
Saiyan System in the Immortal World

A normal teen reincarnated into the Immortal World, with a twist.

kielreniel · 其他
40 Chs

Qi Control

Noon. A young man was meditating while the sun was at the highest point. A fly was buzzing around him. A few minutes passed by, the young man lifted his hand. The movement looked slow, however it was pretty fast as he accurately caught the fly's wing.


A stick suddenly came towards his head. When it was only a few inches away from him, he let go of the fly. The stick hit the fly, but the young man was nowhere to be seen. The old, blind man controlling the stick suddenly changed its trajectory and swung it in a curve behind him. The young man flicked the stick with enough force that it vibrated. The old man grinned, showing his teeth, before dispersing the vibration and did a thrust towards the young man. It stopped in front of his throat.

"Haha Caol, I win again this time." Master Jian was smiling the whole time.

"Oh really, Master? Did you really think you won?" Caol also smiled. Master Jian was confused, before he realized what really happened. Caol's leg was ready to kick his family jewels. Master Jian made a sour face as this was the first time a draw between them occurred.

"Don't be so sad, Master. You just didn't notice it, but I just aimed for your blind spot." Caol stopped, before laughing out loudly.

"Damn you brat! Where are your manners? You even dare to call me blind?" Master Jian knew that his disciple was a little bit mischievous. "I can't believe that you would complete my training within a few years. Your talent is really fearsome. Even though I was not using a percentage of my strength, you still managed to draw with me."

Caol just scratched his head in embarrassment. He has been training for 3 years and 7 months with Master Jian. During this time, Caol experienced a lot of beatings. Soon, he learned how to use the least amount of qi to sense his surroundings. Apart from developing his senses, Caol's progress with controlling his qi was surreal. He had to do it under high stress and pressure, not just from his Master, but also from the added gravity to his body.

Master Jian faced his direction before saying, "It has been so long. It is time to open your eyes now." Caol was prepared for this. He has not used his eyes for almost 4 years. He took off his blindfold, and slowly opened his eyes.

Caol's eyes saw the world again. His eyes became so sensitive to light that he needed time to adjust. Once Caol's condition was okay, he went up to his Master and bowed, "Thank you Master for your teachings."

Master Jian was very happy at this moment. Caol's gratefulness was full of sincerity. He knew that Caol was a gentle being. Master Jian did not regret accepting Caol as his disciple. Caol might be a bit of a prick at times, but he knew that Caol treated him really closely.

"Brat, this is the end of your training for now. Just polish your skills before the war starts. If you are still alive after, I will start the second phase of our training. Go back to your sect first and visit your Grandma." Master Jian slowly left after saying this. Caol was still bowing at Master Jian, until he was out of his vision.

'Now, I need to check the results of my training. System, it's been a long time. Open my menu for me please!'

[Name: Caol Gwynt]

[Age: 13]

[Race: Saiyan]

[Strength: 79.8]

[Agility: 85.0]

[Intelligence: 59.1]

[Will: 82.4]

[System Currency: 63]

[Power Level: 50,500]

'I need to go back to the sect. It's been so long since I left. I already miss Granny Yu.' Caol went out of the army grounds. Xiong could be seen standing outside, waiting for him. Once Xiong saw him coming out of the gates, he ran up to Caol.

"Young Master, how are you? It has been a while." Xiong was smiling while scratching his head. Caol had no contact with the outside world when he was training. "Young Master, the conflicts within the border of the two continents have been escalating lately. They say the war is going to start soon as the Tiger Continent's army started marching and was scouted by our spies."

Caol wasn't too surprised by this development. It was within everyone's expectations, however, this had nothing to do with him at the moment. The Soaring Dragon Regiment was not going to be deployed when the war starts. They were the elite forces and would not mix with the common soldiers.

Now, what Caol needed to do was to finish Quest 2. He had an idea on how to finish it quickly.

"Xiong, how much money do we still have?"

Xiong opened his storage pouch, counted the money, before saying, "Young Master, we still have plenty of money left. There are 8,021 gold pieces in my pouch. Did you need to buy something, Young Master?"

Caol shook his head, before asking for the money. Xiong respectfully gave it to him. Caol asked him to get a big stone tablet. Xiong was confused by this but he still followed. Soon, Xin and Xiong were carrying a stone tablet bigger than them. Caol walked towards them, and carried the tablet. He took it quite easily, while the duo was still panting. Caol placed it on the ground and took out the Power Pole.

He infused qi on the edges of the pole and started writing something on the tablet.

After Caol saw his work, he was satisfied before carrying it and placing it on the busiest street in the Martial District. He just sat down and meditated without a care. Soon, people passed by and read what was on the tablet. All the passerby's were intrigued at the words.

'Challenging 100 people above the age of 30 and below the age of 50. Whoever can defeat me will get 10,000 gold coins.'

2/2 for today.

Let me know what you think about the novel so far.

The War will be starting soon.

Will this be the turning point for Caol? Are we gonna see some Super Saiyan action soon?

Find out on the next episode! Lol it won't be the next one.

Thank you guys for reading!

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