A Sadistic teenager reincarnates into MHA
When I arrived behind the gym building I was quite surprised to see Katsumi standing there and naturally my expression changed only slightly. I stood in front of her towering over her small body.
"What do you want Bakugou-san?" She could probably feel the slight disdain in my voice as the atmosphere around us got even tenser. I could see her grit her teeth together by the way her mouth moved.
"I want to have a fight." I looked at Katsumi and listened to her speak to me. I see the hostility in her eyes and hear it in her voice which isn't surprising since she asked me to fight.
"An here I was thinking you were gonna confess to me." I smirk at her while I can see her eye twitch a little and the tiniest of blushes sneaking onto her cheeks.
"Who would ever have a crush on a pussy like you!" I can see her eyes basically popping out of her head in anger while she yells at me. I'll show you who's the pussy here.
I sigh. "Then where do you want to fight? It can't be here can it?"
"Right here obviously" Right as she finished speaking a big window appears in my vision.
[Taming of Katsumi Bakugou 1]
[Katsumi Bakugou has challenged you into a fight. You have to complete at least a single objective for the next quest to trigger and for the punishment to not trigger.]
[Objective 1. Defeat her in a fight.] [Reward 300 exp]
[Objective 2. Don't take damage from her attacks.] [Reward 100 exp]
[Objective 3. Brutally humiliate her.] [Reward 200 exp]
[Objective 4. Increase her submission value by at least 5 points] [Reward 300 exp]
[Punnishment] [All of your stats will be reduced by 40%]
Taming of Katsumi Bakugou? I wasn't expecting a quest like this but then again this should be very easy considering the many masochist tendencies she has on top of her crush she has on me.
The punishment feature is bad but this quest for the current me is easy. She has practically no chance to beat me in a fight.
"You can attack whenever you want." I activate my quirk and instantly form a barrier of protection around my body. My light blue eyes and my hair starts to glow as I channel move power through my quirk.
I look at Katsumi coldly waiting for her move. I want her to attack me first but she just keeps standing still in front of me. She is clearly trying to test my patience by not attacking for some unknown reason.
"Don't have to attack me if you're too scared." I taunt as I raise my hand and a pile of dry dirt rises from the ground and flies at Katsumi with considerable speed. Katsumi responds quickly with a move of her own. She crouches down and launches her hand forward toward my test attack.
Sparks crackle in her hand as an explosion consumes the dirt ball and me. I however shielded by my barriers and feel absolutely nothing. Using my sensory ability I can see Katsumi shielded by the smoke of her explosion approaching fast with another attack ready.
This is some impressive stuff. She's a lot smarter than she looks. Unfortunately, her opponent is me who can literally feel anything happening within 20 meters of me. When her head pushes through the smoke with a hand that has already charged up another explosion headed straight into my jaw.
I stare at her shocked face whilst using my telekinesis on her arm and forcing her attack to terribly miss. She somehow manages to keep her balance and jumps away from me using the momentum of her fall to her advantage.
I could just prevent her from moving using my telekinesis but that's not fun. I'd like to play with her for a bit before beating her. I look over at her panting with a bit of distance between us right now.
"Are you getting tired already? I'm barely even trying." I raise hundreds of small rocks from the ground. "Let's see if you survive this one." I launch the rocks at her at a relatively slow speed compared to what I am capable of. She tries to launch herself off the ground using her explosions but she finds her feet tangled by some roots controlled by my quirk.
The rocks start pummeling hitting her body and her grunts and squeals fill my eardrums. When the smoke fades I can see Katsumi's haggard appearance. She has a trail of blood flowing down from a cut on her forehead and her body is filled with bruises and stains from the dirty rocks.
She's trembling and breathing heavily. Her head hangs low as her fists tighten. She raises her head and looks at me with a defeated look. "You win... I surrender..."
[Katsumi Bakugou Submission +4]
My expression turns ugly which visibly startles her. I use my telekinesis and force her knees to the ground. I walk towards her and sigh as I squat in front of her. I grab her hair with my hand and pull her head right in front of me.
"What the fuck gave you the idea you could surrender?" I ask mockingly while looking at her face.
[Katsumi Bakugou Submission +2]
I look at her and she doesn't say a word back to me. I'm kinda disappointed I hoped she would be a lot tougher than this.
"Did you stop when the kids you beat up asked you to stop?" I slap her on the cheek and she whimpers.
