
Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World

Lucas, a renowned immortal mage and holder of the title "Sage," has grown tired of his immortality and sets out to end his life. But when he stabs himself with a legendary sword, he finds himself transported to a new world where cultivators seek immortality through spiritual energy rather than magic. In this new world, Lucas faces new experiences and challenges as he journeys to reach the upper heavens, where he hopes to find other immortals. With his mana rising to prominence, Lucas must overcome destiny's plan and embrace his own path to attain a different form of immortality. --- A/N: Just read until your reach the end of the free chapters, then decide what you want to do. I am still editing the old chapters so flaws would be obvious.

yohananmikhael · 玄幻
351 Chs

Mary Luo [2]

Felicity's muscles tensed at the sound of Lucas's determined words. The danger in his plan was glaringly obvious. How could she stand by and allow him to take such a risk?

Yet, Lucas remained resolute, his conviction unwavering. It wasn't merely confidence that drove him; he had a surplus of third energy at his disposal.

"I can't permit this. It's too risky," Felicity insisted, her tone laced with urgency.

Lucas met her gaze with a steady shake of his head. "I understand the risks, but I'm prepared. What matters is whether you trust me enough to do this, not the potential consequences."

Silence hung heavy between them as Felicity struggled with her emotions. Finally, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I understand your determination. But promise me, if it becomes too dangerous, you'll stop. I can't bear to lose anyone else, especially not you," she pleaded, her words tinged with desperation.

With a reassuring exhale, Lucas approached the exposed display glass. While Larry remained oblivious, Felicity's anxiety mounted at the thought of Lucas reliving past dangers.

A gentle smile graced Lucas's lips as he approached a woman of striking beauty. Her short hair framed a face that, even in sleep, radiated elegance. Long eyelashes brushed against her cheeks, a testament to her natural allure.

But it wasn't just her appearance; her skin, though cool to the touch, retained a softness that hinted at her underlying vitality.

As Lucas began to chant, a soft glow emanated from his palms, casting a warm light in the dim room.

Felicity found herself captivated, transported to a realm of enchantment by the spell Lucas was weaving. It was as though his incantation had unlocked a gateway to a realm of profound tranquility.

As Lucas progressed to the next phase of the spell, his words carried a weight of ancient power, each syllable resonating with purpose. A shimmer of light trailed his gestures, illuminating the room with a magical aura.

Larry, though unaware of the intricacies of Lucas's actions, couldn't help but be drawn in by the spectacle. Excitement lit up his eyes, reflecting the intensity of the moment.

However, Lucas soon began to feel the strain of his efforts, though he masked his fatigue. Overestimating his abilities with the heightened energy of his third cultivation, he pressed on, envisioning the intricate magic circle in his mind's eye, willing the light to intensify.

But reality deviated from his expectations. Mary's unique condition posed unforeseen challenges, pushing Lucas to his limits and beyond.

A sharp intake of breath escaped him as dizziness clouded his senses. His determination wavered as he grappled with the harsh reality of the situation.

"I can't..." Lucas admitted, his voice a mix of frustration and exhaustion. Yet, an unrelenting urge pushed him to continue despite the futility of his efforts.

Felicity's concern deepened as she observed Lucas's struggle. Her expression morphed into one of worry, her heart pleading for him to cease his exertions.

"Lucas, please..." Her voice carried a note of desperation, a plea for him to prioritize his well-being over his determination to heal Mary.

Though she remained clueless about the intricacies of Lucas's magic, her unwavering faith in him mingled with her growing apprehension, creating a tumultuous mix of emotions within her.

Lucas persisted, channeling every ounce of energy into the spell. Minutes stretched into an eternity, pushing Lucas to the brink of exhaustion. Finally, he relented, ceasing the incantation and taking a moment to catch his breath. His gaze met Felicity's, filled with regret and sorrow.

"I apologize for raising your hopes. I cannot facilitate her recovery. I'm sorry," Lucas confessed, his voice heavy with disappointment.

Felicity, however, offered a gentle shake of her head, her acceptance already tempered by a foreseen outcome. Perhaps Lucas's magical abilities were limited to human healing after all.

