They must find him." Igno Bazuka points to his team sneaking the shaft under the gates waiting for their freight truck to reverse a diversion.

They are looking up at the water dripping off Bangkok's drain sewage top. Yanis Rose, Igors Ignurs and Igno Bazuka. The three Latvian brothers are ready to murder.

Their gun nozzles are up to guards feet they run. Simon reversing a heavy beer truck drives past a steel frame chained gates fence laid in metal.

"The gates are open to see." Simon drives off into the road wearing a Mexican large straw hat waving. "Me sorry amigos. Aleina? Aleina? Aleina? I speak no Thai!" He presses his auxiliary and continues to drive past the streets he could turn around and wait across the street watching the theatre of a prison break.

The prison was close to a major international airport. The huge roundabout was surrounded by a busy road. It was a prison in the middle of a motorway; the huge lawn separated it from a road.

Mark Ta and Lord Ignacius used an opportunity to walk closer from left to right of the gates for guards in the tower to pay attention to Simon driving his truck in.