[Katsumi Bakugou Submission+2]
"Answer me dumbass." I look her dead in the eyes and slap her again but she looks to the side not answering me. I free her legs from the control of my telekinesis and throw her to the side by her hair.
[Katsumi Bakugou Submission +1]
That makes nine submission points which are over the needed five but I want to farm a few more before ending things here. I can't go too extreme here yet. There's a chance she will report me for sexual assault or something if I go too far. I doubt she will unless I do something really serious but there's always a chance.
I sigh and start walking toward her shivering body. She is slowly trying to crawl away with the little strength she has left after the stoning I gave her. I remember her confident face when our fight began but now she's reduced to this.
I snap my fingers and her body turns over to face me. Her resistance is very weak and it takes barely any effort to keep her limbs still not like it took much to begin with she's just super weak without her quirk.
It takes me a few steps to reach her she has backed up a lot. "Where are you going? The future number one hero crawling away?" I want to see if I can make her angry but she just stays quiet while clenching her fist.
I arrive right in front of her and I once again squat down to give her the best possible chance to attack.
"Die loser!" She shouts as she slams her hands together creating a large explosion that hits me directly.
I instinctively strengthen my barriers around me as the explosion consumes me. I was sent hurling back a few dozen steps. The explosions are also much more powerful the closer you are to them and I was pretty fucking close.
I totally let my guard down and was punished for it.
"You fucking bitch... When I get my hands on you..." I grunt through my gritted teeth. I take many audible shallow breaths through my mouth.
I clench my fist tight as I create a gust of wind clearing the area of any smoke left from the explosion.
I look over to where she laid just moments ago but now I find her gone. "You ran away? Just you wait...". My expression was ugly.
My face was red from anger and I was grinding my teeth together so hard they were on the verge of cracking. I wanted to level this whole fucking place with my quirk.
I grabbed my face with one of my now bleeding hands and took a deep breath. I am acting irrationally and I hate when I let my emotions take control of me. I got cocky and overlooked the possibility of her saving strength for a surprise attack.
Next time she won't get the chance to run away and I will not drop my guard down. I decided to rest on a school bench for a while and calm my nerves and check my system after.
[You have completed Objectives]
[Objective 1. Defeat her in a fight.] [Reward 300 exp]
[Objective 4. Increase her submission value by at least 5 points] [Reward 300 exp]
[You have gained 600 exp]
[You have leveled up 3 times]
[You have gained 9 stat points to apply.]
I was not happy with my results. The rewards are nice but they could have been better if not for my stupidity.
I opened my status page and allocated my 9 stat points. I added 4 of them to my [Agility] and the rest to my [Strength]. There was no particular reason why I chose these stats other than thinking that I would like to be a bit stronger and faster.
[Name: Itsuki Midoria] [Age 15]
[Level 4] [50/250 exp]
[Stamina 342/342]
[Strength 18] [Available points 0]
[Vitality 34]
[Endurance 22]
[Agility 18]
[Charm 43]
[Quirks] [Greater Telekinesis: Mastery 55%]
[Shop] [Credits 1309]
I look at the wound on my hand. It was not caused by Katsumi's attack but by fingernails digging into my palm and drawing blood. "I should make this a reminder to not let my guard down again." I made up my mind.
I take a deep breath. I rip the wound open to stretch from the bottom of my thump to the other end of the palm. It hurt a bit but not a lot. There is something wrong with my head. Why did I think this was a good idea.
I watch the blood stain my pants a bit before I apply pressure using my quirk to prevent the blood from escaping effectively patching the wound. This is supposed to be a reminder? I sigh.
I'm doing stupid stuff again. I think I might be an insane person. Then again insane people don't know that they are insane right so I am not. I'm not sure if that's true but I don't care. Maybe I should see a therapist or something this can't be a good state of mind to be in.
If I do so I'm just gonna get a trip into a facility or something and that's not something I want to have on my record so I just headed towards my house. I feel like I am so tired of something but I just don't know what it feels weird. I have been acting weird lately for some reason and major behavioral swings.
I arrive at home and walk into my room. I just spend the rest of the day watching tv while lying in bed. I barely feel any joy from this anymore. I mean getting praises from my teachers and peers for my powerful quirk feels pretty nice.
It's a shame I haven't met anyone interesting enough to start dating. I have met sexy women but they will just be sex toys or in Katsumi's case sex slaves. I don't have any romantic feelings towards them.
Later that day I get a cake from my mother for my birthday and some money so that was a pleasant surprise. She is still very overprotective of Izuku and it's due to that I was often neglected just because Izuku needed more care taking.