
Get Along (Taehyung x Y/n)

I was chilling in mine and Jimin's room watching Fan made videos while the boys were out getting food I think.

I hear a knock on my door, I thought It was Jungkook or Jimin, "Come In" I say still looking at my phone, I hear the door open and footsteps coming near me

"Y/n" It wasn't Jungkook's or Jimin's voice, It was Taehyung's voice, "Yeah, What you want?" I say turning over to look at him.

"I got you food" Taehyung said placing my food on the table near my bed, I smile at him and hug him, "This is the only time that I actually don't hate you" I say snuggling into his chest, I pull him onto my bed and cuddle him on my bed

"Your food is going to go cold if you keep snuggling me" Taehyung said as he rested his head on top of mine, "Says you, Your snuggling me back idiot" I say as my breath hits his chest

"You wanna eat it with me?" I say sitting up on my bed, Taehyung pulls me back down and raps his legs around mine, "Sure, But first let me snuggle you for a bit because I never get to" Taehyung said smiling as I laughed trying to get out of his grip.

Taehyung let's me go and sits next to me on my bed, I pull my table closer to my bed and place all the food I got on the table

"We should do a V LIVE" I recommend looking at Taehyung, "Its not my turn" Taehyung said looking at me too, "Yeah, But its my turn" I say setting up the camera for my V LIVE

"Hello ARMY!~" I say doing a small wave to them as I saw the comments fill in

(A/n: In the next part will be the V LIVE for any of you who do wanna see it!~)