
Saiyan System in the Immortal World

A normal teen reincarnated into the Immortal World, with a twist.

kielreniel · 其他
40 Chs


From afar, a poor-looking ship is being rocked by the humongous waves of the ocean, but for some reason, it is still holding on.

"Emily, are you sure this thing will not suddenly give up on us?!" Caol shouted at Emily as he was standing on the deck, getting doused by the ocean waves and the rain. The three of them are currently in the middle of a storm.

Thunderbolts were flashing above the clouds, threatening to go down upon them. The wind was creating a lot of pressure on the sails, while the ocean was trying to devour them.

Karn had been controlling the ship's rudder with difficulty, while Emily was holding on to the mast. This amount of rocking was nothing to Caol as he knows how to shift his weight properly.

"I DON'T KNOW! WE WERE JUST UNLUCKY, THAT'S ALL!" While she was grabbing on the mast for dear life, Emily did not know whether it was time to write a will. She was praying to all sorts of gods that were available to save her. The storm was coincidentally formed about a mile from their location, and before they can steer away, the storm rapidly approached them, as if with sentience.

Caol was not worried about himself, he was worried about Emily and Karn, as they were just lower levelled martial practitioners. Karn was a Martial Master, however, Emily was just a Peak Martial Student. This level of danger can lead to their deaths as they still cannot fly.

"Well, at least we survived for 12 days."

Karn did not make their situation any better and just sentenced themselves to death. Emily started bawling and couldn't control herself. She felt like this was the end. What they did not know was that Caol can help them survive through this ordeal.

They had been travelling smoothly for 12 days now. The ocean was very calm, with a nice breeze to accompany it. The sun had always been their friend, as it always shined upon them, but every nice thing had its end.

As they were being tossed around the waves, Caol heard something. He suddenly looked behind the ship.

The waters were dark and there was little to no visibility. The sound that came was very quiet, as Karn and Emily did not hear it, however, Caol had practiced his senses to a profound level. Soon, he could not hear or sense anymore of the mystery he stumbled upon.

'That's strange! I really heard something bizarre earlier.' Caol became vigilant. The storm was not a problem and he knew that it will only be a couple more hours until the storm leaves. The boat will still hold on by that time, as he himself did not know what kind of wood this ship was built with.

After about 5 hours of the nerve-wracking storm encounter, it finally left them. Karn collapsed when everything was finished.

"HA! I bet you Caol that you were scared to death!"

Emily taunted Caol with snot and tear stains on her face. Caol looked at her weirdly, "Hell no! You were the one crying your brains out, shouting and praying for help from the gods."

With her eyes wide open, Emily pointed her finger at Caol, "You!" She had nothing else to say and just stomped her feet onto the deck before walking away.

With nothing left to do, Caol entered his small cabin and sat on his "bed." His cabin was just big enough for him to lay down and do nothing. It felt really small for him, but he couldn't do anything about it. The ship was small enough as it is, so he just meditated.

"I hope that guy fell off the ship earlier. That will be a sight!" Emily stood upon the bow and muttered curses at Caol. They were always arguing about little stuff these past days. It was like they were archenemies.

Emily was still in her thoughts before she saw something that shocked her for the rest of her life.

An enormous, tentacle-like limb sprung out of the water. It was about 100 feet in height, and it was gigantic. As Emily was still stupefied by the thing, three more tentacles appeared.

Caol already sensed something wrong before Emily saw the tentacles, and rushed out to the bow. As he saw these limbs, Caol knew that it was some sort of monster coming to attack them. Caol held Emily's arm and lightly tossed her to Karn.

"Karn, take Emily and you guys keep safe. Turn the boat around!"

Karn reacted quickly and went up to the rudder. The ship made a 180 degrees turn, before Caol jumped on a yellow cloud. A tentacle felt the ship escaping and headed towards it, attempting to smash it. Caol did not plan on letting this happen as he rushed to the side of the tentacle with the help of the Nimbus and fired Qi Blasts at it.

The tentacle was torn in two as it was incinerated by the Qi Blasts. The ship quickly made its way outside the range of the "monster."

As Caol took out one of its tentacles, the monster was clearly enraged. It did not take long before a huge head the size of a basketball court emerged out of the water. The head had six eerie eyes and a mouth that was two-thirds the size of his head.

"Oh, sh*t! Who released the Kraken?!" Caol was intimidated by this fellow. He looked like a fly compared to the monster. Obviously, Caol could escape if he wanted to, but that would make Emily and Karn the monster's target.

'I knew I wasn't hearing things earlier. This monster had been following us around since we were in the storm.' The improved scouter didn't work on this thing, suggesting its power level to be way higher than 200,000. Caol knew he couldn't hesitate and activated Kaio-ken x8.


[Name: Caol Gwynt]

[Power Level: 1,386,480]

Caol has been solidifying his fundamentals after the war. He reverted back to training on controlling his qi as he gained insights after the fight with the leader of the Ravaging Wolves. When Caol was with Master Jian, he mastered basic control over his qi, and now, he was near the advanced qi control. It was still far from Master Jian, but he has a huge difference with higher-ranked martial practitioners, and even some Martial Saints regarding qi control.

It wasn't the time for holding back as he unleashed a Kamehameha to the monster's face.


A huge flash of light appeared and created a large impact on the monster's face. The monster cried in pain as more than half of its face was incinerated by the attack. It still wasn't fatal as the monster clearly had higher resilience.

The Kamehameha that Caol threw earlier had a power level of about 1,700,000. That power was enough to annihilate a Spirit Forming Immortal Cultivator. The monster was much stronger than that as it survived under Caol's Kamehameha.

The wound on the face of the monster was regenerating, albeit at a slow speed. Caol could see some wriggling under the skin. 'This monster is clearly hard to kill!'

As Caol was preparing another Kamehameha, two tentacles was suddenly brought down upon him at fearful speeds. Caol dodged with the help of the Nimbus. He weaved left and right as more and more tentacles kept coming at him.

The monster did not give Caol any time of respite and unleashed all of its tentacles upon him. A total of fourteen tentacles were lashing out on him like whips. Caol was focusing on dodging and could only fire some Qi Blasts at them.

What Caol didn't notice was another tentacle that came from under him. It was the tentacle he tore off. It regenerated, showcasing the monster's fearful regeneration speed, and hit Caol, sending him under water.

Now, Caol was in the monster's domain and couldn't rely on the Nimbus and its speed. He could breathe underwater for hours, but now while something is attacking him, with the intent to kill him. Caol was having a hard time moving as fast underwater and was attacked by the tentacles, dealing serious damage and submerging him deeper into the ocean.

As Caol was struggling on remaining alive, a tentacle hit him hard and lodged him deep into the bed of the ocean. The pressure under was unimaginable, even with Caol. That strike burrowed him deeper, and Caol was losing consciousness rapidly.

'Is this how I'm going to die?'


kielrenielcreators' thoughts