
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · 奇幻
52 Chs

C12 - Balis bull

He stopped midair levitating while looking down he could see his daughter laughing as they high-five each other " Oh, so this is how you want to play the game, then I will play along, if I catch anyone of you, I will break a bone and you will not be able to buy any gift for eve" he said in a clear voice while laughing.

The twins' faces paled immediately because they knew that their father wasn't joking, this had been a way for their father to train them, and whenever they pulled a prank on him he would always retaliate like this.

He would always tell them to run and whosoever he caught would suffer the consequence, either getting a broken bone or beaten up half dead yes half dead, he would then heal the person up.

At first, they didn't like it and they always tried to pull pranks just to get each other in trouble, but after experiencing it more times than they could count, they started enjoying it and they started getting bold with their pranks.

From pouring water on him to trying to break his bones but they never did succeed, because of his rank being in the Expert Solar rank, the only reason they could even throw him into the sky was because of their recent breakthrough.

The girls without wasting any second started running, although they were going in the wrong direction they didn't care.

"Hey, you guys are going the wrong way, you have to go through the forest to get home before I wanted to teleport us home, but you guys had other plans,

So you guys have to run home, and whatever you do, don't go in a straight line" The forest had a name, it was called the whispering forest, it was as deadly as it could get.

One because of the dangerous mindless beast that roams the forest and two because of the constant whispering that affects people's minds, making them lost or in some cases leading them deeper into the forest.

The forest acts as a boundary between the Elf continent and the Demi-humans continent, although they are safer routes to follow if one wants to pass through the Forest, but right now the Father and daughter are already deep in the forest.

This means the girls would have to fight against powerful mindless beasts and also try not to get tricked by the whispers.

the girls ran past their father and jumped off the mountain, landing directly in front of a Grade B Knight-level mindless beast, the beast was like a minotaur, its upper body was that of a bull with little to no hair on its skin, showing it thick skin that can stop low-grade weapons.

It stood on its hind legs but instead of two hands this beast had four extremely huge hands and four eyes, it was called a Balis Bull, and it was known for its brute strength and speed "Alma that's a freaking Balis bull, and from it an aura that's a Knight level beast, I don't think we can win this fight" Cecile shouted.

Alma and Cecile got into a fighting stance, while the beast started walking towards them, the beast didn't charge blindly towards them, it started to flex its muscles, it was a way of showing its dominance towards the girls, when the bull saw that the girls weren't backing out,

Its four eyes became red and the bull immediately charged towards the girls at a great speed, faster than what they had imagined, before the bull could collide with the girl, they dodged and rolled to the side.

"That was fast, should I help them, nah let just see how they will perform" The father Elmar was watching the girls battle the Balis bull from the sky, he just stood there with one hand stroking his chin.

Back to the girls, after they dodged the Bull charge, instead of trying to fight it, they ran in different directions, they weren't stupid enough to think that they could talk the beast head-on, so they ran praying that the beast wouldn't follow after them.

After crashing into several trees, the beast finally stopped and turned around only to see the girls running away, which simply made the beast angrier


The beast was confused, not knowing who to follow, so it just ran after the one it presumed weak, the beast ran after Alma, crashing into anything it met on the way.

"Why is this stupid beast after me" Alma cried out as she continued to run, the beast was hot on her tail and she could feel it getting closer, one of the reasons why people feared the Balis bull was because of their stamina.

The Balis bull has an extremely high stamina, they can run for days without being tired, Alma on the other hand can't match up to the stamina of such a beast so she knew, she had to outsmart it.

As she continued to run Alma saw a very big tree not far away from her position and an idea came to her mind, she then changed her direction, running straight towards the tree, the bull not having high enough intelligence, did what it knew how to do best, just continue to ram into anything in it front.

The bull was getting so close to Alma, but she was already close to the tree, so instead of stopping, she ran up the tree then using the tree as a sort of Springboard she pushed herself backward performing a flip midair, as the bull rammed into the tree.

The tree didn't fall, shock violently and some whitish substance dropped from the tree, part of it got on Alma's skin, slowly melting it, moving her energy towards the melting part of her skin, but she was able to stop the melting.

The bull wasn't that lucky as most of the substance fell on its body melting its skin.


The beast roared in pain, it was dazed from the impact of the tree and was also in pain because of the acid the tree dropped on its body.

Alma had backed away from the tree after the acid dropped on her skin, thinking of what to do, her eye caught a figure running straight towards the bull and a smile appeared on her face.

The figure running towards the bull was none other than Cecile a few minutes ago she discovered that the bull had chased after her sister, and Cecile decided to just keep running not wanting to meet up with another dangerous beast.

Then she heard the beast's roar, so she wanted to check if something bad had happened, getting there she saw the beast kneeing and its body melting so she decided to take a risk,

She ran straight towards the beast, since it was already weakened and dazed she gathered all her energy into her leg and arm, she jumped over the beast, grabbing onto its horns, as her feet landed on the soft forest grass, she used the momentum to left the beast, slamming it into the ground.


A small crater was formed from the impact, Alma knowing that it would not be enough to kill the beast decided to use one of her Skills to help boast Cecile, it was a skill that drained half of her Mana anytime she used it.

[Agbara] It is a form of ancient magic that boasts one's strength, learning such magic takes time and talent, not everyone can learn it, some try from years but still fail, being a mage Alma couldn't use the skill effectively but that doesn't mean she can't transfer the effects to her sister, that was part of the perk of being a twin.

Cecile could feel the extreme increase in her strength, she was a brawler so she had brute strength and now that her strength had been increased times two, how could she not feel more confident about killing the bull?

She lifted the bull, doing a half spin she slammed the bull against the same acid tree.


The tree cracked a little and more acidic substance poured from the tree, Alma immediately cast a [shield] spell over Cecile, the acid melted the beast's thick skin more as black blood poured out of its body.

Cecile didn't stop there as she knew that the effects of the skill [Agbara] wouldn't last longer so she used [ Heavens fist] one of her Skills and continued to land punch after punch on the weakened beast and more acidic substance poured from the tree.

Alma protected Cecile from the acid, while Cecile kept punching the beast till the acid eventually melted most of its body away.


The bull gave out one last roar before it stopped moving, Cecile's hands were covered with the beast's blood, and she stopped punching when she noticed that the beast was already dead, she turned around to see Alma collapsing on the floor exhausted, she has used most of her Mana casting the ancient magic [Agbara] and still covered Cecile with her [Shield] Spell.

Cecile used her remaining strength to ripe off the beast's horns, she then used the horns to cut out the crystal located in the beast's heart, she walked towards Alma and sat beside her, she too was exhausted, she had used most of her Kai in that battle, so she needed to recover same as Alma.