
Saiyan Overlord Naruto

This is fan-fiction. all the original characters and stories belong to their original author. this is just a wish-Fulfilment fan-fic. the MC is insanely OP. I just take some ideas from other fan-fic. Smashed them together then add some my idea. So I don't expect everyone to like this. Read if you like or find it interesting. and if you don't like it then don't read and comment. English is not my main language so there will be grammar and spelling mistakes. do point them out if you find any. I will try to edit them. constructive criticism is welcomed. but don't comment rudely.

AeTheSilent · 漫画同人
18 Chs

Father and Mother.

Chapter: 05

After jumping on to Kurama's hand. He lifts me up to where 'seal' in kanji written on a paper tag. This is where the fourth Hokage's soul should come out to stop me from pulling the paper. So I mentally prepared myself to meet the person who is my father in this life.

I am no longer Luis Smith anymore. Now I am Naruto Uzumaki son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Now, this is my life and this is who I am. I never knew my parents in my previous life. I grew up in an orphanage and later trained to become a spy and assassin for the country. I always wanted to have a loving family. But my line of work is too risky and I was also never able to find anything about my parents. But now that I got another chance. And have the option to have a family of my own. Pulse with my power I can revive my parents in this life. And I will do everything to get them back.

Mine and Narutos soul fused together. So my emotion is also influenced by some of his that are also merged with mine.

So after preparing myself for the fateful meeting. I reach my hand out and grab the corner of the paper. And start to pull it off slowly. After pulling about one-third of the paper a hand stopped me from pulling any further. And he starts to speak with a worried voice.

"Naruto why are you trying to pull this off. Is the Kyuubi put you up for this?" asked Minato.

"Hu… Fourth Hokage how are you here. And how do you know my name?" I asked acting confused.

"I know your name because I gave you that name and also because you are my son. I am here because I sealed my Chakra inside you with the nine tail. To help you in case something like this happens." Minato answered.

"The Fourth Hokage is my father? Why No one told me about this before. Gramps third Hokage said he doesn't know my parent's name." I said emotionally.

"Yes, I am your father. He must have hidden it to protect you from my enemies." Minato replied and hugged me.

"Father," I said this time with real emotion and some tears. While hugging him back.

This feeling is foreign to me. It feels warm inside my heart. It feels peaceful and I don't want to let go of this feeling.

"Sorry son for leaving you all alone like this. And sealing the Kyuubi inside you. But I believe in you. That one day you will be able to control its power. But tell me what happened why were you trying to break the seal." after breaking the hug father encourage me and asked.

"Father he has a name it's Kurama. And don't worry we become friends. And he is willing to help me. But to do that we have to break the seal trust me." I said to reassure him.

"Minato It's been so long we last meet. And don't worry about me I have no extension to harm Naruto. He will become greater than you one day." Kurama said after being silent till now.

"Is it true Naruto? I believed you can do this but this early. I am really surprised and proud of you son. You will surpass me in no time. If it's like this then I will hand you the key to open the seal." Father said happily and transferred the knowledge of how to unlock the seal.

"Now that you become friends with Kurama. You don't need help from your mom to take control of his chakra. So I will summon her now so you can meet her." Father said taking my attention.

Then he made some hand seal. And another person appeared in front of us with a beautiful read hear. This is Kushina Uzumaki. My new mother in this life.

"What happening here Minato why you summoned me here," Kushina said looking confused.

"Kushina meet our son Naruto. And Naruto this is your mother Kushina Uzumaki." Father introduced us.

The moment father said that mother ran at full speed and hugged me tightly. This feeling is indescribable. I feel safe, confident, loved. There are like some pieces of me coming back that I didn't know I had. It feels so comfortable. I had tears in my eye before I knew it.

"Mom," I said and couldn't find any other words to speak.

"How I wanted to hear that word. Naruto I am so sorry I couldn't be there for you. Watch you grew up. I really wish to be there with you. If things were different I would have never left you alone to suffer like this." Mom said with tears.

"But Minato why did you summon me now. He is not fighting with Kyuubi now." Mon then asked for an explanation.

And he starts to explain everything to her. And in the meantime, I unlocked the seal of Kurama.

"So the goofball actually become friends with you Naruto. But he was always so mean to me. But I am so happy for you." Mon then said with a teasing tone.

"Goofball it's a nice one mom," I said with a thumbs-up.

"Hey, don't call me names. And why would I want to be friends with you? You are not the fated one. And you never tried to understand me." Kurama said with retore.

"What do you mean by the fated one? And sorry for never trying." Mon asked worriedly and apologized.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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