In the background, Larry snapped out of his trance, his expression returning to its usual impassive state. He observed the exchange silently, pondering the events that had transpired.

"It's alright. I knew her condition was beyond conventional healing. Even with my family's expertise in magical beasts, I couldn't find a solution," Felicity replied, a bitter smile tugging at her lips.

"But what will become of her?" Lucas inquired, his concern evident in his voice.

Felicity paused, gathering her thoughts before meeting Lucas's gaze squarely.

"I understand that I promised to assist you in your ascent to higher realms as gratitude for saving my life. However, in light of Mary's situation, I'm unsure if I can fulfill that promise..." Felicity's voice trailed off, her dilemma palpable.

Lucas wasn't surprised by her revelation. He had anticipated Felicity's loyalty to her friend would outweigh any obligation she felt from their agreement.

"I understand, and I don't hold it against you. You've already done so much for me, and I believe I can continue my journey independently. Don't carry guilt for prioritizing your friend," Lucas reassured her, his tone earnest yet tinged with a hint of amusement.

With an awkward chuckle, Lucas acknowledged the complexities of their relationship and the maturity that came with accepting life's uncertainties.

"No... that's not what I mean. I want to be with you and repay your kindness. Even if it's only for a lifetime, I have gained a new purpose in my life, and meeting you was part of it. Please, Lucas... No... Master, I want to be your servant."

Lucas was momentarily stunned, his ears ringing with Felicity's unexpected declaration. Her desire to serve him, to repay his kindness, caught him off guard. The notion of Felicity becoming his servant seemed unfathomable to him.

She was not only breathtakingly beautiful but also held a status far above him in every regard, hailing from the upper heavens. The disparity in their positions was undeniable.

It was Lucas who should have been the servant, not Felicity.

Speechless, Lucas stared at Felicity with a mix of surprise and disbelief, silently urging her to repeat her words.

"A servant? Are you serious? You're far too esteemed to be my servant. I can't even begin to consider myself worthy of such a title," Lucas finally managed to articulate, his voice tinged with incredulity.

"No, you are worthy," Felicity insisted, her tone resolute. "You not only healed my failing body but also possess remarkable talent in mystical arts despite your lower cultivation level. Do you realize that most practitioners proficient in mystical arts are at least in the second realm of cultivation? You are more than qualified, Lucas."

Felicity was privy to Lucas's origins, knowing he wasn't entirely of their world. However, she understood the limitations imposed by the laws of cultivation.

Moreover, Lucas held a special significance to her. During the month when she monitored his recovery, she felt a unique connection with him. Upon examining herself post-recovery, she discovered traces of unfamiliar energy, likely remnants from Lucas.

The realization of their intertwined fates added a layer of complexity to their relationship, one that Lucas struggled to fully comprehend.

"Are you certain about this?" Lucas inquired, his tone tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Despite his initial hesitance, Lucas had grown accustomed to having servants in his past world. There, people would vie for the chance to serve him. However, in this new realm with its own set of rules, Lucas felt the weight of responsibility and the need for careful consideration.

"This world is vast and different from my own. If Felicity becomes my servant, she'll be intertwined with my life and concerns," Lucas mused internally, reflecting on the implications of such a decision.

Taking a deep breath, Lucas placed his hands gently on Felicity's shoulders, drawing her attention. As he leaned in closer, Felicity tensed, her reluctance palpable.

"Why do you wish to be my servant?" Lucas questioned, a standard inquiry he posed to those seeking such a role. His response would hinge on her answer.

Felicity's response was swift yet bashful. "I want to accompany and repay you. While I may not have much to offer now, I promise to repay your kindness once you ascend to the upper heavens. Please, allow me the chance to serve you and express my gratitude," she pleaded.

Straightening up, Lucas regarded Felicity with a thoughtful gaze, acknowledging her sincerity.

"If that is truly your desire, then I won't question it further. I owe you gratitude for your guidance thus far. I've learned a great deal," Lucas acknowledged before initiating a spell, formalizing their bond into a master-servant relationship. Through this pact, Lucas would gain knowledge of Felicity's whereabouts if they were in the same realm.





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